Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Seen in various Inns in the city as well as oft in the commons, is a familiar sight to some long term residents and members of the Order, though new to others. A woman with waist length moonlight colored curls and silvery-blue eyes, baring the symbol of Torm about her neck as well as on her cloak. How long has it been…?

  • @9957b86392=Vashpsycho:

    Another productive day on the Peltarch docks. Sailors unloading crates and setting sail in the cold northern breeze. The streets bustling with craftsmen selling their wares and petty thieves cutting purses of the less perceptive shoppers. Guards tooting horns and breaking up drunken brawls that carried on from the night before, while street musicians show off their talents to make a few copper for a place to stay when the night comes again. Beggars hold their hands out from dark alleyways, orphans swoop at scraps like seagulls. The mad men, they rave.

    "F-first the bad. Then the good. All doomed, d-doomed! Too late to repent now. Tainted and marked. Tainted and marked. All of you black souled fools! Its coming. Its coming and you'll leap right into its a-arms before it twists you from the inside. Twists you from the inside!"

    The crazed rants of mad men are lost in the bustle of the docks, northern winds won't carry them.

    • Jason is seen spending some time offering the orphans food and some minor coin where he can and trying to sooth the mad men with calm reassuring words of Ilmater. *

  • An ODS ship sets out on a clear, crisp day, carrying a couple of shiny, shiny knights, a white-haired Defender in red, a large half-orc with sideburns flapping in the breeze, and a quiet elven scout. The ship returns after a few days, the party battered but pleased looking, bringing with them tall tales of frogs the size of dogs, and spiders bigger than houses!

  • Another productive day on the Peltarch docks. Sailors unloading crates and setting sail in the cold northern breeze. The streets bustling with craftsmen selling their wares and petty thieves cutting purses of the less perceptive shoppers. Guards tooting horns and breaking up drunken brawls that carried on from the night before, while street musicians show off their talents to make a few copper for a place to stay when the night comes again. Beggars hold their hands out from dark alleyways, orphans swoop at scraps like seagulls. The mad men, they rave.

    "F-first the bad. Then the good. All doomed, d-doomed! Too late to repent now. Tainted and marked. Tainted and marked. All of you black souled fools! Its coming. Its coming and you'll leap right into its a-arms before it twists you from the inside. Twists you from the inside!"

    The crazed rants of mad men are lost in the bustle of the docks, northern winds won't carry them.

  • The large, stocky newcomer known to many as Krung was heard ranting in the tavern and other public places about "Rats! Rats, big as a wolf! Big as a wild boar! Just… appearing out of nowhere! Vicious, vicious rats! Keep your children safe!"

  • An apparition of the Baron Locke appeared again, this time in the Peltarch Commons. He was heard to question those present, asking for the location of Kapulin Sheezah. He said that he would be back again in a few days and needed the information then, or the city (Peltarch) might be in peril.

    Romulus answered that he had passed on the previous warning but found no one that knew where Kapulin Sheezah was, or had any word of him for several months. Locke warned that Kapulin Sheezah was a doppleganger and could take the shape of any traveler.

    The dwarf Gnarl was heard to taunt Locke for using others instead of doing the work himself. For his lip, he was struck by a huge bolt of negative energy. Gnarl shook it off and yelled: "Is that all you've got!" But Locke had departed.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Rumor quickly spreads that a group of adventurers returning from the Underdark spoke in hushed tones of an encounter with the lich Baron Locke, formerly of Oscura. He was encountered in one of the narrow passages of the Underdark, south of the big lake, and had several powerful undead behind him.

    The Baron did not act hostile, but warned the adventurers not to aid Kapolin Sheezah, and not to let him obtain the blade because he would turn himself into a shape-shifting undead and begin taking over. The Baron asked if any knew Kapolin Sheezah's location, and that was all he wanted was for someone who knows to tell him and he would take care of it. As a sign of good faith, the Baron allowed the adventurers to pass and return to the surface.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Word goes around Peltarch of a tourney occurring within the next tenday… archery, fencing, and jousting will be the three events. There will be rewards for participation, and prizes for those who win their events. Head to the Tourney Grounds in the Residential District, near the Bank if you wish to participate!

    //Event occurs in 23 hours and 18 minutes from this post

  • Rumors would spread of Arthur and Magistrate Shannon arguing in the commons, it is said that Shannon seems to believe he is on par with Torm for deeming who is redeemable and who is not. Of course they all claim that Arthur is the one who says such and that Shannon denied it. Though Shannon was heard saying that perhaps Arthur is hopeless for redemption….

  • Those that know Arthur would easily notice him around Peltarch the last week, smelling of strong whiskey. Did he not say a while back that he swore off drinking? What could possibly be bad enough to drive him back under the bottle?

  • Legion

    (well that settles it, will either be tomorrow around this time or next friday/saturday at this time till we get one of those days to work.)

  • //Friday nights and Saturday nights by US time work for me. Around now-ish on either night. (If you're not sure, check the time of this post)

  • Legion

    word spreads around peltarch by suldin, reynauld, troff, and victoria that the group is looking for more seasoned adventureres to travel deep into the underdark to patrol a certain location. there was bodies seen but not identifed before the group was chased out by a large wave of skin dancers and magic eaters.

    (we all need a secific time for DM skippy to be around for the event, so now the crazy part of getting this thing organized. perhaps we could do it on sunday. if skippy will list the time he can be around then we can have people sign up to join. if another day is better then by all means we can change it.)

  • _After a solid month of rain in the deep swamps, with strange lights and bolts of lightning flashing around at all times of the day and night, it suddenly lifts, leaving the sodden swamps to drain to the river.

    This was followed by a massive wave of wisps flowing over, around, and through Peltarch as they sought food. The quick thinking of the Ceruleans saw most of them focussed outside the south walls until they could be dealt with, but complaints are heard throughout the town of singed clothing, minor fire damage, and big hair._

  • Arthur would be noticed to be in a very low mood as of late, seeming frustrated and angry. He would also be noticed to follow Eragor out of the swamps drenched in his own blood not looking so very well….

  • Labur seems to be having trouble keeping hold of a hilt of a greatsword. No matter what pocket he places it in it always weasels it ways out. When asked it seems the blade disappeared after killing the oddest looking deader he's ever seen in the city sewers and all that remains is the hilt. He seems to have held onto it trying to find an answer.

  • The swamps have become quite a dangerous place to be, with unusual lightning strikes regularly striking creatures, and strange clouds lit by magical lights, with Wisps swarming from them.

  • _Less than a week after the rumbling began, it seems to have settled. Unfortunately storm clouds have made their home over the swamps, with frequent lightning strikes ringing out day and night.

    Of the once cranky lizardmen, no sight can be seen, although the kobolds seem panicked by the change in the weather and situation.

    An oddity of the weather though is the fact that the swamp seems to be almost perpetually lit, causing some Peltarchians to complain about the light at night. Swamp gas perhaps?_

  • _A rumbling sound was heard coming from the swamps recently, with the earth moving slightly even in Peltarch.

    Anyone who goes to the swamps shortly thereafter will find some very, very cranky lizardmen._

  • While walking around Peltarch those will find the oddest smell coming from the brewery, could it be….peaches?!?