Hanadros (on NWN account "Talgrath")
“Dead Insideâ€
Notes of Doomguide Alexander Highhaven on the Doomguide Hanadros:
Hanadros has been and continues to be an enigma to myself and the other Doomguides in Silverymoon. He was found in the ruins of an attack upon the village of Deerpass, the sole survivor, apparently. All of the bodies found were too burnt to be recognized. He was found unconscious and wounded, but alive.
He came to us at the temple of Kelemvor by his choice. According to those that dropped him off, he asked to be taken here and would speak nothing else besides “Take me to the temple of Kelemvor.†He then demanded to be taught to be a priest, his eyes seeming like steel when I met him. Indeed, the only times I have seen him happy or fulfilled in any way was doing his priestly duties.
Truth be told, I have found his personality impenetrable, trying to get to the root of what is truly going on within him is like trying to get through a wall of solid steel. He is either dead inside or has buried his innermost feelings so deeply that none can reach them. Whatever occurred in his village truly seemed to traumatize him completely. I have never heard him speak on the attack, even when pressed by the guards he wouldnâ€
t say a thing.
In truth, this has made him an even better of Doomguide then most. He doesnâ€
t care about the feelings of others; he isnâ€
t affected by the tragedies that unfurl so often to a Doomguide. He comforts the grieving when necessary, but doesnâ€
t let their grief effect him.
As a boy, he took to his studies with extreme vigor, even more then other priestly candidates. He is quite knowledgeable in multiple areas, though particularly in matters of the body and planar travel. He didnâ€
t play jokes or pranks like many of the other priestly candidates did. He seemed to vastly enjoy his duties, even the most menial, and is truly fulfilled by them. This only adds to his skill at being a Doomguide.
My only true worry for him in completing his duties is whether or not he can maintain his current emotional state. If he can, then I stop only at using the word perfect to describe Hanadrosâ€
skills within the realm of clerical duties to Kelemvor.
Reviewed - XP Pending.