Wooden crafted armour?
I have no clue about crafting what so ever (none of my PCs does it) , but now when I made my little elven druid I was looking over what armours, and weapons etc that she would want as she progressed / evolved throughout the game.
I cannot find wood armour nor wood helm (like for example yew + refl + disc) , only leather helms? I have seen a wood armour on an elf IG
I am sure there is a reason for it, but it would be cool with som leather combined wood craftmanship?
It would be cool. Crafted leather armours are nigh on useless other than as enchanting bases. And no, can't make armours or helms out of the in-game woodcrafting system.
You could try getting a DM to run it as a quest for you. Write up a request with your ideas for what she'd like and how she's thinking of going about getting it and submit the request. If it's taken up don't expect it to go how you've planned it
A quest to find the components then either a PC or NPC crafter to 'make' it for her. If an NPC they'll probably be looking for something more than gold in return.