Vault Restore Request
Ah well, worth a shot!
Ty for checking anyways.
Yeah, I knew it was a typo and accounted for it. I included searches for your other pcs as well and came up empty.
hrm, I typed the wrong login, its "blrg1979" not blrt1979
Connected to teh account there could be:
Arah / Arah'
Rhoni / RhoniDark /Rhoni DarkThat might help, not sure
Login: blrt1979
Char: Rhoni Dark
last login: uhm, no idea, i know him and nicaah had just paid for some house in the obscura town , or what it was called2006 ish? thats when i last recieved a plotmessage from you kuk
No dice, our backups only go back to 2006. It must have been before that. I did searches on all your pcs and your login name and nothing came up in the backups.
If you have any saved versions on your own comp we can try to get them imported to the server vault that way.
Login: blrt1979
Char: Rhoni Dark
last login: uhm, no idea, i know him and nicaah had just paid for some house in the obscura town , or what it was called2006 ish? thats when i last recieved a plotmessage from you kuk
Login: bara_bajare or barabajare
Char: Jirka Larkur
last login: 2007-8time for the "bi-annual" restore…
Unfortunately I cannot remember what my login was, so I had to buy a new game. Aparently it had something to do with bioware deleting their database a few years ago...
Would appreciate if I could get Jirka Restored for some giggles and random outbursts of rage.
Done, welcome back and have fun!
Login: Mkable
PC: VastianMaybe a year back…
Done, missed this one before, sorry.
Im using : bara_bajare
I will need the new login name as well bara.
OMG is jirka…
Login: bara_bajare or barabajare
Char: Jirka Larkur
last login: 2007-8time for the "bi-annual" restore…
Unfortunately I cannot remember what my login was, so I had to buy a new game. Aparently it had something to do with bioware deleting their database a few years ago...
Would appreciate if I could get Jirka Restored for some giggles and random outbursts of rage.
Login: Mkable
PC: VastianMaybe a year back…
Can you please restore:
GSID: Skeet112
Char: Devlin DesarioNot sure when the last I played was. Like maybe, a year ago?
Can you please restore:
GSID: Skeet112
Char: Devlin DesarioNot sure when the last I played was. Like maybe, a year ago?
Login:Andre il dio
PC:Andrew Brightdawn
i've been missing for more than a year…i'm back ^^
Login:Andre il dio
PC:Andrew Brightdawn
i've been missing for more than a year…i'm back ^^
Cheers Kuk!
Login: Mkable
PC: Saria Frostdusk
Last played December I believe…
Done, have fun!
Login: Mkable
PC: Saria Frostdusk
Last played December I believe…
Thanks kuk!