Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Legion

    word spreads around peltarch by suldin, reynauld, troff, and victoria that the group is looking for more seasoned adventureres to travel deep into the underdark to patrol a certain location. there was bodies seen but not identifed before the group was chased out by a large wave of skin dancers and magic eaters.

    (we all need a secific time for DM skippy to be around for the event, so now the crazy part of getting this thing organized. perhaps we could do it on sunday. if skippy will list the time he can be around then we can have people sign up to join. if another day is better then by all means we can change it.)

  • _After a solid month of rain in the deep swamps, with strange lights and bolts of lightning flashing around at all times of the day and night, it suddenly lifts, leaving the sodden swamps to drain to the river.

    This was followed by a massive wave of wisps flowing over, around, and through Peltarch as they sought food. The quick thinking of the Ceruleans saw most of them focussed outside the south walls until they could be dealt with, but complaints are heard throughout the town of singed clothing, minor fire damage, and big hair._

  • Arthur would be noticed to be in a very low mood as of late, seeming frustrated and angry. He would also be noticed to follow Eragor out of the swamps drenched in his own blood not looking so very well….

  • Labur seems to be having trouble keeping hold of a hilt of a greatsword. No matter what pocket he places it in it always weasels it ways out. When asked it seems the blade disappeared after killing the oddest looking deader he's ever seen in the city sewers and all that remains is the hilt. He seems to have held onto it trying to find an answer.

  • The swamps have become quite a dangerous place to be, with unusual lightning strikes regularly striking creatures, and strange clouds lit by magical lights, with Wisps swarming from them.

  • _Less than a week after the rumbling began, it seems to have settled. Unfortunately storm clouds have made their home over the swamps, with frequent lightning strikes ringing out day and night.

    Of the once cranky lizardmen, no sight can be seen, although the kobolds seem panicked by the change in the weather and situation.

    An oddity of the weather though is the fact that the swamp seems to be almost perpetually lit, causing some Peltarchians to complain about the light at night. Swamp gas perhaps?_

  • _A rumbling sound was heard coming from the swamps recently, with the earth moving slightly even in Peltarch.

    Anyone who goes to the swamps shortly thereafter will find some very, very cranky lizardmen._

  • While walking around Peltarch those will find the oddest smell coming from the brewery, could it be….peaches?!?

  • Romulus Grey woke up from his nap and went downstairs at the Mermaid to get something to eat. Alas, even though all the fires were lit, there wasn't a single person in the inn. No waitresses, no barmaid, not even a cook. "Oh well," he thought. "I'll just go outside to the stand where they sell those tasty kabobs."

    But that stand was empty too. No merchant! "It's the middle of the morning! What do you have to do to get food around here?" Romulus muttered wandering off to the south.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman.
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger.

  • _Word goes around Peltarch that there is something happening in the swamp causing the wisps to move out from the centre… even moving them towards Peltarch. The merchants are doing a brisk trade in lightning resistant clothing though, so they're not complaining.

    What could it be? Magical ceremony, another creature moving in, or something more sinister? Perhaps some investigation is warranted..._

    //See the Help Wanted forum if you'd like to investigate 🙂

  • _Tongues wag about a monsterously sized orc smashing through the western gates and into the city proper, screaming bloody murder. The beast took the lives of two Defenders and nearly that of two out of three brave adventurers fighting it, until at last it fell with a thunderous thump.

    Far less beastly but all the more mysterious was the disappearing act of the blonde mage known as Mystic, who vanished with a burst of light and a rumble of sound, right at the city commons. She reappeared a few minutes later, unharmed, to the curiosity of several bystanders._

  • _Dressed for the occasion, the flaxen haired wizard calls on the noble houses of Peltarch in more regal purples and gold.

    "I come offering tutelage in the arcane arts to your sons and daughters. Spellweaver lies at your services, should you choose to join our ranks. I truly have no need to press upon you the importance of such matters in todays world. You have no doubt given the matter immense thought. I merely tender this offer."

    "As for what I have to gain? Well, the tuition rates are reasonable and standardized, although closer attention can be …arranged... as desired. Not that we'd refuse any willing patronage...nor would we forget it either. But a teacher is ever a student himself, and those who seek true mastery teach others. I only come to offer the chance to further the talents of the brightest of the next generation."_

  • _Word begins to leak out about a mysterious villain called "the Puppeteer" having been defeated by the Order of the Divine Shield and allied adventurers near the ruined remains of a small town which bore the name Flabesburg, a few days west of Peltarch itself.

    Likely not coincidentally, it is said the Ilmateri priest Allestor "The Slayer" Hollins brought something special back to the Jewel - the fabled Shroud of Ilmater, which cured a great plague in Peltarch years back._

  • Legion

    elena would be asking around peltarch if anyone had seen corwin, and to let him know she was looking for him.

  • Arthur would be seen rushing around Peltarch stopping at the orphanage then dropping a note off on the desk of the Order. He would later be seen speaking to a stable hand about long term care for his mare then rushing back out of the stable and summoning his Celestial Stallion. As he mounts he pulls out a small silver whistle blowing on it then riding out as fast as he can trusting his mount not to throw him.

    Rushing down the dirt path he is met by a hin whom he just nods to saying only the island of Arelith, in moments he is gone from all of Narfel, the Celestials tracks literally seeming to vanish without a trace.

    When he arrives in Arelith he spends three days hunting down Kata Talos and pays her a small sum to teleport him to Dammora which again takes the matter of two days to prepare properly and open for him.

    When he arrives in Dammora he begins seeking out the order of the Silver Chalice…

    (( this is being left open for Rey and Rom to jump into if they want to bump into him there ))

  • Arthur would be seen finally leaving the temple and heading into the Mermaid, after a few drinks and a hot meal he finally tucks into a bed and passes out completely exhausted, more surprising is the young orphan Jake who comes and curls up with him.

  • @4094b72832=Vanderkaus:

    A female hin was found unconcious at the Docks. Her stat, it is sai, is to be worried. Peltarch guard's are looking for relatives of her.

    Arthur would be seen by all members of the order sitting over the female hin protectively, checking her temperature, helping her eat and drink on random occasions and rarely resting. His breaks are usually sitting close by as Talindra takes over or reporting to High Priest Galin of any changes in her condition then right back to her side. He would seem oath bound to protect the downed hin.

  • A female hin was found unconcious at the Docks. Her stat, it is sai, is to be worried. Peltarch guard's are looking for relatives of her.

  • Arthur is seen around Peltarch and the Orphanage spending a good bit of time with a timid child named Jake. Though still spending much time with the other orphans, Arthur seems to show this child a bit more favor often bringing him with him to the commons or to the Mermaid for a treat.

  • Celia cleric of Torm is also seen by the temple at the docks usually around mid day. With the recent increase in crime and a murder she feels that with the extra time on her hands, there is no better way then to watch over the hopeful and future citizens of Peltarch.

    With a basket full of apples she sits on the templs stairs watching. The children, she prays, are still carefree and ignorant to the horrors of this land.