Crafted items question
We do have successful spellswords. I'm nor sure if they tend towards buffing before they suit up as opposed to casting during combat, or if they're using Still Spell.
There's also an outside chance that someone has spell failure reduction armour sitting in storage somewhere, so an IC post could possibly yield a result.
There's a handful of spells without Somatic components that are useful in combat. My bard tended to use those.
It isn't all that difficult to get hold of some AC 4 armour with 20% spell failure reduction. I have two seperate characters that have such a suit, although one was issued by a DM the other a reward for a big event. There are also certain spellsword-esque guilds that offer such armour as a Guild item.
So in short, the easiest way to obtain the particular armour property you're after would be through DM events and/or Guild items - especially since it sounds as though finding Mithral is like finding rocking horse s**t.
My plan is to stick with Full Plate or a higher AC armor bonus, because my PC's dex is low enough that he just wants max protection. I can live with 10-20% spell failure for the trade off of a higher AC.
I do have still spell as well, which will make it easier to cast the higher in level (and more spell slots) I am.
I will most likely start a search for either some masterworked armor to enchant or get enchanted, or drop some lines to see if anyone has some already enchanted armor that fits my bill.
You could enchant 4/4 armour for no chance of spell failure but that's the most actual AC availble without failure chance. On that you could also have +1 to a specific save or +2 to a skill from making it a 9 point item, and get +1 save v acid or fire, or +1ac v abberations from your choice of base material.
We do have successful spellswords. I'm nor sure if they tend towards buffing before they suit up as opposed to casting during combat, or if they're using Still Spell.
There's also an outside chance that someone has spell failure reduction armour sitting in storage somewhere, so an IC post could possibly yield a result.
Thanks for the reply.
I was just curious… not mean to rock the boat. If it is because that is how the DM's wish to run Narfell and keep it as a rare item/low magic system...I am totally fine with that. The question is more out of curiosity than anything else....
I asked initially because I thought that some mithril armor would be a more attainable item to help lower my PC's spell failure chances.
Well this is a flim-flam answer from me since these things will have been DM team decisions from years ago, but I can give you my best guesses. Also using 3.5 dmg since I don't have the 3.0 one.
On Rarity:
An awful lot of it's down to Narfell being run on a lower magic base than pnp tends to gear wise. For example, DMG says you can buy a +2 stat item for less than the price of elven chain. In Narfell +2 stat items are very rare indeed. They can't be bought from a merchant or enchanted. Anyone with one most likely went through a lot of IC trial and tribulation to get it.283
Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than iron but just as hard.It says 'very rare' and is listed under special materials which the iron and steel aren't aren't. Adamantine's also listed in the special materials section and in Narfell it's even rarer and harder to work with than Mithral.
The only informative description of elven chain I've come across I think is from the 2E Arms and Equipment Guide which I don't have at hand and was probably casualty of lending it out to a player and forgeting. It went something like this:
If you look at Tincyatost in that post. There is one suit of elven chain in Narfell (nothing remotely like that, only referencing for the description) and I don't expect to see another oneOn Properties
I've never seen mithral/adamantine armour and Clan Dolvak will know better than me on it. For weapons I do know that mithral ones are better than steel, and adamantine better again. But again they're so rare that I've only seen one mithral weapon and have known of 3 adamantine ones.Edit because Benji beat me to it again:
Masterwork Steel rocks. We can't do enchants to match its properties. If there's a problem with armour stats it's probably there as opposed to on the rarer metal armours.
There is always the possibility of the DM team reviewing the traits of mithril armor and changing them. Given the rarity of mithril in Narfell I think it would be more likely that a mithril item would be created through a long DM run quest rather than through the scripted crafting system.
Thank you all for the information.
It seems somewhat odd to me at first glance that steel armor would be "better" than mithril. Isn't mithril supposed to be a superior metal to mundane iron and steel?
Also, is its rarity in Narfell a server community decision? Because if you take the DMG 3.5 as a reference, a mithril chain shirt, or elven chain (which is made of mithril) are fairly low cost items that are easily attainable by lower level PnP PC's. Hence why I did not think Mithril would be so rare IG.
Personally from an In Character perspective, there is no desire by my PC to become a crafter….so he will most likely seek out or enchant the item that I know the process.
I smell dwarven brawl. :twisted:
Not to mention that crafted Mithril armor is not as good as crafted steel or silver.
Thats just silly.. And you call yourself a dwarf?
Not to mention that crafted Mithril armor is not as good as crafted steel or silver.
In regards to mithril…
Mithril is close to impossible to ever find, and crafters are not allowed to sell crafted goods made out of it to anyone. If you managed to progress your own crafting to the point where you could feasibly make mithril armor (something that would take a massive investment of time and energy, probably more than 2 RL years of focussed effort) then you could possibly make yourself a suit of mithril armor.
I don't know anyone who has ever managed it though, and you'd certainly make a name for yourself if you did!
Nothing with spell failure reduction is available through in-game crafting.
It must be enchanted. Please see this thread:
Caster Properties
arcane spell failure reduction - 2 point cost
Max per item: 20%
Special: 5% per 2 points spent.The best you could get on full plate would be a 25% failure chance. That would be an 8 point armour which otherwise had the same properties as a mundane one.
The list of base items accepted in the Narfell enchanting system is in there too, along with the 'free' properties that carry over. Steel is popular for full plate because it offers 40% weight reduction. Mithral doesn't feature.
The procedure to do an enchantment varies depending on whether you're doing it yourself - be the right level, have suitable spells for what you want to enchant, get your materials, write and submit the enchantment.
Or asking someone else to do it for you in which you give them the materials and they write and submit the enchantment. If you're doing that yeah, find an enchanter in game or over the forums. They'll tell you their costs.
In either case, the current enchanting DM will find the enchanter in game to do the dice roll for success or failure, take the gold, xp, and materials, and provide the item. In the case of shared xp loss the item will only be provided after both parties have had their xp deducted.
Lower spell failure is a magical property. You can follow the enchantment process below to enchant your own item that has the property or hire an enchanter to make one for you.
If you have any questions about enchanting post them here or PM me