Announcement from Captain-General Del'Rosa

  • An adorable gnome in pink and purple runs to the stand, ignoring all guards who undoubtedly would try to keep her back and hugs Del'Rosa. Assuming she didn't get shot on sight, she addresses the people

    Guys, seriously. Let's think this over. We already had Cyriscist douchebags running the show. They didn't need all this. Besides, why so much hating on kings? If Peltarch only had one, and that one gave up the throne, why do you think kings are so bad? We have so many examples in history of good kings who did nothing more than make their lands thrive, so many tales of princes and princesses that take our breath away. Why do we distrust things just because they're not what we're used to? If no gnome ever decided to take chances and invent things, we'd never have such wonders as the GPS, or the Blunderbuss or… or... Pie! I'm not saying this guy will be a good king, I don't even know him, but let's not hate on the concept just yet, 'kay? That said, I like it here, and I'm not about to hand over the city to just anyone. Soooooo... Georgie, tell me, if you get made king, what's the first order of business?

  • The elf replies.

    _"Applicable to that age and time!" Foolishness to say that! Always has the yoke of tyranny sought to undermine the rights of the people, 200 years ago and the same today! Who are you to claim a yoke over us? By blood? If that is so, I daresay mine is greater, for having bled for the city!

    By whose right does your blood mean more than that which was shed for this city, among those in my hearing? Your "supposed" forefather relinquished any trace of that claim!_

  • Aelthas stands quietly beside Lycka, he seems to have no questions as he's too busy trying to keep their youngest son Zoma close by while the child excitedly talks and tries to drag Aelthas off to see snowman that came to life last night.

  • George nods at Martouscha

    "I did consider that, and consider I did for a long time. However, what Tidus once decided was applicaple to that age and time. He had the guts to call for change, because he felt it was better at the time. I'd like to believe that it's what I, too, am doing."

    He then frowns slightly, and seems even a bit offended

    "Besides, I'd like to consider myself a son of Peltarch as well. At least I have though I was one for the past seventy years."

  • Lycka's voice is raised again at Marty's hollering, calm but clearly audible above the din:

    "The sons and daughters of the Jewel have rioted, being so dissatisfied with their Senate… you would think they would at least listen to a possible alternative."

    She then turns her light blue eyes to George, as though appraising him carefully and with genuine appreciation for his response, nodding lightly.

  • George replies to the questions addressed to him, but ignored the shouters that don't ask a question. He turns to Lycka.

    "A fair question, madam. At first, I did not want it. But after considering a while.. this city has given me most happiest times of my life. It is my home. Always has been, always will be.

    I'm old enough to have seen many senators come and go. The last senator I trusted to act on behalf of the people was Mariston. Mariston and Ronan. The rest have been failures one after the other. Some vanish into obscurity after the vote. Others attack people because they can. Some merely work for their own benefit.

    I want to be a king, because I want to make things better. Not just for merchants and nobles, but for normal people like me."

  • Legion


    I am sure you have many questions. Please. Feel free to ask. "

    *Marty calls out from the balcony in front of Star Gazers. Her voice seems very loud for someone of her size. "

    **Yeah I've got a question for you GEORGE!

    Why don't you show some RESPECT for your FATHER TIDUS and DO AS HE DID?! Let your Father's crown remain where it is - AND WHERE IT BELONGS - on the brow of the SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE JEWEL!**

  • A voice raises from the crowd

    Even if I voted for a king, I'd also want to vote WHO will be the king, not having it imposed. With all the Cyricists around, it could be another decoy as far as I know. Captain DelRosa could be another puppet too!

    And why would our - he switches to an ironic tone - most esteemed General announce his own vote like this? He speaks of guilds manipulating votes in the past, and he's the one manipulating this poll already, coming here in hand with ~his~ king.

    By the way, wasn't DelRosa just a captain, that conveniently took control of the army when the fair General Neverith was murdered by Cyricists, and conveniently took control of the city when some more Cyricists put up a show with puppet senators and demons being summoned inside our walls? No, that's not fishy at all!

    This is all bullshit!

  • A female voice is raised soon after, clear as a bell, the woman in question soon recognizable as Lycka:

    "The people's will shall decide our future. No one's fooled, shackled or yoked for there being a new option available. There WILL be a vote - that's the promise given and the promise that will be upheld.

    I for one would make my vote an informed one - and so I ask of George:

    Why do you want to be king?"

  • An elf calls from the crowd.

    _"Apartheid! You call a Census to trick us into finding a king? This was not done in previous years! And now, how many will you disenfranchise? A yoke you wish to put on the backs of the people! And nothing more!

    Who is this Charlatan that deems himself above the will of the people?"_

  • General Del'Rosa makes his way to the rant stand, followed by a group of Peltarch's finest soldiers. He glances at the people of Peltarch, and a smile comes to his face. It's obvious the war has been taxing on him - indeed some might spot a grey hair or two. Nevertheless, his charismatic and peacful presence remains.

    "People of Peltarch. It pleases me to see you alive and well. The war against gnolls was a success, and I declare it finally over. The pass is free to travel once more!"

    Cheers come from the crowd, from both peasants and merchants alike. The few nobles remain quiet on the background, nodding to themselves.

    "Now, as I promised, there WILL be a vote. However, we are at a crossroads when it comes to our government. The last few senates have been utter failures. There must be a better option than that. Some form of government that can rule with less bureucracy, and make decisions when they must be made.

    As some of you already might be aware, during the census we had Siamorphean priests looking for noble lineage among those leaving their census form. There was a reason for this.

    You see, we've come to learn that the legendary King Tidus did indeed have a son. What's more, that lineage has continued till our days.

    For that reason, I call a vote in the city. The vote shall decide our future. We can continue with a cumbersome, yet familiar option of senate. Or we can vote to instate monarchy, like our neighbours in Damara. The choice is yours, people of Peltarch.

    As this is the most important vote this city has seen in centuries, I have taken precautions to protect us against fraudulent votes. In the past, guilds have moved in large amounts of people at the day of the vote, to change the result in their favor. This will no longer happen.

    Only those who partook in the Census, and thus gave their information for taxation purposes have the right to vote. Those who try to avoid paying for the prosperity of Peltarch deserve not to choose Her fate."

    Del'Rosa gives a look at someone in the group of nobles.

    "Personally, I've decided my stance. I've spent months discerning the personality of the possible heir. I truely believe he would be a wise, peaceful ruler for our fair city. With his experience, we would be lead to a better future. My vote shall go for Monarchy."

    Some of the soldiers nod, already decided in their stance after that.

    "Now, without further ado, may I present to you.. the candidate for the Throne of Peltarch!"

    Del'Rosa lifts up his hand, and an old man appears on the stage with a defender priestess, dressed in well made but rather common formal garb. He looks at the audience, and it's obvious he's not used to such large audiences. Still, those looking can't fail to notice the wisened look in his old eyes. He seems he could well be your loved granfather. He speaks briefly with a firm voice.

    "I am George of Peltarch. The revelation about my lineage comes to me as big as a surprise as it came to you. Should you choose me, I promise to put the city and it's people before my own benefit, and lead you to a peaceful tomorrrow. I am sure you have many questions. Please. Feel free to ask."

  • Legion


    Long live the Jewel!

    in her best "Lavindo" voice