
  • Elessar walks in quietly taking a place next to Sirion. Looking around the room he makes individual eye contact with D'Cameron, Chea, Kasim, Varia, Kezia, Lycka. Whispering quietly with Sirion he catches up quickly with the proceedings. He then continues to watch in silence as the proceeding unfold.

  • _Sirion quietly inscribes a letter then hands it to a guard, whispering.

    "I respectfully request you to please deliver this to the Herald. I do not wish to otherwise disturb the proceedings."_

  • -Maybe I should have emphatized the word other instead of facts. I'm well aware of what both spells are, Mister Kasim. Please, hold back your urge to try and educate everyone around you.

    • Chea? I'm still waiting for your answer.

  • A dwarf in the corner snort-chortles at this point in the proceedings.

  • Yes I do, two facts actually.

    For the record, seeing as this… unchained sorceress... has a certain misunderstanding of magic. Hold Person is a mind-affecting spell just as Charm Person is, they are not different as she claims.

    Furthermore I feel the need to emphasise the fact that I had only cast a single spell, then merely stood there speaking whilst the accused constantly cast spells at me as I calmly spoke.

    Kasim now sits with a slight smile.

  • D'Camerom takes a long breath before speaking:

    • First, I ask the audience to try and remain in silence, please.

    • Then, I must remember that Mister Kasin's ofence was already dealt with by the guards and that we are here only because of Chea's conduct. Bearing that in mind, Mister Kasim, do you have any other fact to add to this?

    • And Chea, am I correct to say you do not deny that the facts took place as it is informed: you saw someone casting spells inside town, and decided to act, and when aprouched by the guard, you casted the invisibility spell and left?

  • Kasim rises, then waits politely, clearly having something to say.

  • It did look like Charm Person spell, which is offensive, as it attacks Mind with lasting consequences. I tried to protect that woman with nonlethal, non Mind-invasive Hold Person spell, which does not involve change of Mind state, and potentially insanity. This is Selune's Law to protect people from this kind of harm.

    Perhaps he felt threatened, but he abusively attacked with magic instead of leaving quietly. Abuse of Magic has consequences. Perhaps next time he will use voice and call guards instead of attacking.

  • The young elf simply looks to Kasim then to the woman that made the remark curiously then back to those running the trial and waits to see what will come of it with open curiosity.

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    coughs lightly as Kasim says the word barbarian then mutters something quietly to herself about not being the one "threatening".

  • D'Cameron turns to Chea, and bluntly ask her:

    • Despite your strange memory, would you say that Kasim's are precise?

  • My name is Kasim el Shah, minor noble and mage from Calimport.

    My relation to the facts is that I was there the entire time, and the victim of the accused spellcasting.

    The incident began when a barbarian woman of some kind was threatening me in Norwick near the central fire. Fully expecting her to be violent, as barbarians tend to be, I swiftly cast a harmless "Charm Person" spell, seeking to avoid a confrontation completely.

    At this point the accused cast a "Hold Person" spell at me, which failed. I ignored it and started speaking to the barbarian girl, as the spell succeeded in invading her simple mind, however the voices of others and her own simple mind led to her being confused and irate, instead of being charmed into being peaceful and leaving me alone as I planned.

    The entire time this conversation happened, the accused was casting "Hold Person" spells at me, when all I was doing standing there talking the barbarian woman down. At about the fifth or sixth spell, it finally succeeded, clearly by pure luck and not skill. At that point, the militia arrives, the accused casts an invisibility spell and runs for it, whilst I submit to the local militia and pay the fine prescribed for me.

  • Dressed in Cerulean blue and silver, Lycka joins the small audience, giving Albryanna a nod and a swift smile in greeting.

  • D'Cameron motions the man foward:

    • Please, do so. State your name and your relation to the facts and briefly tell us what hapenned that day.

  • Kasim rises, saying politely

    "If it pleases the court, then I, Kasim el Shah, shall present a testimony to clear up the incident."

  • Perhaps I did notice which spell it was, but if i did i did forget.

    But the 'man' showed up on Trial. Perhaps he will speak the truth.

    I have strange memory.

  • A recognizable face appears quite suddenly along the right side of the courtroom, her cinnamon-colored head quickly ducking down amongst the small throng of spectators. She remains completely silent throughout the proceedings, eyes fixated upon the court officials and the one being tried and only breaking their gaze when her hands begin to hastily scrawl notes in a neat-looking black leather journal perched on her knee.

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    A warrior with a spear strapped to her back takes a spot in the back observing the trial as word only recently reached her ears about it.

    • A young elven slips in silently, watching the laws of Norwick with some evident pride. She remains hidden in the back to watch but trying not to draw attention to herself *

  • The clap of metal boots on stone echoes softly throughout the hall as a female clad in black and red armour takes a spot near a pillar, using it for a leaning post. She remains silent during the entirety of the trial, her arms folded beneath a blank and emotionless expression.