Swamp investigations...
_The brave adventurers fought wave after wave of wisps, but did they solve the problem?
Next week at the same time, they'll go back to investigate and see what's happened since…_
//those who made it, thankyou for coming. I hope to see you all in one weeks time for the continuation of the plot.
Phone call, sick horse I must bail the event to RL issues
That's a full event, so I hope to see you all tonight! Event begins in approx. 13.5 hours.
Peltarch Senator Captain Martoushca Leaffall is naturally concerned about this movement toward Peltarch. She has began stockpiling goods to aid this venture.
((If I can't join in I will try to get in and help equip/buff folks))
Walter received orders from the Ceruleans to investigate these happenings. He makes preperations for duty, finally an assignment away from the desk!.
Andrew should be there.
Romulus loves investigations and will plan to be there.
OOC// Assuming the corrected time is right and it's 8 AM USA EDT not 6 AM as originally announced.
Sirion might show up whether he's asked to or not. Without asking. Jerk.
I have two hrs between 2-4 pm GMT +1 can be there with Celia most likely
::The Defender Shallyah prepares to investigate this issue, as any other that may pose a threat to Peltarch and its citizens::
Jason Selious will be present to investigate
Arlan Meynolt intends to investigate!