Whispers at the Fire

  • A tall and skinny young woman in a rusty chain limps past the guards from the south, then pauses, swivelling around to comment:

    "They kicked me in the SHIN, ok? Some of them even bit me! There was a whole gaggle of them, just a stone's throw from the gates, so you guys might want to, I don't know, ask for extra shin-guards or something, from your boss."

  • The Guards of Norwick warn the citizens and passing adventures not to go near the bear cave in the Goblin areas. According to the rumour the new bear living in the cave has proved out to be quite terratorial, and is guarding the cave's entrance.

  • *Outside the Crafters Union, a sturdy wagon is loaded with lumber and large rocks.

    Once it's fully loaded, the crafter known simply as "Z" climbs aboard and heads north.*

  • Pushing a barrel filled with earth, sod, and a shovel, Albry makes her way to the fairgrounds…

  • As of late, there seems to be more commotion and noise coming from the Norwick Crafting Hall.

  • Coming across said holes during her morning jog, Albry ambles to the Grapevine and inquires of the patrons if they know who or what dug the holes, and why.

  • The Norwick fairgrounds are full of holes - one or two appearing dug by shovel, but most looking like the result of some mad burrowing beast…

  • Legion Captian Romulus was seen entering the Grapevine in the company of a red-haired woman dressed in Romani garb. He was overheard by one of the stewards renting a room for her, and telling her not to try hunting alone as it was too dangerous.

    "Is that his wife?" someone asked. "No. His sister!" came the answer.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

  • Beourn Battlemail, accompanied by several of his kin, make their way from the Hold to the Union hall. Two of the dwarves carry a wooden chest between them. Beourn punches the key into the Union hall lock and turns it. He pushes the doors open, waits for his kin to enter, then follows and shuts the doors behind him.

  • _Sirion spins a tale of loss.

    "It's a specter of person who died under a terrible strain. It happened during one of the wars. They feel betrayed by Norwick…whether or not Norwick actually did anything to deserve such treatment cannot be said. Spirits tied by strong emotion ignore anything that might disrupt their narrative, because to them that is the only thing that allows them to be."

    "However, I am absolutely certain whoever they are they lost their family. War, murder, betrayal...father, daughter, wife...one can never be certain of everything. But I know loss when I see it."_

  • A large group of adventurers was seen clustering near the South Gate during a recent night. The moaning ghost or spirit that first was heard a few days earlier returned vowing revenge on all Norwickians. The powerful clerics Raryldor, Theaon Thorn, and Talindra; and the elf mage Sirion attempted to deal with it. None, apparently were successful. The spirit seemed imune to most types of weapons or magic, and could only be hurt by powerful divine magic. It also cast mind-affecting spells and its cursed song assailed the ears of all listeners. It killed a Norwick Militia Guard. When it disappeared, it vowed to return and exact its revenge on each person individually.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters; Romulus Grey: Bard, the bowman.
    Trotter: Spooky halfling ranger.

  • Council of Moradin

    Gralin can be found at the South gate fire, telling anyone who will listen his story

    So lads, I was warmin' me hands by the fire when I heard the worst kind of moan.. nae like anything I heard afore. shivers

    I poked me head out the gates to take a look and found meself face to face with..some kind of spirit. It nae answered me calls, but didn' attack either. It just..floated there. It howled a right awful sound and the strength of me arms fled, but didn' attack. frowns, and strokes his beard

    I started thinkin' with me axe an' took a swing at it, didn' know what else te do! But it just gave another howl and fled south, into the Rawlins. I heard goblin screams, but didn' see a sign of it after.

    I don' care if ye believe me, but be careful out there aye? There is more'n goblins in these woods.

    he nods at that and stokes the fire with a frown

  • The goblin numbers seem to be decreasing around the lake, many of the bodies found are riddled with arrows.

  • During his varied trips through the town, Rasuil can be heard warning guard and traveler alike of small groups of blistered goblins encountered south east within the Rawlins. He advises any who encounter such a goblin to take extreme caution, noting their tenacity and skill in combat despite their size.

  • A black panther has occasionally sat outside the south gate of Norwick. It hasn't approached anybody nor has it allowed itself to be approached, however it probably looks familiar to veteran adventurers.

  • A dwarf is seen in the Crafting Hall, speaking to the Leather-master about an order for a new Black leather jacket with a "Dreaded Overlord" patch on the back.

  • Rumor is that a Red Dragon has been sighted in the Rawlins, it seems to fly low, around the Tower at the lake and also standing protectively at the bridge that leads to the Tower's Isle, targeting and scaring off specificaly goblin-kind who use to roam the place.
    What's a Red Dragon doing there? Did the Witch of the tower manage to enslave one, or did the Dragon claim the tower as his? Why isn't it attacking travelers?
    All these questions seem to have no clear answer, but whenever a group of adventurers seem to get close enough, the dragon just flies off

  • Eilonna states she only is curious as to the mans well being. That she was aiding the guard and nothing more and as much as she may dislike the goblins presence in town, she was looking out for its well being. Also stating that all she advised was for the goblin to be looked into as it was claiming Dwin as a Dreaded Overlord.

  • @1347cb084e=destinysdesire1:

    Eilonna is seen speaking with the Harold and a few others of power in the city on the views of slavery with this goblin and asking how Dwin got the title Dreaded Overlord? From there she suggests the goblin be questioned before Dwin is permitted anywhere near the creature to find out if this is actually slavery or something else

    Answers given is that the militia is well aware of these facts, that cannot be mistaken with slavery, and due to reasons that cannot go public, the goblin was allowed in the city.

    It is also pointed out that someone that wishes to work as a scout of the Great Realm of Norwick SHOULDN'T jump into conlcusions and advise for actions that can jeopardize someone's image.

    It is finally remembered that it is a scout's job to gather information so that decisions can be made.

  • Eilonna is seen speaking with the Harold and a few others of power in the city on the views of slavery with this goblin and asking how Dwin got the title Dreaded Overlord? From there she suggests the goblin be questioned before Dwin is permitted anywhere near the creature to find out if this is actually slavery or something else