Cirden Ev'Riana, Bon Shaman, Snake Spirit Protector.
Animal Sacrifice.
I hate to kill animals but i had to.
Their blood gives energy to survive.
In harsh Oscuran conditions it is neccessary.
If i am to protect Snake Spirit from being overwhelmed by Oscuran local forces, i had to draw blood from him and his minions, rock snakes.
– Cirden Ev'Riana, Servant Druid of Fenmarel Mestarine and Bon Shaman, Snake Spirit Protector.
P.S. Later i did venture into kobold swamps near Peltarch to kill these creatures and offer their energy to Snake Spirit. We did succeed.
Goals (might be updated).
1. Find Chalice of Yuirwood.
2. Protect Snake Spirit of Oscura.
3. Complete Bard Training, and not only basics (Yarting, Poetry, Dance, Song, Mime, Acting, Stage Magics).
4. Small Tribute to Godess of Wealth, Waukeen.
5. Learn 'Charm Person', 'Mage Armour', 'Identify', 'Cat's Grace' and 'Eagle's Splendor' Bard's Spells.
6. Get item enchanted thanks to which 2nd circle bard spells can be cast.(in this order of priority).
Deal with Totem Spirit.
They say Spirit tolerates no mistakes or errors.
They say well, for Spirit's strength rises with Shaman's.
Every deal has to be worded carefully, and words heeded and upheld.
Spirits can offer wisdom and power, as well as help and aid.
They can fight or heal, grant and enhance abilities or teach how to cast spells.
They can be summoned or appeased if you can see them and talk.
There is spirit world parallel to ours.
Spirits have their personality and agenda that need to be adressed.
As well as favourite sacrifices that they require for their help.
My Totem Spirit - the one i have most favourable relations with - is Snake Spirit that avoids combat and heals - so he needs me to protect - his territory and offspring.
Still he's happy if i win a fight, for this is not a mistake at all.
When i offer blood and energy to him, he grows stronger, but not only by that.
– Cirden, snake spirit shaman.
Tanning Hides.
After sacrifice and fight for Snake Spirit i had meats and hides of various animals, for not only kobolds were slain.
Being nature person, i cannot waste such - neither Fenmarel Mestarine nor Animal Totem Spirits would forgive.
I've sold shiny gems from previous ventures, bought oil and tanning materials, attempted crafting but failed this time.
I managed to cook food succesfully at least.
Bought more tanning materials while i had shinies - for future attempts.
– Cirden, shaman and druid.