PC Deity and Alignment poll
Scroll to the bottom for instructions.
Hey folks. We're putting together a catalogue of PC alignments and deities. By collecting this information, the DM team will be better able to stimulate underplayed faiths, bring sizeable, but disjointed faiths together at their discretion, or even run faith-based plots with better precision and organization. Overall, keeping track of these kinds of demographics is extremely helpful for the staff.
Every player, DM, and member of the PG staff is invited to send me a PM with their PCs' deities and/or alignments. If you feel that you don't play a PC frequently enough for him or her to count, please mention this.
I'm collecting this information as a Player Lead, so on scout's honor I won't reveal any private information you send in to anybody except the DM team. The team will discuss whether we will publicize statistics (the demographics only, we will never give out names - so secret evils and worshipers of Urdlen, have no fear!). If you feel you cannot trust me, please send the information to Vashpsycho. He'll remove the names and redirect the information to me, since I'm doing the work of cataloguing and compiling everything.
How to submit your deity/alignment
Send either Syiedthebard or Vashpsycho a PM with the following information:
PM Title: Deity and Alignment pollCharacter name #1 - God - Alignment
Character #2 - God - Alignment
Narfell Staff
Not this time, suckers.