December Narfell Meetup at Lucid's!
Lucid, do we get to watch FDR killing werewolves again, because that'd totally make it worth it
Donny, suddenly the facebook invite coming 6 months early makes sense and doesn't make me wonder if you somehow got bonked on the head and forgot what time of the year it was.
(holy crap, I just realized how sad it is that I've not been active on here for years and I've still got the 5th most posts -.-)
Unless someone wants to pick me up on their way through Atlanta, I'll join you guys on webcam.
we'll put up another web cam this year for you this year Gonnar!
I wouldn't mind going to this buuuuutttt im way over on the west side of Canada so . . its a long drive…and a couple months after my surgery so im not sure ill be allowed to travel lol well see.
Hey MexicanCookie, wanna swing into the Mitten and pick me up?
Somebody swing by Austin, TX and pick up Jerrick and myself. Plzkthxbai
This time you better put on your webcam , Lucid, so I can chat with you all a bit and get to see you…. Or I'll have to go very very badass against you. :twisted: :twisted:
rubs chin Hmmm… it may be time for epic road trip again...
We're actually making it the weekend after Christmas Dec 27-29…sorry! It's the best weekend for Lucid and since he's got the pad he makes the rules!
I think, depending on when, I can handle a whole hour drive.
Why you all live so far away?
Hi Dondiah,
I live relatively nearby and could make an event in Maryland. But I will be away with my family the weekend after Christmas. Let me know the dates you chose and I will try to be there.