Whispers at the Fire
Rumor has it, that one of the local hunters has a brand new Goblin statue! He says he found it in the wolfwoods, just sitting around like somebody didn't want it anymore! He also said he saw at least one more… but could only carry one home!
A limping party exits the Norwick crypts - including local longshanks guardsman Cecil, knights Allestor, Ashena and Talindra, woodsy apple lover Danika, and magely queen of the lake Maria - looking completely worn out and severely battered. Despite this, Ashena wears a huge grin all across her face, one which stays in place as a scattering of items are distributed and more and more of the party scatters aswell. Eventually, the smile fades a bit as she is left with all the undesirable items to be sold. Loading the saddlebags of her trusty paladin steed Fury, Ashena brays a quiet, mournful 'Eeee-aww' and clip-clops north, slow and steady.. and still smiling.
::A red-clad Shallyah was seen following them shortly after, apparently bleeding abundantly and looking for them. Whether she got lost or just straggled while hunting for some food along the way seems to matter little as she headed back north towards Peltarch::
A limping party exits the Norwick crypts - including local longshanks guardsman Cecil, knights Allestor, Ashena and Talindra, woodsy apple lover Danika, and magely queen of the lake Maria - looking completely worn out and severely battered. Despite this, Ashena wears a huge grin all across her face, one which stays in place as a scattering of items are distributed and more and more of the party scatters aswell. Eventually, the smile fades a bit as she is left with all the undesirable items to be sold. Loading the saddlebags of her trusty paladin steed Fury, Ashena brays a quiet, mournful 'Eeee-aww' and clip-clops north, slow and steady.. and still smiling.
A young lathanderite was seen entering the south gate as in a daze, stumbling, pale faced drained from blood. Somehow she managed her way up the small hill to the temple of Chauntea…. was she bitten by a wolf or something else
Robyn the duelist and María, the local Magelin are seen all night near the fire inside of the inn, talking for the most part, though the casual laugh can be heard now and then. A rare sight, indeed.
The red mageling is seen entering the Grapewine, she is asking for a large private room for undetermined time and pays 1000 coins up front, muttering:
"I need some peace and quiet time"
She flashes a smile and walks upstairs
((1000 gp will be paid next available IG DM))
A party of (mostly) wounded adventurers dragged itself into South Gate late at night. One, the half-orc Legionaire Eregor, could barely crawl supported by the small form of a nearly crushed druid Aoth. Gnarl and Legion Captain Romulus followed, brandishing weapons. While entering, the dwarven weave engineer Fafir got slapped in the face by the swinging gates and retaliated. The flimsy gates immediately collapsed in a heap of splintered balsa wood.
The party was returning from the East Rawlingwoods where they encountered a large band of "boss hobs". There were casters, archers, a singer, big boss fighters and their minions. These were found both inside and outside the Hobgoblin Chief's cave, but one boss caster was encountered far to the west before they party even entered the woods. Although they gave out better than they got, the party apparently did not succeed in destroying all the hobs and had to retreat with two of their members close to death. Cecil will want to hear about this!
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
A red-haired Romani girl has recently appeared in Norwick. The people at the tavern remember spotting her on the back of a hay cart with a withered old woman from Peltarch the first night she was seen. She's been patrolling with Cecil and his party, and has taken to spending most of her time in the city asking the locals and travelers for any information regarding the clearing of the gypsy camps. Something on her face suggests she might have been one of the last to leave of their own free will, and her ignorance to the events in the camps and anxiety as to the fate of her family might be alleviated with some short, informative conversation.
A half elven lass with arse length fiery red hair and vibrant blue eyes has been seen about Norwick a lot of late. She often hunts with Cecil or is seen leaving the south gates, though the guards say she just "disappears into thin air" after that. She was also seen carrying a badger out of the south gates to ensure it's safety from the people who would have seen it slain. Oddly, though the badger will wander near to the gates, it hasn't tried to dig under them again
Should any venture west, into the more dangerous goblin lands, even so far as to the hold for the very bravest, several things of note will be there to find.
The bodies of many slain goblins aside, a small grove in the southwest side of the woods near the hold, a very large crude drawing of a Lion graces the grass, crusting and staying at least til the next rain, most likely.
The occasional goblin body is decapitated, with a similar drawing on it, but those items pale in comparison to the bugbear battlerager body stuck to the cliff wall mere yards from the hold entrance. With it's own weapon, struck through the body, pinning it to the stone. Beside it, in it's own blood, a quote, next to another symbol of the great cat.
Arthur is seen speaking briefly to Romulus before Ashena and Talindra get back in then slipping away on his own.
Rumour speaks of Tymora's least favourite Norwick scout, Bela, having gone missing in the line of duty once again. A search party set out under Cecil's command, returning days later, battered and bruised, but alive. Warnings about the Goblin Hold may spread, the place described as a beehive best left unpoked by any but the well prepared and able.
Cecil takes the chance to examine them, comparing them to his notes from his last successful excursion in finding better-than-usual arms and armors from hobs and the like.
(Please PM me details. Thx!)
A well armed and armored party was seen entering Norwick's South Gate late last night. Troff Legion soldiers Romulus and Eregor, the dwarf Gnarl, and the heroic Jake were among them. Shadowy scouts Danika and Yndgir followed them inside, but made no comment on what they had found.
The other four appeared to be dividing up spoils, and were overheard describing how they fought bugbear archers and shadowstalkers inside the Goblin Hold. Dark studded leather armors and some dark swords were shown. Is this the evidence that Guard Captain Cecil was searching for? Are the bugbears and goblinoids once again uniting to threaten Norwick?
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
Five adventureres, mostly wounded, were seen entering South Gate and collapsing around the fire late at night. "We were ambushed in the eastern Rawlingwoods by dozens and dozens of hobgoblins!" they were heard to say. "Luckily Gnarl and Jake killed the biggest ones, berzerkers and scouts."
The druid Aoth asked Legion Scout Romulus if it looked to him like an organized double ambush. Romulus agreed that it did. One large group of well-armed hobbers was waiting in ambush in the eastern woods, and while the party was engaged with them, another large body moved in behind to cut off their retreat. Luckily, it was very dark and the party worked in open formation without lights since they had only one front-line fighter. They survived both ambushes and made it back safely.
The mage Varia dropped a heavy brass scale armor on the ground that she took from one of the bodies. She also found a troll-made talisman. Romulus took them to the Norwick Scout Commandant's office and passed the word for Cecil to examine them when he gets a chance.
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
Cecil has been mentioning to anyone who will listen, to keep an eye out for well equipped goblins, possibly even in plate! He cautions to assess your foes wisely before engaging, and not to bite off more than you can chew. Things may shape up to be a little different in the Rawlins, if rumors prove true.
::Approximately two tendays after having departed Norwick, the Defender of Peltarch is seen leaving the Temple of Lathander with María of the Spellweaver. They look to be in quite misserable state, armors dented and robes ragged, but they appear to be alive and well. The Defender takes her mare after offering another generous tip to the boy that had been taking care of it and gallops back north, with a lighter pack, but a few extra scrolls and maps rolled under her arm::
::A fine mare gallops into Norwick carrying the crimson armored Defender of Peltarch, Shallyah. She seems to be in a hurry as she finds one bored-looking farmer boy and drops a generous amount of gold coins on his hand before giving him some instructions, and then walks southwards hurriedly. She was seen leaving into the Rawlinswoods one tenday ago and is yet to return, while her mare keeps being cared for by the boy that now spends his afternoons playing next to it with a good lot of new shiny toys::
_Rumor is that the High Priest of Torm Shannon D'arneau and Headmistress of the Spelweaver María were seen sitting in front of another by the south fire. What's more unbelievable… they were ......
A half elven lass with very long fiery red hair has been seen often around Norwick of late. She's been speaking with the guards at length and though her common is broken, they seem to have lengthy conversations. Some say she's been asking about being a Scout for Norwick, and who to speak to about it.
((Not sure who to approach with that, please PM me if you know.