Sir Roderick calls adventurers to....adventure!
Even if Dermin hasn't been counted as a member of the future party yet, if things changes and everyone is happy with him in and his big shape, he will be okay with that postponement.
Also, out of curiosity, does anyone have any backup times this week they'd be willing to do things?
I'm asking because my internet has been spotty all day, and I can't go an hour without two or three disconnects. If people really, really want to go tomorrow, then I can try to manage that, but I'd prefer to see if my connection stabilizes somewhat since it's been iffy since they restored it on Monday.
Sir Roderick looks blankly at Romulus for a moment, then scratches his head
"It'sā¦.'Roderick', actually, and outside of the Shrine of Kelemvor seems like a good meeting point."
((As for the time, I'm thinking around 5-6pm EST for our startup. For reference, this post was made at about 4pm EST.))
Romulus checks his calander, the sundial, and searches through any notes he can find. "Where shall we meet Sir Rodney, and at what time?" he wonders.
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
Aaaaaaand internet is back! We are go for launch!
Well apparently, there's some sort of service outage affecting verizon customers in my area for the next few days. I expect it to be over before the event, but just in case I wanted my players to be aware of what's going on.
I can still get online using my phone (hence how I'm posting this) but for now, I'm not able to do any online stuff from my pc. If that isn't changed by Tuesday, I'll postpone until Friday at 6pm est so that I have time to get everything set up. If that is the case, I'll make sure to post here. If I don't make any other posts about it, assume we are go for launch on Wednesday!
I Don't think a trip North would be complete without a Frostdusk!
Saria insists (fistfully!) that she join
victoria offers her aid.
Dermin offers his help as he is almost the same size of Sir Sandwich and smells like ham.
Oh crappers since May the 1st is a bank holiday in sweden my weekly business trip has to be wednesday-thursday this particular week This mean no IG time for me.
Mooncandy offers her assistance if she will be available around this time!
(Free after 8:30 EST or so, or whatever after 6:30 mountain time is)
Arlan Meynolt say's he's interested!
//If I can even play at the time that is.
Romulus writes his name down. I can be there.
Login: AubreyMaturin
I'm game. And game-y. hey, I'm a ranger!
The somewhat weary and deeply concerned squire Celia stops her searchpatrol outside the gates for a brief moment. She listens to Sir Rodericks calling, and make notes of it, then returns to her relentless serch for the item lost.
((should this take place on eurofriendly hrs I be happy to join in))
Great Elidor Moonwhisper, Master of all trades, shows interest in joining an adventure!
Sir Roderick is seen at the south gate attempting to rally adventurers to embark upon some amazing new adventure on the northern shores of the icelace! Details are scant at the moment, though he promises they will be more forthcoming once he finds people who are interested!
OOC Edit: To keep things bearable for me, we'll do 8 slots for this adventure, then start adding alternates on a first come first serve basis if we need to!
Also, right now I'm thinking Wednesday, May 2nd EST evenings for this. Folks interested list what your availability is and we'll see how that works out.
1. Elidor
2. Lence
3. Romulus
4. Arlan
5. Mooncandy
6. Victoria
7. Dermin
8. Saria
I'll try and get up early, and Be there as an Alt on Gwen level 8 wizard(enchanter)
Jade Slipperyfoot will be an alternate if too few adventurers show up to adventure.