Announcement from Captain-General Del'Rosa

  • "Oy, George!"

    A female voice rises from somewhere in the crowd, the speaker too small to make out clearly in the throng.

    "Y'seem a hellova lot more sensible than tha silver spooned, doughy-arsed Senators I've seen in me time, ye'd 'ave me voice if only that voice was fer -ye- alone. None o' this heirs ta th'throne bullshit - y'tell me, if Peltarch wants a sole ruler, why can't th'city just elect a new one every oh, ten or so years eh?"

  • Eilonna looks over shifting herself on her walking stick which seems to cause her a great deal of pain yet she still holds a dominant look as she frowns at him

    I meant you sir, you are being quite the fool to mock someone because they are different from you or have a different way of life. I believe that wolf as you call him is more civilized then even you as I have yet to hear the wolf make sport or taunt of anything that has happened here. Rather he has simply given a few points of fact and moved on. If you want to find him, go look for him and talk to him yourself and quit being an ass.

    Shakes her head as she turns away from him giving him the cold shoulder clearly not approving of the man

  • The town fool, Maero Hiltold, grins a wide, toothy grin from ear to ear apon hearing Eilonna's words and laughs heartily!

    "You're right! Wasn't he -hilarious-! Best fool I've ever seen. You'd almost think he actually was that insane! Nyehahaha! Someone hunt that wolf down and get him in the Bard's College, I want to take him under my wing!"

  • Eilonna looks over to the man making sport of the Druid that had just left them and speaks where she is sure he can hear her

    Ahh good, the town fool is here, I guess now we can skip the entertainment part of the day and go back to serious buisness.

    She clearly is calling Maero the town fool and not the druid

  • The mustachioed, undeniably handsome and charming Maero Hiltold stared at the man trying to sniff George past the guards in stunned silence, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. When the druid left to the fields not waiting for anyone to reply or question whatever he just did, Maero's eyes followed until he was out of sight. He'd start pulling on peoples sleeves to get their attention and start laughing his little heart out

    "Bahahahah! What in the -hells- was THAT!? Pack alpha!? Large den!? Of all the stupid crazy shite I seen today that has gotta be the funniest! Hey, no large pets allowed in the city, whoever brought wolf-guy along! Aahahaah!"

    It was insufferable and contributed little to the discussion.

  • Rarendel steps infront of the crowd for a moment sniffing at the man like a dog would before speaking in broken common though loud enough for all to hear him

    I not care if you make pack Alpha, but if you make pack Alpha I hope you take better care of pack then previous alphas, you have pack members do with no food, no cold shelter. That is wrong. I and other druids work to fix farm growth make better for next season, if you make pack Alpha, I hope speak to you with other druids to make better plans for nature effect of large den. We help teach about effect on lands and crops and how make grow better without do so much damage. I is Rarendel, you find me in your fields if you seek. Will talk to you even if not make pack Alpha.

    That said he leaves no time for response as he turns and walks back out to the fields.

  • The well known Lathanderite priestess doesn't seem to take sides with either the senate or the king option so far, though she would confess anyone close enough to have a quiet talk with her that she is quite concerned at how some parties have already started the usual campaigns of propaganda and besmirching.

  • @cbd63d600f=Wywernywin:

    Helena chimes in from the crowd at Brumir:

    "Actually, the Endless Wastes, also known as Taan by the native horsemen, was once part of the Imaskari empire. The Imaskari, much like many of the other ancient magocracies met their end though as their power grew - and their means of getting said powers grew more and more vile.

    See, at one point a great plague struck the citizens of the Imaskari empire. They fell short on labour power, and the wizard council in their infinite wisdom decided to open up a portal to another world and bring in slave labour. These slaves are known in the cholarly circles as the proto-mulhorandi and proto-untheric cultures.

    Over quite a long time, the gods of these slave cultures heard their prayers. Gods of Mulhorandi and Untheric pantheons traveled a long way to Toril to help their devout followers.

    The gods arrived on a flying ship, and wreacked havoc on the corrupt mage-council - a blow from which the empire never recovered. The slaves took up arms against their masters, and so were born the seeds of kingdoms of Unther and Mulhorand.

    To learn more, visit the Bardic College for History Lectures!"

    "Hrmph! Dat wut dey want ye ta think! Da truth were too terrifyin'!"

  • Helena chimes in from the crowd at Brumir:

    "Actually, the Endless Wastes, also known as Taan by the native horsemen, was once part of the Imaskari empire. The Imaskari, much like many of the other ancient magocracies met their end though as their power grew - and their means of getting said powers grew more and more vile.

    See, at one point a great plague struck the citizens of the Imaskari empire. They fell short on labour power, and the wizard council in their infinite wisdom decided to open up a portal to another world and bring in slave labour. These slaves are known in the cholarly circles as the proto-mulhorandi and proto-untheric cultures.

    Over quite a long time, the gods of these slave cultures heard their prayers. Gods of Mulhorandi and Untheric pantheons traveled a long way to Toril to help their devout followers.

    The gods arrived on a flying ship, and wreacked havoc on the corrupt mage-council - a blow from which the empire never recovered. The slaves took up arms against their masters, and so were born the seeds of kingdoms of Unther and Mulhorand.

    To learn more, visit the Bardic College for History Lectures!"

  • Eilonna nods in seemingly full agreement with Brumir

    Aye, an ye never know when she will arrive!

  • After spending several hours in the Mermaid, Brumir comes out looking like he's had more than a few drinks. He approaches the crowd and speaks

    _"Look at all ye folks bitchin' an' moanin' 'bout dis shite! Sum o ye bitchin' 'bout da Senate, sum o ye bitchin' 'bout da king here, an' sum o ye looks at Aelthas just standin' 'round in girly armor! Ye think all dis shite is relevant compared ta Gralin's mum!? It won't matter iffn' ye have a Senate er a king cause she'll eat dem all da same!

    Ah bet sum o ye thinkin' ah makin' dis up! Ye ever hear o da region o Faerun called da Endless Wastes? It were nay always like dat! It were once a vast an' mighty kingdom dat had an army o millions! But one day Gralin's mum got hungry an' ate it all! Den just like dat, it were da Endless Wastes! Every time Gralin's mum passes gas, a hin village gets obliterated! O course her appetite is only matched by her sexual desires! She nay always eats men right away, sumtimes she forces dem ta put babies in her belly, den she eats dem! Ah tell ye, Gralin's pappy be da bravest kin ta ever live goin' ta bed wit dat! Dey call him ole' Pancake Thighs since Gralin's mum were da one on top!

    So ye all go 'head an' continue pissin' an' moanin' 'bout yer next leader, but remember - when it comes ta Gralin's mum dere is nay good er evil, nay law er chaos, nay holy er unholy, nay natural er unnatural, nay moral er immortal - dere is only wut she has eaten, an' wut she has yet ta eat!

    Now iffn' ye'll excuse me, ah need ta go back ta Aura Runedar an' put sum water in Rary's mum's bowl. Moradin guard ye."_

    Brumir wobbles off towards the docks

  • George nods at Marty

    "It is true there will be some upset people in Norwick. Mainly the flour merchants. Think on it for a while, though. With the current coldsnap, the productivity on the fields is low.

    The Norwickians need their food, so the trade will automatically slow down, while the prices increase. This will leave the importers in our city with the alternative option, Hoarsgate, which has been used previously when trade with south has been compromised. Do we want to pad the pockets of Vaster?

    If you recall my earlier answer, I spoke of 'reducing dependency'. Trade with Norwick is a good thing. Dependency is not.

    As for the coldsnap, that is another matter that needs to be solved, much like other dangers threatening our time from time to time. I intend a system of Crown Bounties, used against plots that make our city vulnerable. Adventurers are a resource that should not be ignored."

  • Legion

    So when you say that your "first order of business" will be to move toward reduced trade with "the south", how do you think Norwick will feel about that?

    ((edited because of quote fail))

  • Eilonna smiles warmly to him in a friendly manner as she speaks calmly

    While I don't speak of hostility's between us, there has been a great deal of distance between Peltarch and Norwick, something during the Gnoll war I sought to fix and bring unification back. Something I would hope to see continued as I believe both Peltarch and Norwick could benefit one another.

  • George looks oddly at Eilonna

    "Damaged? Neither me, nor any of my friends have anything against Norwickians. Their chief apparently even fought as our ally in the war. What is this 'damaged relations' you speak of?"

    Most commoners lift their eyebrows, never having heard of damaged relations. The merchants nod at George's words for they do weekly trade with Norwick.

  • Yana moves quietly through the crowd, guard badge visible, making it a point to be in close proximity to the more "passionate" hecklers in the audience. She briefly shadows Cormac as he exits the city before returning to the crowd. She makes no effort to be stealthy in this process.

  • Eilonna shakes her head turning back to George waiting for him to answer her question calmly

  • Heorge simply surveys the crowd calmly, as there are no non-rhetoric questions being asked. The defenders near the rant stand grab their halberds tighter as the barbarian start acting dangerously.

  • Bael nods to the Half Orc as he now keeps beside the man for his protection watching the crowd cautiously

  • Watching Cormac leave, the half-orc returns to his station without a word.