Peltarch - Plot Finale
Saturdays are good
What does availability look like for Saturday, May 17th, from 11am EDT on?
Brief reminder - I'm at work now, so hating my life rather than running this event.
And of course, it turns out I may work this Sunday as well. Hate. My. Life.
Firstly, May the fourth be with you all who attend.
Secondly, any way we could do it later? That'll be 7am my time if I've done my math correctly.
Sunday mornings are not generally possible for me. Also, it's concert season and I have one that afternoon, so Shesarai will have to miss this event.
So long as its a weekend and not too late at night, I can work around most things to be there.
Willow is in!
I really can't plan much myself these days Narf-wise and my playtime is very limited due to a series of factors. I'd hate to sign up just to not be able to show up like last time. If the time that works for everyone else coincidentially works for me and there is room for one more, I'll fill. And if not, I'll wish you all the best.
If my timetranslation is correct, I'd be able to participate indeed (yay for afternoon events:))
Sundays are pretty much always impossible for me. Why not a Saturday?
I think I'll be around, but May is always a chaotic month for me, so I can't make any promises.