Journal of Locrian Dalharess

  • Player: destinysdesire
    Char: Locrian Dalharess

    Many pages are missing from this old leather bound journal, signs show that they were ripped out in haste and not likely by a friendly hand. The first page begins halfway through the book yet so many are missing leaving one to wonder what was once written within its many missing pages.

    My nameā€¦for what the captain of this vessel tells me is Locrian Dalharess. He refuses to tell me from what port we departed and only that I will never be permitted back. I awoke in the medical chamber three days ago. I had apparently suffered rather serious wounds and am suffering massive amnesia from which he told me he doesn't expect me to recover. I suspect it was made that way, either by him or another. He speaks of a small land port we will be pulling into then from there a caravan to a small barbaric wasteland called Norwick. He "advises" me to go there and never return.

    I wonder what this land will bring for me and why they would cast me out here. I can only hope for some luck and pray that what ever happened does not follow me to this strange land. My biggest concern is weather or not Locrian is actually even my name, or just something the captain thought up on the spur of the moment. For now I shall make due and pray for the best. All I have with me are some minor leathers, a bit of food, some medicine and a holy symbol to Sheverash, yet for that being elven, I can't seem to recall or even speak a single word of it. Strange...

    (( To be continued in tales by the fire! ))


  • Legion

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