The Remnant:Orders and Organization

  • Kalem watches and listens in silence. He signs nothing but offers a curt nod to Ardent.

  • Cecil strides up, leaning down from his nearly 7 foot height, to sign on the right without a word, now that he knows the page is there. He doesn't seem to question being subordinate, and is still wearing his red black and gold Norwick colors.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Luke strolls up, smiling lopsidedly, boots clomping, to sign on the left ith a flourish.

    "What can I say? I'm bored."

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, all three bleach blonde feet of him, literally steps out of the shadows, swaggering up irritably to sign on the left.

    "'m helpin', but we bloody well better take back th' Valley too, r' m' not gonna be s' helpful. Already sick a' this soddin' city. I'll be 'round the Mermaid."

    Mumbling curses and unpleasantries about Peltarch, bugbears, duergar, etc. he turns and walks off, snapping his fingers before shadows engulf him once again.

  • Hess Arksaniss sits at a table and listens to everything that is said, but speaks to no one.

  • Rain stands in the back near Danika. Watching and listening.

  • "Ye have me straight axe t'use how ye see fit, anythin' t'free our kin. Ah'll follow Havon's orders as if me cloak were red."

  • _Havon comes from above as Val speaks, holding a parchment in one hand and his shield in the other.
    "I have also spoken to Aelthas about this. We will be gathering what refugees we can to help around in the Romani land. I go now, in fact, to speak to the refugees.
    But before I do I will address those who have come here. The Remnant thanks you for whatever aid you can afford. To those who would be our ally: call upon us as we would call upon you. For the time being we shall all cooperate, as for the time being we are all threatened by Ostromog's conquest. To those who would subordinate themselves to the Remnant's ranks and orders - you do so as the military wing of Norwick's people: its soliders and its police. With this comes the responsibility of following the orders of our leadership and keeping the citizens of Norwick both safe and under control. I do not want to see our people lynched in this city, and I do not want to see a repeat of the heckling of Senator Martouscha, for example.
    And to those who retain Norwick citizenship papers: you are still citizens of the realm until you renounce that privilege. Keep this in mind.
    I was nominated to lead, so lead I shall. But in my absence, my right and left hands Ardent and Arlan's word should be considered authority."

    Then Havon turns to Val as he nears the exit.
    "Mistress Kyrie. I go now to gather refugees to be transported as provided-for labour in the Romani lands. It will lessen the burden on Peltarch, temporarily, give them something to do, and benefit us in this war. I hope that when the willing refugees are ready to move out, your forces will help escort them."
    He turns to the rest, "Any of the Remnant or our allies without anything to do, please assist in this as well."
    Then he begins heading for the Peltarch Lists, Theatre, and Lighthouse Temple where Norwick refugees should be._

  • Val speaks up when Ardent goes to address Grag.

    Major General Grag has made me his advisor in matters of tactics, strategy, and planning for the war effort. You have the Legion's aid in this, just as I am sure they have yours. This is a time for unity for all goodly folks.

    I have spoken with Aelthas, and he has given his permission for the Legion to aid in the defense of the Gypsy lands in the Pass, thus for now our main focus will be there so that we can defend those building the defenses, and aid them where possible.

    Should you require something more specific, or a different focus, please speak with me and we can discuss it.

  • Danika stands nearby to watch and listen, but she signs nothing.

  • Romulus steps forward without a word and signs on the right side.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Boldbar grumbles up to the table from his mug of ale at near the end.

    "Aye Lass, ye can count on me, Never had a problem with taken orders, and I trust ye judgement."

    Marks the right sheet with a large Dwarven Rune.

  • Dev

    Lence looks down at the two sheets, then makes his mark on the left side. He gives Ardent a hard look.

    "I will help you in any way I can. You know that."