City Devastation

  • a comely halforc bard has his sleeves rolled up and is doing plenty of heavy work to help clean up the place. He occasionally attempts to lift spirits with a witty remark or by whistling the tune of Peltarch's anthem.

  • Cecil still hasn't returned to Norwick. He slept a mere five hours after Locke's defeat, and his busy helping life the heavy stuff, be they bodies, or fallen pieces of wall or building.

    One special task he takes on though, having a nearly seven foot sword, and the strength to use it, is chopping up the GIANT fleshy warmachine undead that fell, so that their pieces can be moved, carted off, and/or burned. The smell of char from his blade cuts a bit of the rot out of the air around him at least…

  • María still walking without her staff, has an absent look in her eyes. Wherever she walks she seems to be deep in thought and the "always smile" attitude she was holding all through the Elections is no more. She stops now and then to cast a few spells here and there where's really needed, and the casual earth elemental to help the gates rebuilding, however she doesn't stop to chat as she usualy would have.
    The concern is palpable.

  • _An excerpt from the battle with Locke's forces:

    As the shadows and zombies poor in, a few warriors on the wall find themselves gifted with sudden celerity. When the creatures poor inside, a squad converges on an central point, a bright flash of positive energy and the weaker ones just fall over dead and Sirion, wrapped in his own shadow, is standing at the center of the remaining bodies.

    "This wasn't my fight. Lich or no, I don't know this self-styled Baron. I have no grudge to bear against him, until today. Go and fight. I will support you."_

  • Senate candidate Moigan Galar can be seen among the wreckage and wounding helping out any way he possibly can, trying to lift the spirits of this great city.

  • The red mageling gather her luggage and dumps heavy sacks of coins on the ground asking young boys to help her loading a wagon..

    She tells them "Use the gold as you see fit.. feed the children that lost their parents.. Im leaving this hell hole"

    Then following the wagon she rides through what remains of the city wall

    ((Leaves a considerable fair amount of gold to the next IG DM))

  • _Despite seeming exhausted after the long battle against the undead, Talindra is seen shuffling about the Commerce District trying to help tend to the wounded or ease the passage of those who are beyond help. Calling down on Tyr's blessings to try and help control the spread of disease through the city.

    When her blessings are exhausted she shuffles off to the Temple to tend to her prayers and emerges shortly after, her armor still less then shiny as she gets back to tending to the sick, injured or dead again. Despite all the suffering over the past few ten-days she keeps a tired smile on her face, stopping to talk to anyone who passes by her as she tries to keep the morale of the citizens and Defenders alike up._

  • As Mariston arrives in City Hall to ask permission, General Neverith meets him, shakes his hand warmly, and ushers him into a quick meeting. Afterwards the two of them go to speak with Senator Heffa and the Stonemasons, and shortly thereafter, work begins on restoring the wall to its previous pristine condition.

  • ::Mariston can be seen aiding the Defenders in clearing the streets of the dead, his abilities to aid with disease being used when needed.
    He also spends time in city hall asking there for permission to begin rebuilding of the wall to ensure that the city’s defences to not remain breached.:

  • Jason is seen trying to treat anyone that is plagued by the disease and trying to find means to see to the dead going so far to see if the bodies can be moved to the morgue and sadly be cremated so as to stop the disease after ensuring no one can be raised.

  • ::Shallyah, even in her eternal emotionless semblance, is seen to stand very long shifts alone at the walls, in silence. If adressed by anyone that is not a ranking superior she does not respond, to a degree that it may feel insulting to those trying to get her attention. Despite that, her duties are carried out with usual excellence as she aids in rebuilding when it's her turn to do so, and her combat abilities are not dented in the least. Those who know her well within the Defenders or other close allies may mention that she just needs some space. Losing a brother hurts. And she's just lost over three hundred::

    //Edited to correct the number of fallen comrades after I got an official rough tally from the DMs involved.

  • The timely end of the storms seems to be helping, with the water levels dropping, and water slowly draining from the Sewers. Folks walk around, looking shocked and dismayed, many of them having lost friends and family.

    "Why did this happen, here?"

    "Why are the gods so angry with us? Is this a punishment, or a warning?"

    "What will we do now? And what's going to happen next?"

    No-one seems to have an answer that helps anyone feel better.