Public Notices of the Jewel
Do ye want to adventure but are a worthless sack of shit?
Ye actually skilled but can't find anyone to travel with?
Tired of starin' at the same goddamned crock pot, sundial, or fire?Well, Professor BRONN be your solution!
Professor Bronn's Adventurin' Consultin' Servicesake and Training offer expert advice on melee combat, good advice on sneakin n' support, as well as guidance on how t'prepare for an adventure before ye go out. Bronn also offer guided tours n' adventures into dangerous places that would normally guarantee you'd get killed.
Ah've been doin this fightin' and adventurin thing for awhile now, let me help ye to live up to yer full potential.
Disclaimer: While Bronn will take all measures in terms of preparation and making you aware of possible threats that may be faced, he does not guarantee your safety. Coming prepared even after being consulted on what to bring is your responsibility. Should you fall during an adventure, no fault will be pinned on the organizer, though he will make a moderate effort to have you returned to life or find someone to do so at your expense.
Furthermore, consultations are free, but if any treasures found, though would be split evenly, in the event that there may be a piece of equipment needed by Bronn, there will be no contest and gets it first even if his roll on the bones isn't highest pending on circumstances.
This service is for training, adventuring, and exploration only. Any questioning of the morality of those participating will be met with the individual who passes judgement being expelled from participating.
Lost: Magic Axe that looks like the whole thing be blessed against evil and is covered in vines and glows orange. If found, seek Bronn Razenk for reward. Could have dropped anywhere from Coldcaves, to Gnolls, to Hill Giants to around Peltarch, can't think of anywhere else.
((OOC inventory's full and I lost my axe again
Note added
Axe found. Carry on with yer lives.
Raryldor takes down such signs, and takes note of anyone putting up more. Careful note. Lethal note, perhaps.
is wanted
A bounty of
20,000 GOLD
is offered for his corpse, or
Parties interested in claiming said bounty are asked to bring the target to the bridge in the Nars pass at 12am sharp, any day, and to have it openly displayed.
Beneath this, is a composite sketch of the offending feline, easily recognized by any who have encountered it
((OOC Note: This is a post on behalf of a PC who wishes to remain anonymous. Any investigation into this matter can be conducted via PM to me.
By request of Magistrate Borodin, let it be known that Chaevre Valen is still wanted by the State of Peltarch on the following charges:
- Necromancy
- Escape from prison
- The suspected murder of former Guard General Vick Dunderstone
A code of conduct has been enacted by the Senate as per the Referendum 1550!
Senate Code of Conduct
To swear to uphold the law and the good of Peltarch and her people and allow no outside influence nor nefarious groups to sway any decision for The Jewel.
To swear to protect the people of the Jewel for threats both foreign and domestic.
To always act in the best interest of the people of The Jewel
The Senate has formally appointed Captain Frederic Del'Rosa to the position of Defender General.
Additionally, they have appointed Captain Velhar as the new Guard General. Her first standing orders are the promotion of Guard Lieutenant Lisa to the rank of Captain, granting her jurisdictional oversight of the Commerce District!
The city of Peltarch wishes to make it known that there is a need for a new Magistrate for the Jewel. If you believe you have the relevant skills and experience, please apply at City Hall.
Long Live the Jewel!
((OOC: PM me with an application if you're interested))
Guildmaster Wesley Hardin wishes it to be announced to all that he has formally designated Senator Mariston Thel as his successor in the Wavebreakers guild. Upon his resignation as Guildmaster, Wesley Hardin will pass control of it to the good Senator, that the Wavebreakers may continue to serve the Jewel in the years to come.
Let all Peltarch Citizens be advised that there will be a civic ceremony to reward those who were involved in ending the flooding and saving Peltarch from being washed away!
The ceremony will be held in two weeks time, outside City Hall.
// Due to ongoing connection issues for me, which are ISP related, I'm going to push this back a week to Sunday the 2nd at 11:30am by US EST. If you're supposed to be there, and cannot make that time, please let me know via PM.
A crier from the Magistrate's office takes the stage
Hear ye, hear ye!
By order of the Magistrates office of Peltarch, the human known as Arthur Forge, formerly of the Jewel, has been banished from our fair city until further notice on the charge of being a Banite.
Should any citizen witness Arthur entering the lands of Peltarch, please notify a guard, immediately!
_Lieutenant Lisa makes an announcement from the Rant Stand, sounding thoroughly annoyed.
"Attention, people and mages of the Jewel! If you are going to put up posters, do it in an orderly fashion. Preferably contact myself or any officer of the Guard, and then attach your posters neatly, preferably one per building, instead of leaving them all over the damned ground. And when you are done, and others have done the same, do not go and sabotage other people's work by stealing their posters, as we have seen some people do. The Jewel has enough troubles at this point in time, so stop making the Guard's job harder. Or I will be very annoyed."
After she gives this speech, town criers relay the gist of it throughout the city._
A notice is posted to the wall of the Mermaid and at the sign post in the Commerce District.
The Shesae i’ Seldarine is looking for assistance in gathering maple sap, for the upcoming Ishilwa’Amhred or Sugaring ceremony. All those who can carry a bucket, stir a pot, or guard those gathering in the depth of the woods are needed.
The Shesae is opening this ceremony to the children of Peltarch and Norwick, to show that even in these dark times, traditions and spirits must be upheld. As such we are also looking for the services of any bards or entertainers who might wish to perform for our guests, while the sugar is made.
We invite you to share our traditions as family, and to lend your aid to provide some merriment to the children who have suffered so much through the recent war. All those who help will be entitled to a share of the sweet rewards.
If interested please speak with Imril Teb’rin at the Mermaid in Peltarch.
((30 GP Trashed))
Magistrate D'Arneau offers a bounty of 5,000 gold pieces upon receiving the confirmed and complete set of equipment and belongings of the woman known as Liisa.
Lady Cassandra Je'laan offers the Reward of 500 gold pieces for the return of her rubies, stolen this past week by the villainous robber-goblin Fippsee.
Many posters are put up around the Residential District, as well as several along the Market Road and the Peltarch Theatre road. Each one is exactly the same, a self portrait of the college professor Elidur wearing a pointy wizards hat with his arms outstretched. The writing below the image is simply:
Notices are placed at the main sewer entrance in the Docks District, and on some of the more prominent entrances elsewhere to the following effect;
Do not lightly enter the Sewers
For the Ill-Prepared who Enter
there is not always an Exit
-General Marcus Ash
Herald Fisher makes an announcement, accompanied by notices posted up in City Hall.
"Good folk of Peltarch, let the word be known and be spread that the noble Senate of Peltarch has put out a call for the aid of a powerful Druid, who is willing to use their abilities in the service of Peltarch and its Citizens.
Let any Druid who has the heart and the courage to answer this call send word to myself, Herald Damian Fisher, at City Hall."
Notices go up all over the city, the Guard themselves placing them up in any major traffic spot in every district.
By order of the Senate, due to the attacks against the city by several new hostile factions, the sewers are hereby opened to the adventurers of the land once again. You MUST enter at the entrance in the docks, near Fenz and openly declare yourself as you enter, giving your name to the guards who will be stationed there.
Enter with care, as you might be held accountable for any and all damages you cause within the sewers and all crimes below are to be considered the same as in the city above. If you show care in your dealings below, we wish you happy hunting.
Long live the Jewel.
A notice goes up that rewards are now being offered by Lady Vlana Borodin herself for information regarding and or the destruction of certain creatures believed to be directly related to attacks upon the Jewel.
Vampires, 100 gold pieces per vampire completely destroyed. Truth magic may be required to prove that the vampires are indeed fully destroyed, or the word of a city official present for the destruction of said creature.
Illithids, 200 gold pieces per Illithid head delivered to the Guard, or in the case of disintegration or other destructive magic being used, truth magic and or city employee there to witness destruction of said creature. Reward increased to 500 gold pieces per live and subdued Illithid delivered for questioning to the city of Peltarch.
4000 gold piece reward to any person or group of people who end the constant attacks by Underdark creatures upon the city of Peltarch. Proof will be required that the creatures/people responsible have been dealt with permanently.
2500 gold piece reward to any person or group of people who permanently end the vampire threat to the city. Proof will be required that the vampires are permanently destroyed.
All bounties are subject to House Borodins approval and bounties are for current threats, not existing or new. Offer extends from 25th of Hammer until 25th of Kythorn
((April 19th, 2009- May 31st, 2009))