Rumors heard throughout Oscura.
On one of her visits to the Coppers, Mystic takes an special interest in the "supplies" as the rumors say.
_News indicate that areas in Soravia still under the Damaran goverment's control have shrunk, as the insurgency rages on and more towns fall under rebel control. The unrest seems to be spreading to neighbouring Polten where a magical explosion killed several Council members, during a festive event, amidst rumors of corruption in the local council.
Although the recent uncovering and destruction of a sizeable cult base by the Helmite church and its allies near Wayward pass have rendered that area safe from undead, they still run rampant in other parts. Tensions have risen between the Damaran military and Helmites, each accusing each other of complicity as several military officers were detained by the Inquisition and in a tit-for-tat move, several Watchers were forcibly arrested and await trial by a military court.
The chaos in eastern Damara seems have made the fortunes of several in Oscura who have the right connections, as supplies, gold and even slaves exchange hands in the markets._
_News from Soravia indicate that another cult base was recently discovered and destroyed by faiths allied to the Vigilant One, in the midst of an ongoing inquisition to strike at the source of evil.
Travellers report less instances of undead, but raids by rebels against the rule of the current administration are still a threat. Several town mayors have made a public call to lift the martial law which has curbed their economies and freedom of movement.
In Polten, several government buildings were torched by suspected insurgents, after a protest against the forcible shutting down of several mines._
_News report that the Dragonsbane administration has accused "external foreign influences" supporting the unrest in Soravia, pointing to arms and armor smuggling uncovered along the kingdom's border as proof, but stopped short of giving names.
Reports of undead plaguing the county is rife, believed to be caused in part by cults taking advantage of the chaos caused by the insurgency.
Signs of unrest are beginning to spring up in the Barony of Polten after a protest against martial law led to the arrest of several prominent merchants._
The two dwarves drink late into the night at a private table. Moigan seems to be different, with heavy dark bags under his eyes and no longer seeming to having a sense of humor, could the election of changed him?
Dwin Dolvak, having a stink of his own, pulls Moigan aside in the Mug one night for a conversation.
Former senate candidate, Moigan, is seen spending all of his time between the Shiny Coppers and the Mug, almost constantly drunk and slowly developing a stink.
_Sources from Soravia tell of how a Helmite task force managed to uncover the location of a cult base in some ancient ruins and of the some of the undead horrors found - and yet to be found deeper in the sealed ruins.
Rumors swirl of an agent at the Crumbling Docks recruiting mercenaries and those who "came to terms with their conscience" for assignments in Damara. Those with skills in stealth seem to be much sought after…_
//Plot event tentatively planned for Dec 1, 2130 hrs GMT+8; mini event planned for Nov 24 same time. Those interested / able to make it can PM me
Mystic walks around Oscura with some rolled up posters under her arm.
"Right here we are"
Pins the posters on noteboards
Did you find a Mandrake Root and don't know what to do with it?
Mystic River Independent Scholar of the Arcane Art will buy it from you for 100 coins each!A drawing of a mandrake root clearly visible at the bottom of the poster
_News from Soravia tell of goverment forces managing to retake two towns under rebel control, uncovering evidence of mercenary involvement, and also encountering a new weapon employed by rebels.
The Dragonsbane administration resisted the demands for independence for the Duchy of Soravia, and authorised the Church of Helm to conduct an Inquisition to stamp out deviant cults suspected of instigating the unrest. This is in addition to the military's investigation of suspected foreign influence._
_Conflicting reports arise over what transpired at an iron mine in Soravia, this side of the Giantspires. The facts agreed on were that the mine had been collapsed, and the mining camp butchered with ruthless efficiency, bodies being hacked to pieces and impaled on spikes.
A lone, nearly buried survivor, spoke of an attack caused by dark elves for encroaching on their territory.
Letters have appeared in several towns decrying the Damaran forces' apparent incompetence in defending the mine, and called for "the overthrow of a dog government lead by a religious leash".
The loss of the mine will no doubt impact the economy of several dependent towns that produces goods primarily for the capital of Heliogabalus. Troops have been redeployed to sensitive areas, forcing towns to raise militias for their own protection._
Varia is seen around tending to limited flooding in Oscura. Other than that she spends her time either Asleep in the coppers or doing some studies in the library.
_Sources across the border tell of successes cracking down on insurgents by combined Damaran military and Helmite clergy, in the duchy of Soravia, although the region is far from being pacified.
While the government forces had little trouble suppressing the poorly armed and led insurgents, most of which were common folk, stiff resistance was put up in several regions which were suspected of enjoying mercenary support.
A government-employed inventor narrowly escaped an assassination attempt despite state protection, with the life of a guard claimed during a break-in into his tower._
_Cray's hasn't been seen in the coppers for a couple months, in fact he hasn't been seen anywhere.
Guess he's gone on another one of his trips somewhere…_
_It seems an entire Damaran checkpoint outpost near the Giantspires was sacked and its garrison brutually slaughtered overnight, with looters having picked the place clean upon discovery. The Damaran military blamed insurgents for this "barbaric act" and vowed to mete out "the just penalty to restore order" in the civil war.
Some local merchants however, look to be struggling to control their elation at the news._
A strange pair of rumors floats about the dark city of a Paladin and a Golden Knight waltzing in like they belonged there, standing out like a pair of shiny sore thumbs.
A connected rumor sees them paired up against a big nasty demon, while father Dagon watched from the sidelines. Supposedly, they killed it.
Is demonbaiting a sport down there now, or is there some other truth behind this rumor?
_Rumors from merchants fleeing a civil war underway in Damara - while the ruling Dragonsbane adminstration maintains a tenous hold on the capital, the country is in a state of emergency and martial law.
Any number of causes have been blamed; a succession crisis, the Black Network, Thay, Zhengyi… stories are recounted of Helmite faithful trying to contain an undead scourge; villages razed to the ground; mercenaries being hired as lawlessness increases_
Arthur is seen traveling with Eragor and Varia in through Kuo Tua, then into the mines coming back exhausted, after some rest he goes to speak with the Minotaur blacksmith about Gond and is seen offering up some of his own hand made pickaxes to Gond. After the offering he begins searching for others of Gond to learn more about him.
The Shiney Coppers has been busy of late.
As Mystic has taken up her frequent visits underground again, she too notices the the busy docks, so instead of heading straight to the Coppers she remains in the area and settles by the bar where she knows conversations and gossip is easily over heard, especially if gold is offered.