Missing Norwick People

  • Matthias the Lumberjack and his wife Erica have gone missing from their Norwick home. There are signs of a struggle in the bottom room, but no signs of them are anywhere to be found.

  • Rico speaks to Aramuil:

    _I hope for their sake that's I'm wrong. But I don't believe I am. Izakiel has taken the man and woman, I'm sure of it. He even said he wanted "a carpenter" in our last encounter.

    Investigate the matter if you must, but hurry. You know where to find me when you've found nothing useful. I'll be pursuing an alternate method.

    I urge you not to tarry. Mad as he is, he has some reason for collecting these people beyond simply tormenting good people. We cannot afford to wait._

  • _Unsurprisingly, there is tracks everywhere, and it is impossible to distinguish any unusual ones.

    Eric the Lumberjack said a group of strangers and possibly a Norwick militiaman or two came to speak to Mathias, then left for his house._

  • _The Rose Knight makes an appearance.

    "You won't find any physical tracks, I'm afraid. Aramuil, it was -him-."

    "The man's taken to bragging about his crimes before he commits them. Mattias and his wife are with the other missing women, wherever that may be."_

    //Have to go to work. Back later.//

  • Kabul checks the surouding areas searching for any tracks left behind.
    He heads north, towards the crossroads looking for some clues on the Lumberjack whereabouts.

  • Aramuil and two redcloak scouts investigate the scene, while regular militiamen keep onlookers from getting too close.

  • Celad arrives to look arround after hearing the news,, he checks for tracks and any traces of Eric or his wife near the road and the gate. He also asks the dwarves on duty on the hill by the hold if they noticed any unusual people or wagons recently.

    ((would roll a search check but no access at work 😞 ))