Talindra Verados' Campaign

  • Third onto the stage, Talindra stands patiently outside City Hall with the other Senate candidates, her armor polished, the gold and blue of the Order sparkling brightly in the midday sun. Her eyes slowly scan the gathering citizens, a small smile spread across her face as she takes in the sight. As people speak she waits with arms folded neatly in front of her and when her turn comes to speak she steps forward with a slight incline of the head to the Herald who announces her. Her voice rings out clearly as she begins to address the citizens gathered.

    Greetings citizens, I am Lady Talindra Verados of Tyr, a Knight of the Divine Shield as many could likely tell by my armor.

    I'm going to keep my opening speech simple. As many of you do not know me, I'll tell you a bit about myself so you can get to know me a bit, I believe it will be a good beginning to you deciding if I am worthy of being your Senator.

    I am relatively new to politics and therefore I believe I have a fresh mind. One not touched by past grievances, an open mind to listen to any and all ideas brought forth. To think them over thoroughly, with your interests considered before making any decision. I'm a simple woman who lives by a simple code. I am here to better the world around me as I am able. I believe in order, prosperity through the fair and just application of the law, equality in all things, for all people. I do not judge based upon blood, simply by what is right, what is good for this city as a whole, what benefits us all.

    I was born to a noble family in my home land, then traveled hostile lands living off nothing but water and stale bread. I've lived on the streets and begged for food after I sold every last thing I owned, I've loved, I've lost, I know how hard things can get for all of us at some point. I know what it took for me to get back on top, compassion, friends, and mostly understanding of the hardships in life many face and how to move beyond them myself and offer the same aid to others. Though through pain and hardship, sometimes one finds purpose.

    It gave me a purpose again, to be here to help you. This is my new home, you are what I fight for now. To do my absolute best to make sure no one else has to face such things. Since arriving here, I have seen such diverse, caring and hardworking people who have faced many horrible things over the years and yet here you stand, strong and proud still, a true and inspiring example of bravery and perseverance. My past is in another land, my future is here with you and the changes we can make together. I've found a shining Jewel within my own heart and that is what has inspired me to run for Senate, to dedicate my service, my life if need be, to you and your families.

    I could tell you my own opinions on how to bring about these changes, but that isn't what matters most here, it's what YOU believe can be done, or what I, or any of the men and women behind me can do for you, the people. You are the ones who understand the current hardships best as you live it day to day right now.

    Through duty to the people, whether it be in the Senate chambers or wading through slime and filth under the city to keep what is above shining and safe, I serve this city and it's people and that will continue no matter the outcome of these elections.

    I will get to know many of you better I hope over the elections and I ask you to feel comfortable approaching me at any time if you have questions or simply wish to raise a concern.

    For now, I will leave the stage to the other candidates and look forward to addressing more of the issues you hold to heart at the next gathering. Long live the Jewel.

    She offers the assembled people a bright smile and raises a hand to them before retaking her spot by the other candidates. Her arms still neatly folded in front of her and an ever present smile on her face as she listens to whoever speaks.

  • Despite the city's current situation, Talindra does take the stage before City Hall at the last chance for speeches. Her armor is dirty and in spots has dried blood on it, her hair is a mess though she tries to push it back behind her ears as she walks onto the stage. Taking a deep breath she glances over the assembled crowd a long moment before speaking, her words dimmed by exhaustion, though still heard by the audience.

    People of Peltarch, this city has suffered greatly the past few ten-days, you all have been brave and have worked hard to keep your city beautiful as ever. We have faced many losses to our brave Defenders and the city itself is poorer for it, though we must honor their memory while we grieve their loss, move forward still to keep the Jewel as bright as ever.

    I prepared a grand speech but it seems less then important to have such a show of words now, though I will say this. I spoke no lies to you, whether elected or not, between the Order and the noble Makere family, we will see the hospital built to better deal with times such as this and schools placed throughout this city to teach everyone, that is a promise. I will work to bring more things like this to you if I am in the Senate chambers.

    Vote for who you believe will do the best by you and this city, this is your time to bring about a brighter future for the Jewel. Honor the men and women who fell to keep this city safe, those who helped to secure our freedom to choose our path in life, follow your hearts and I believe they will find meaning in their sacrifice. We live on, we still face the choices of a mortal life and a choice comes to you in a few days for the future of your city. I continue to serve you, no matter what election day brings.

    If you'll excuse me, I must return to the injured.

    Long live the Jewel.

    Though she does stop to entertain any questions the people may have, she seems tired and makes her way to the makeshift infirmary's about the city quickly after, tending to the wounded and helping in anyway she can. Most of her time is spent there, mostly interrupted by short breaks to go to the Temple for rest and prayers.

  • _A stage is set up outside the Mermaid itself, along the street where all three districts sort of a form up a crossroads in the city. The staff at the Mermaid circle the area as people being to gather, dishing out a meal for anyone who shows up free of charge, a cup of warm wine served with each plate or spring water for those who do not drink.

    As the drink and food flow freely and more gather, Talindra takes the stage and holds out her arms to ask for quiet amongst the crowd. Her armor polished to a shine as the sun catches it, her hair let down and brushed until it almost shines to match her armor. Her dark brown eyes scanning the people a long moment before she speaks._

    Good citizens, thank you one and all for coming today.

    I was going to hold off on my next speech until some important matters were tended too regarding my thoughts on certain areas of improvement in this city, things to be discussed with others, but the unrest of which I hear has troubled me.

    You have concerns and I have not forgotten them. I've heard talk of such everywhere I go in the city, the Defenders bringing about Martial Law being one of the most important. You fear they may not let go of it, correct? Speak without fear, give your concerns voice. I promised to hear each and every concern you have and work to settle it if elected, I will do so even now as a woman and Knight, I did not lie to you.

    I only ask this, give our brave Defenders and our honorable General the time to prove themselves yet again to you! I trust in them, we all should as they have given so much and asked so little from us in return. Our General does what he believes right in this difficult time and I do not doubt he will return power once the Senate is restored to it's full number.

    Another concern raised of late is the Senate itself, it's ability to function. As set down so many years ago a Senators term is for life. Many would say to stray from such could be an insult to the memory of the Fisher King himself. I say change needs to come as a city grows, to better suit it's ability to work for the people. Reforms for the Senate, I fully agree if done so in a legal way! Limiting a Senators term of service, I'm all for that! Drafting precise and easily understood laws for removal from office for disgracing the position, I agree with that too! The question I ask of all of you, is will you give me, will you give the Senate the time to see this done?!

    Sir Mariston, as much as some may speak down of him has yet AGAIN listened to the people, stepped away from his position to be re-elected! Some may speak ill of the Divine Shield and of "Knights", yet here we stand, open, honest and willing to do what YOU wish of us, if we were not willing why would he step down?! Who else can say they have done the same?!

    You wish no more Knights in the Senate? Then simply speak the words, tell me to step away and I shall leave the race for Senate this day! Do you wish honest, honorable men and women who actually listen to YOU, then vote for those who shall give it to you, whether we are elected or not our oaths stand to protect and better this city! It's up to YOU to choose what's right for this city! I am proud to be a Knight! I would be proud to be your Senator! My work continues each day and I ask nothing in return except trust that I am doing right by you. I stand here waiting for your judgement on whether I am right for YOU or not.

    By the end of her speech the passion in her voice is obvious, it ringing clearly throughout the area for all to hear. As her words die out, she simply stands there, scanning the crowd slowly with her eyes, waiting for their voice to be heard, their will to be brought forth.

  • Posters go up:


    Wisdom and Strength

    A paladin must be just, compassionate, honest, and dedicated to their duty. As Senator, we feel Talindra would bring these virtues to the job, leading to good and responsive government.

    Because we believe that the moral qualities of a candidate reflect on, and predict the job they will do in office, we urge you to vote for Talindra for Senate.

    (Paid for by Triad Election Club)

  • _As Talindra works her way through the city, speaking with the citizens and addressing concerns, the people seem to be well inclined to her. Some of them comment on how rare it is these days to find a personable knight, as many of them seem distant.

    Others are in favour of her plans for increased work for the city, and the new hospital. As far as the popular vote goes, she's certainly near the top of the ladder._

  • Just after midday again, Talindra stands on the big rock outside the Harbormasters office, her long brown hair let down as she motions people over. As people begin to gather, she holds her hands up for them to quiet and speaks loud enough to be heard over the usual noise of the busy docks. A few servers stand near her with some cook-pots set up, the smell of hot fish stew filling the air around them, warm wine in small cups being served beside the stew, a free meal to help keep the people warm on the chilly day.

    Good people, hear me for a moment!

    You all know this routine, you've been through elections before. So I will speak and try to keep it short so you may return to work.

    You fine folks of the docks, hard workers all of you may ask yourselves what I have to offer you if elected. To that I say, I offer honesty. I cannot tell you I WILL do this, or I WILL do that, instead I can promise that I will try to pass through the Senate several improvements for this district. My family has a strong tie with trade back home and I have such ties strong within me as well to this day. I know how important your jobs, your businesses are and expanding upon them is important to the expansion of the city itself as a whole.

    I will work to see the docks themselves increased in size, at the moment, the amount of traffic that can move through the docks is limited by it's size, many merchants moving beyond the city to larger ports. Merchant ships want a quick turn around when they hit land, so they can move out again to pick up their next shipment. With an increase in the docks themselves, we will see more ships being able to dock at once, an increase in the number of ships anchoring in our city and an increase in jobs for the people, not only through already established trade, but also making openings for newer merchants to begin their businesses.

    Also, a few years past the Divine Shield offered the coin to buy many fishing boats, so some would find employment and also so the city could better sustain itself instead of relying on outside sources for food, there is a whole lake out there full of food for this city. I look to increase the fish trade, by attempting to fund more ships for those willing to take up the task.
    More food, more jobs, more independence!

    Lastly, I will look into opening a hospital in the docks through cooperation between the city and the Order itself, the Order has already given much thought on the matter. A hospital opened for ALL. This hospital could only be a boon for all in this city, helping to combat any outbreaks of sickness or in the case of war to tend to the injured, or simply to help those in need, anything from broken bones to simple cuts.

    These are not guarantees, I can give no such promises that they will pass through as that is not only dependent upon me, but I can promise that I will do my best to see these brought forth for the good of this city.

    Thank you for your time and enjoy the fish stew and wine!

    With that said she offers the crowd a bright smile and steps off the rock to mingle a bit with anyone who sticks around. She spends as much time as needed and even stops to enjoy some of the stew and wine herself, greeting each and every person she sees with a smile as she entertains any questions from the citizens.

  • _Trumpets sounded out early in the morning to call upon the contestants for the tournament to be hosted by the Order of the Divine Shield. As people began to gather the gates opened and a unit of mounted Defenders came riding into the grounds, spending some time riding by in shows for the people, doing mock jousts, their armor polished and sparkling, looking knightly themselves.

    As the Defenders ride out after much cheering, Talindra stands before the people, waving the competitors of the games up behind her. Her smile bright as she watches the last of the Defenders make their way out, her voice loud and clear as she turns to address the people with an hand raised up to try and calm the cheering masses who support their troops._

    "Good citizens, if I may have your attention for one moment!

    I hope everyone is enjoying the food and drink and are as eager as I am to see some of us combatants get knocked off our horses and onto our behinds!

    I'd like to take a moment and thank our kind hosts for this tournament, the Temple of the Triad and the Order of the Divine Shield, as well as Sir Galin himself for so kindly supplying the prizes for this tournament.

    While thanking them for hosting this, I'd like to thank them all for their continued support of this city over the years, from funding fishing boats, to trade cogs, helping to increase trade and create more jobs for the fine citizens of the Jewel. All the way down to their support of our troops, the brave and loyal Defenders, constructing new watchtowers for them to be more protected, to funding ships so they can keep our trade routes clear and repairing the city walls, going as far as to pay the wages of the Defenders when this city was recovering itself from the last war.

    I promise you that if elected I will be working under the example already set down by the Temple and the Order, I will do my best to provide you more stability, more trade and more protection from those who would like to see our beautiful Jewel be less then a shining beacon on the Icelace!

    Now before I go on too much more and ruin the day with my talking, I have one more announcement to make. After many years of service to this city, not only as a Cerulean, but also within the Senate chambers themselves as an Advisor and then sitting in as a Senator herself until these elections came, if elected, Lady Lycka Zomasdottir has agreed to remain on as my Advisor to help me better serve you with her invaluable wisdom. Her love and dedication to Peltarch could only be a benefit to me and this city with her continued service.

    With that said, enjoy the food and drink and let’s get to the competitions!"

    _She waves once to the audience then walks off to the lists, putting her name forward and mounting Justicar her warhorse. The horse stomps his hooves and snorts, seeming eager to get into the jousting himself.

    As the day drags on, the mounted competitions begin, the food and drink flowing freely as people enjoy the games, the peachy treats being a favorite amongst the crowd, the peach wine especially being drained quickly from the casks. By the end of the tournament Lady Ashena Teroldys holds first place for the mounted "Dartery" as some of the contestants were calling it. Sir Reynauld takes first in both mounted melee and the joust and is the topic of many giggling discussions by the ladies. As the day winds down, the competitors take to their homes for some well deserved rest, tired expressions on their faces, many of them mud covered, the food and drink continuing to come until all the cases are empty._