Mystic River entering the Norwick Halls

  • Rain quietly awaits the command to escort them out of the Great Hall.

  • Biswan does not appear impressed.

    "I am sure a powerful necromancer makes a potent ally in many enterprises, just as a demon, a strong bugbear warrior, or a lich would. That hardly justifies associating with them.

    "As you are unwilling to press charges I consider this matter at a close. I would advise choosing your travelling companions more carefully in the future.

    "Despite what you say about the 'unjust manner' in which the militia operates, rest assured that if we decide charges against you are warranted, you will be formally arrested and formally charged, with no violence unless you resist."

  • She then again turn to face chancellor Biswan addressing her directly

    " I would like to clarify a few things:

    I am not aiding Kyan in his supposed activities against Norwick nor am I aiding him on any supposed attacks against any individuals in this region. Why would I, I do like Norwick and the people that live here. The Inn is so much better than the one in Peltarch.

    On the matter of "My association with Kyan has been noted" is based upon me seeking adventure and riches, a mage with such powers makes a powerful travelling companion and increases my likelihood of survival and monetary gain out in the dark places of the realm

    Quite a few travel with him in the past and rumours say even today, more than likely for the same reason such as I. None of these individuals have been targeted as enemies that justifies a bounty on their head.

    she pauses briefly

    Chancellor, I have hope that the Norwick guardsman and scout Ardent will come to her senses and stop this obsession. I wish that she sees that what she is trying to accomplish will not only hurt me but also other good people and shared friends. This will possibly even hurt herself in the end if not physically but emotionally.

    I will not at this moment press any charges against her. I am willing to let this go if she is.

  • She turns back to Aranwe and Iathouz to briefly consult the opportunity presented to her

  • The chancellor does not look too thrilled at this.

    "There are currently no charges against you, although your association with the necromancer Kyan has been noted.

    "If you wish to file charges against Ardent you are free to do so; if she threatened your life in the presence of witnesses you may have a case.

    "Do you wish to file charges?"

  • Iathouz watches the proceeding with keen interest, ready to add his input when necessary.

    If asked, he responds. "Due to the sensative nature of a certain situation, I'd like to present the information I have privately."

    OOC: going to be away for the holiday today and will not be able to check the forum until much later. Sorry for any inconvenience that might cause.

  • She shifts her stance and clears her throat before speaking

    "I come here today of free will, with the hopes of putting an end to a witch hunt that has commenced and that is, to my knowledge, solely driven by one of Norwicks guardsmen and scouts named Ardent.

    People has approached me saying that they fear for my life since the Norwick guardsman and scout named Ardent has stated she will take matter into her own hands if she must. I have witnesses here with me today that can confirm this.

    I have never wished ill to this young woman and never will I, since I simply have nothing against her.

    I have not committed any crime that would justify her actions against me. I don’t know what charges she claims me. If the charges are based simply on the facts of my existence only, well then, that confirms the unjust manner of which how Norwick Militia upholds the law and chooses to operate."

  • Aranwë motions for Mystic to step forward and speak.

  • "State your piece. If it becomes necessary to have Scout Ardent present I'll have her sent for; however, I am not made of time and do not intend to wait while a runner finds someone who, by job definition, is likely somewhere in the woods."

  • _Aranwë inclines his head in greeting to Biswan.

    "Thank you for taking the time to speak with us Chancellor. his eye perks If possible, one of your scouts should be present before we proceed…Ardent...Would it be too much to send a summons to her? If she is in the field I will not delay this audience any longer and let Mystic speak..."_

  • _The request percolates up the chain of command, and soon results in the appearance of Chancellor Biswan and a number of militia.

    The Chancellor does not look terribly friendly; indeed, her expression or rather closed and impassive.

    Two guards, without being obvious about it, go to stand by the doors.

    The Chancellor glances through a stack of parchments, then turns to her petitioners._

    "State your piece."

  • _Aranwë approaches the closest Guardsman and speaks in a cool even tone…

    "I am Aranwë and this is Mystic River and Iathouz motions to each as he speaks. We would like to speak with the acting Captain of the Guard or Chancellor Biswan."_