Needed ~ Good Hearted Elves or Elf-Friends
Gnarl is interested in this quaint custom. Seems he has heard about an ale made from fermented maple sap, and it is reportedly very good. Also will keep an eye on Lence. So, he will plan to be among those persuading the treants to barter pecefully.
(( good luck and have fun i should be a mommy by that date
if not i'll see about making it))
oooh! I so want to go! Lence has always been gung ho to meet up with a treant, and this may be his chance!
((Looks like the date for part two of this event will tentatively be March 24th, which is a Saturday. Still need to pick a time, so stay tuned for that info, but mark your calendars, March 24th the candy man comes to town.))
_Imril reports that the group found a grove of suitable maples to tap in the western Gnoll woods. The buckets have been hung and the sap is flowing! However he also mentions an unsettling encounter with a Treant, and a tense blood oath that was eventually sworn between it and the group. The treant agreed to allow the gathering of sap to go forward after elven blood was shed in reciprocation. Also that it and its kin will keep the gnolls out of the sap buckets.
Imril plans to return to collect the sap and make the sugar in a few weeks time. He says that many strong hands will be needed to haul it all back to Peltarch, also that protection will be needed since the mood of the Treants might change. He also mentions that once the sugar is made and given to those who help, and any children of the City, he will be doing more tattoos for those who are interested._
((Part one was a good time thanks to the DM(s), Part two of the event will most likely happen later in March maybe at a time so some of our Euro Friends can make it, The Date and Time will be posted here as soon as I confirm with our DM(s) ))
Hahn may be there.
vic should be able to make this one too.
I'll try to be there with Ugly Nick…. I'll show you a 100 ways to use that maple sap
((In an attempt to make this event accessible to folks who maybe away or have a schedule conflict for tomorrow, The DM staff and I have decided to make this a TWO PART EVENT!
SO PART 1 - will happen tomorrow as scheduled here! Come one Come All! 10pm CST - meet near Peltarch!
PART 2 - Will happen in about 2 weeks time either during the week or on a Saturday, DATE FOR PART 2 TBA soon, once I confirm with the DM!
See all who can make it for the set up tomorrow!))
((DM approves! Feel free to do whatever you like before I arrive. NPCs will be arriving at the camp site when I sign in. :))
((As an aside, I plan to be IG before the event RP'ing setting up, any who wish to come RP with me before hand feel free, this would just be straight RP with no specific DM interaction, but I would like any and all who want to partake in this event to be able to, even if you can not go on the hunt for the sap. So I will be about Peltarch probably around 8pm CST just find me and we can RP a bit if you have to leave early due to the later start. It maybe possible for those wishing a tattoo to RP this outside the actual event time, and then have a LETO request done for your PC later. But that would be pending DM approval of course.))
Romulus would love to do this, and has been invited to sing for Shasea events before. Alas, he is scheduled to leave early the next morning for a long trip to see his wife.
(In RL, we are driving to Florida starting early Saturday morning. I will try to be there for at least a little while, but I cannot promise.)
Login: AubreyMaturin
Character: Romulus Grey
Elidor might be there, not sure though due the late time, if im awake, ill be there.
Im in with Ardie
May be able to make part of it with Thistle.
Would have loved to participate with my elven druid lvl 5 Aza'ael but… alas it is 3 am on this side of the lake.
Imril is heard, as he rushes about making perpetration, to say something about making sure he has enough needles for those who will wish to be tattooed…...
((Date will be Friday February 24th 10pm US-CST, Right Mexi??))
Correct! DM Failboat strikes again! :lol:
Added to original post.
Imril is heard, as he rushes about making perpetration, to say something about making sure he has enough needles for those who will wish to be tattooed…...
((Date will be Friday February 24th 10pm US-CST, Right Mexi??))