Ser'khal the Necromancer
From the Peltarch Rumor's thread@52d928fd62:
Word spreads of an undead army rising, being possibly lead by a necromancer by the name of ser'khal. the location was said to be past old jiyyd, near the fortress of ormpur.
((Event tormorrow Friday at 12am my time, which would be 31h and a half from the time of this post. If there's not enough people, same time on Saturday will happen.
1. Jason
2. Salin
3. Shallyah
4. Andrew
5. (Diadne)
6. Sirion
7. Kess
8. Alisa
9. Elena
(PM sent for Diadne)
The Wish Gem is something IC, and so, the Wish has to be IC as well.
If the wish doesn't have to be for just our character, I'd wish she had her C-Token back too.
Been really helpful to me and everyone else.
i wish vic got her c token back. >.> i mean, i wish i could morph(enchant) the magics of my armor, while keeping the light weight.
If you have a Wish Gem, phrase your wish in this thread so I can keep track. Just a line.
1. Victoria
2. Shallyah
3. Sirion
4. Alisa
5. Diadne
6. Salin
7. Andrew((ill update this post as you go))
The time is now.
Thank you!
6pm EDT
Okay sorry but im totally lost…..what time is this EST?
That saying, 12 AM (or 00), is UTC/GMT +1 to us in the US at -4 through -7, so
GMT 2300
GMT +1 0000EDT- 07 PM
CDT- 06 PM
MDT- 05 PM
PDT- 04 PMUnless I'm completely and utterly wrong.
They're both on day light saving time, so US eastern becomes GMT -4, and GMT +1 becomes GMT +2. Six hours difference between Spain and New York.
World Clock is your friend
That saying, 12 AM (or 00), is UTC/GMT +1 to us in the US at -4 through -7, so
GMT 2300
GMT +2 0000EDT- 06 PM
CDT- 05 PM
MDT- 04 PM
PDT- 03 PMUnless I'm completely and utterly wrong.
Edit to fix for DST~Nok
Both NA and Europe being in daylight savings, the difference should remain 6 hours between EST and CEST. So midnight CEST should be 6 PM EST.
I'll give a go to that time, though I don't pormise being awake for the end of it.
GMT +1, usualy. But with daylight saving or whatever…. maybe GMT +2
What timezone are you in, Gonnar?
Event time updated in OP.
Well, to be fair, 12am my time is the latest I'm willing to start. And I'm GMT +1 ((Though with daylight savings I always make a mess)).
Just plan on starting on a day/time that's good for you, and don't make my availability an issue. Due to family and work, my playing time is extremely limited. With the caliber of the folks signing up, I don't think Diadne's presence would make much difference in the grand scheme of things anyway.
Perhaps I can pop in a little late, if permitted.
i'll try to make it, will bring elena along for the ride if i do.
Well, to be fair, 12am my time is the latest I'm willing to start. And I'm GMT +1 ((Though with daylight savings I always make a mess)).
Alisa perks her energetic little ears up and offers her bow, as long as nobody minds a few blessings from Lurue here and there.
(Available anytime CST Fri OR sat, don't really mind which..will try to remember it!)