To master the Sword.

  • (Robyn will take Eilonna out to the Peltarch fairgrounds three mornings a week for training. She'll cover basic sword skills, grip and stance. She focuses on defense first, before covering attacks)

  • Even learning to use it for now would be a great start, better then I am doing currently.

  • I can teach you t'use it. You'll get better at it. But for masterin' it, y'need a specialist, an' I been focused my 'ntire life on rapier.

    Up t'you.

  • I wish to master the longsword, im good with a bow naturally but in close combat I need better. I have been practicing but I would prefer to learn from someone that already knows what their doing so I don't hurt myself or someone else in the process.

  • 'fore we begin, I need t'know what your desires 'n expectations of yourself are. If'n y'just want t'learn t'use a sword, I'll be as good a teacher as any.

    If'n y'want to learn t'fence, that's a different set o'skills. One requires strength, and th'other finesse. It's what I know best, but I'll teach ya either.

  • Looks to her with great interest and a smile

    It would be a great honor Robyn, I am ready to start when ever you are!

  • (Robyn pauses, a look of epiphany in her eyes. Before you have a chance to continue, she says…)

    I'll teach you.

  • Her head instantly lowers as she hears the news clearly heartbroken at the loss yet a sense of determination as well

    He believed I could master the sword….I wont let him down now. If anything I have even more reason to succeed! Thank you for telling me and my condolences to your loss Robyn.

  • (Robyn's face changes from curiosity to a pained expression tinged with guilt. She pauses at length before speaking)

    I'm sorry. He's gone. He gave his life for me and two others, an act I will always remember but can never repay.

  • She would ask Robyn to come sit and talk with her in private and when they got to the mermaid she sits and speaks softly

    You remember the Longsword Raryldor gave me? Well… was to be used in an offering to Corellon before Anelundil would train me in the skills of the blade. The people of Norwick have told me something has befallen him but not he alright?

    She again proceeds to look at the glimmering hilt of the blade on her hip then back to Robyn with a hopeful expression

  • (Robyn is pretty easy to find. You track her down coming out of the Bard College back to the Mermaid one afternoon)

    Somethin' I can 'elp you with miss?

    (She speaks in a south Dale accent)

  • recognizing the description she rushes right to the mermaid and hunts for Robyn using her skills in tracking as well as speaking to others to try and find Robyn

  • (A description of Robyn is given by the locals. Human woman, medium to tall, auburn colored hair, dressed in black cloth or black and white leathers. It is said she is staying at the Dancing Mermaid in the city of Peltarch. Seen recently with Raryldor in the docks district.)

  • Eyes widen at that instantly looking very nervous and worried and sets out seeking Robyn to ask after him searching any settlement that might have seen her and asking the people till someone can point her out

  • With the time that has passed since Eilonna last spoke to Anelundil, things have changed. The place where they last met… the swordmaster cannot be found. When she asks around Norwick, none have seen him in quite some time. One though, in the inn of the Grapevine, smiles sadly and bids Eilonna seek out Robyn, to ask what happened of Anelundil. It seems the two were acquainted...

  • She returns some months later to find him and but finds him not there and begins hunting around

  • Slowly nods sheathing the blade as she seems to consider…then realizes she knows of no smith what so ever

    I fear the task ahead of me will be a very difficult one indeed….I only know of two elves in the land, that being you and Elessar, and Elessar is a wood crafter. Might you know of any I might find?

  • Not any blade will suffice; the weapon you carry, unskilled and untested, will not do.

    Seek out an elven mastercrafter, that you may ask them to craft a blade for you. I did not say such would be easy. Nothing worth learning ever is.

    But consider, young learner, that there is much to be learned in the seeking.

  • Pulls her own sword from its scabbard offering it forward

    I would offer my own blade, I have had it a very long while and to make such an offering to Corellon and the Seldarine would be a pleasure and honor.

  • Anelundil smiles a little.

    Distance and time are not issues, no. Such would be a worthy offering to the Seldarine, and should Eilonna secure such an item and offer it to the Seldarine, I would be more than pleased to teach her what I can.