The clash of metal

  • Though he could've said that he knows no fear, and that'd been true as a paladin he is, Charles prefered to remain silent and let Shallyah speak, after she's done explaining, he nods, understanding that fear is not the only emotion that can make one lose a battle

    I have no further questions.

  • ::The warrioress nodded::

    You will feel fear, rage, sometimes euphoria, and others utter depression. You only must not allow them to dictate your actions in battleground. In your personal life, go ahead. Get drunk, get into bar fight, or laugh your heart off for entertainment's sake. I choose not to, but that is only my choice.

    However, in battleground, warrior fights for things greater than herself, for innocet lives, for ideals like peace or freedom. You must not allow your own feelings to hinder your ability to perform in top conditions. Countries are won and lost to morale of their armies. Control your morale, and you will have taken decisive step towards victory. Do not think of becoming cold, or emotionless. If you wish be in heat, be passionate, scream as you fight. But keep your mind sharp at all times, let serenity and good judgement guide your actions.

    Now there are magical effects that cause you to lose control over your actions, no matter what. That is diferent matter, for we can all be victims of it, no matter how hard our mind is trained. Though increasing your resilience against those is hard, it is still possible. But forget magical emotions for now. Focus on mundane ones.

    You control your body only when you control your mind. In battle, your emotions will often be inspired by your foes, such as fear, terror or despair. Other times they will be inspired by our own flawed nature or by loss itself. Anguish, rage, bloodlust, thirst for vengeance. If you let them control you, then you are not yourself anymore, you become chaotic, unreliable animal serving primal instincts and no cause. You would not put lives of those you love, those you wish to protect into hands of afraid, terrorized animal. Or in hands of raging, bloodthirsty one.

    ::She looked at Jake, as she waited for his response::

  • Jake turns to Charles a flashy moment before he addresses to Shallyah after she finished

    Yes,yes.Only one.How can we train our minds to not give in to fear or rage,but mostly fear?Is there a person in whole Faerun that does not know fear?

  • ::Shallyah looked at them in the eyes, one by one::

    As you have returned, I understand that you have given this enough thought, and you have decided that this is what you wish to do. We will begin shaping your body and your mind, and turning you into weapon wielded by your cause.

    This is not to say that you do not have power to decide - you have plenty, and this is both good and dangerous. When warrior forgets what she fights for, when she strays from path, when she gives into emotions that cloud her judgement, it is not warrior's cause that wields warrior. It is then that all your training, your skill, your lethality turn against what you are, what you have become, and what you aim to be.

    Warrior can only be true if she knows what she fights for at every step, and follows her path without falter. If her mind is sharp and clear, if she does not give in to pain or despair, into fear or rage.

    I know that you two expect me to teach you some moves and some fighting techniques, and we'll get to that in due time. But that is not what makes one better warrior. That only makes you better fighter.

    Any questions so far?

    ::She looked at them again, waiting::

  • An hour later almost,Jake arrives to the training ground as well.Whistling and swinging a dagger,he can be heard before he can be seen.He stands a few meters away from where Charles practices,watching with a grin

    Ahh,that's what i call the morning warm up!

  • After 10 days have passed, Charles is on his way to the fairgrounds. He's tapping his fingers on the hilt of the sword with a smile on his face and when he crosses the fence into the grounds he unseathes it with a smooth movement, twirling it by the hilt and approaching some dummies.
    It's still one hour until the class starts, but he has come to practice with some dummies first.

  • ::Shallyah paused for a few moments, then nodded::

    Because only alternative is running, giving up on all we know and earn, bending to those who would take all that we have, and rule our lives in slavery, or destroy us at whim.

    Because chaos and evil are agressive forces, conflict is inevitable, and someone has to take stand and protect that which is worth protecting. Because those who wish only to live in peace, deserve to live in peace.

    Now, knowing that conflict is inevitable, warriors must exist so that those conflicts are resolved in favour of that cause which we fight for. It is only logical that as only blacksmith can smith best, and only painter can paint best, only warrior can war best.

    You wish to be warriors, not because of bloodlust, not because of zeal or greed, not because of glory and not because of need for conquer. You wish to be warriors because you have to, because there has to be warriors, and you are willing to take this path to excell in it, and through it fight for worthy ideals. I know this, and this is why I accepted to instruct you. But I needed you to realize yourselves and keep it in mind every day of your life. This is your first, and most important lesson.

    When you are done with my instruction, you will wield power to decide when someone's life should end. You must use it wisely, for it will wear you down with burden. You must keep in mind that it is never about how many lives you take, it is about how many lives you preserve.

    I want you two to reflect upon this. Mull and mill what I have told you and let your very beings absorb it fully, every word of it. At times, in heat of battle, our mind does not function normally, and our instincts and subconscious dictate our actions. I need this seed we have planted today to root deep within you, and grow within so that you never lack determination to defy your foes, but never lack serenity to still your hand when it's time to do so.

    Go now, and return next tenday for next lesson. Your other task remains. Wield your weapons at all times, with exception of when doing so you would be breaking any laws.

    ::The ashen haired warrioress stood still, her clear grey eyes watching the two pupils::

  • There's no other valid option. If I don't fight, then someone else has to fight for those things I want to fight for. I'd rather fight so others can live in peace. Someone has to do it, and I'm that someone.

  • Jake clear his throat

    I want to better myself in combat so i can live in the end of each battle and see the next day.Also to carry out successfully any task given and which need me to fight my way through it.

    he nodded at his own words

  • ::The warrior-monk shifted her clear grey eyes from one to the other::

    Well, then.

  • Charles walks in, the clanking of his armor audible, he nods to both of them with a soft smile before taking his spot next to Jake. He clears his throat and adresses Shallyah

    I gave much thought to your question, and I think I found my answer.

    He waits then, patiently.

  • A few minutes later Jake shows up,running with a mouthful,eating an apple and at the same time trying to adjust his leather armor a bit clumsily just before he arrives where Shallyah stands.He swallow the last bite of the apple and stops with a cheerful grin

    Alright,i made it!

  • _::The ashen-haired warrioress returns to the same place, same time, one tenday later. Once again dlad in her crimson armor, she held her Frost Claw in her left hand as its shaft rested on her shoulder.

    Once again it the dawn was near, as she awaited near the fighting pits, patiently::_

  • Mhm,alrighty then!Looking forward to find it out!

    Jake gives a sharp nod as the first lesson ends

  • ::The warrior-monk watched them for a moment, to then speak::

    Your words do not tell me why are you willing to fight. Although Jake's answer was closer to what I am after, you two are telling me what you will fight for, not why.

    You will fight foes that too intend to protect their families, or serve their duties and principles. I am sure you two have already on ocassion assaulted cave of goblins or kobolds, and took their lives as they wished only to protect their territory and their loved ones. Their cause may be as worthy as any other. I am almost certain that you have already taken lives that one could describe as innocent. And you will likely take more of those, in future.

    I want you to think again, and make this your first task. Come to me next tenday with answer to question. Take time between now and then to think of answer. Look inside yourselves, and you will find it.

    There is second task. For this tenday, wield your weapon of choice at all times, except when laws forbid it. Even at home, if you have to cook your food, do it while wielding your weapons.

    Next tenday I will be in this same place and time to assess your progress.

  • While Charles gave his answer,Jake were watching carefully to the point he blank-minded absorbed to it.When Shallyah turned to him,a tilt of his head woke him up,like of a lethargy

    …um,oh!Yes..Well,i want to become better because i realized in this world there will always be winners and losers,all fighting for their own believes.So,i want to protect my people but to do this i must be at the winner's side.And become even better so i can avoid even dirt my hands with blood.

  • ::She looked at Charles as he spoke, to then shift her gaze towards Jake, waiting for his answer::

  • Steps up to speak

    I seek to become the perfect warrior for Torm. I want to excel in combat to carry out my duty without falter and be able to defeat my enemies, which are Torm's enemies as well. And second to that, I need to be able to protect my family and friends. I was unable to protect my friends propertly during the last assault, and I won't see that happen again.

    he looks to Shallyah directing in the eyes, a very confident look on him.

  • ::The ashen-haired Defender looked at them both, her clear grey eyes scrutinying then, before nodding slightly::

    Very well. I understand you two seek to better yourselves in combat. But there are several requisites to being good warrior. It is not about how much strength of arm one has to overwhelm her foes, and it is not about how clever one is to outmaneuver them.

    There are codes, laws imprinted in all of us that we may or may not understand, but once acknowledged, they enhance our ability to carry out our tasks with determination, without falter. This is especially true in art of combat, as unlike other arts, not being good enough has generally dire consequences to your existence, and of whatever you fight for.

    So before we start, I need to know what moves you. Why do you wish to better yourselves in combat, what moves you towards path that will stain your hands with blood, that will gnaw on your conscience with anguish, and that will haunt your dreams with guilt.

    ::The warrior-monk looked from one to the other, awaiting for them to answer in turn::

  • For Jake's surprise, another young man arrives to the tourney grounds. The young squire Charles, with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword approaches and offers them both a polite smile

    Sir, Miss Shallyah, I'm ready to learn.

    He nods and stands there, firmly , waiting for instruction