Reapin' The Bounty at the Lucky Ferret Inn!

  • _Yes, ladies, gentlemen and glassy-eyed seaside lushes - after months of mannerly jousting, it's time to shed all inhibitions for another night of drinking, debauchery and tantalizingly revealing costumes at the Lucky Ferret Inn! This month's festivities hoist a proud High Harvest Tide flag, celebrating the richness of life's bounty and giving a saluting middle finger to the grim reaper of it all.

    So without further ado, The Lucky Ferret Inn proudly presents:_

    Reapin' The Bounty!

    1. Poppin' The Cherry:

    (Duel format)

    Contestants line up facing each other (at a set distance). Each is given a small bowl of cherries, a sling, and a liquid-filled red balloon to be fastened strategically to their belt (coverin' their own cherries, arr!).

    When the judge blows the whistle, the contestants begin by eating a cherry, then spitting the pit out to use as their bullet, slinging it off at the opponent's balloon. First one to pop the red balloon wins!

    //eating the cherry - roll initiative to see which one is quickest, and so determine who goes first. Popping the balloon - dex roll vs a set DC to hit, a natural 20 has amusing and painful results!

    2. The Pugilist's Pumpkin Punch:

    (single contestant or line-up format)

    Ah, the pumpkin, the plumpest of all the harvest tide crop, deliciously juicy beyond that tough and hardened orange shell. Now if only you had some form of sharp instrument to cut it open with.. but then, it wouldn't be much challenge if you had!

    The Pugilist's Pumpkin Punch challenge lies in splitting this orange goodness open with nothing but your bare hands - and the battlecry of your own choice and invention, for inspiration! A jury of three expert judges will decide the winner, based on a combination of brute strength and gusto!

    //strength roll plus perform roll and of course amusing and creative emotes combined makes up the total score for this event.

    3. Fear The Reaper!

    (Duel format, melee)

    Pitch black robes and flashing scythes make up the final part of the night's challenge, as all of life's bountiful harvest must eventually fall to the reaper. Therein lies tonight's melee challenge - making your opponent fall, whether through knocking them down or simply beating them bloody. Last one standing wins. NO magic allowed. Stunties are allowed the use of a sickle instead of scythe - but no shield.

    Time: This upcoming weekend, euro evening time (details to follow)

    Place: The Lucky Ferret Inn, basement

    Booze! Brawling! Bare chests! Come one, come all!

    Sponsored by Labur Strin’s Brewery – presenting an all new Harvest Wheat Ale!

  • //if the DM that set up the event could PM me with the amount that needs to be trashed for the sponsorship of the ales it'd be greatly appreciated!!

  • _Rumours of the evening's festivities leak out, spreading tales of neigh endless innuendo, rampant ale consumption and sticky, violent fun.

    The night started off with a howl of laughter as the ranger Rasuil suffered the by now traditional groinal trauma in the first event of the evening - "Poppin' The Cherry". The brutal popper of the ranger's cherry was the well known Black Sails brute, Bub the Gate Guard, who eventually went on to the finals to face the skinny-arsed elven bard Elidor "The Great". Covered in sweet cherry liquor after his defeat to said elf, Bub lumbered off to his duties and left runners-up Victoria and Walter to fight it out for second and third position. Walter was the most inspired of the two - most likely on account of the sweetness of his opposition - and claimed second place, with Victoria an honourable third. Curious little Cherry Bombs were handed out to all the winners, with the advice to handle them with care!

    A vast and brightly lit up pumpkin awaited the brave contestants in the next event - "The Pugilist's Pumpkin Punch". The trio of blue-clad Sails judges (Sabre, Luke and Celest) were treated to a wide variety of approaches to pumpkin smashing by the creative players - from tender slaps and karate chops, heroic attempts at head-butting, somersaults, leg crunches and rear end assaults. In the end, the jury chose to award such traditional pirate values as crudíty, nudity and blatant bribery, giving first place to the dwarven brewer of the Harvest Wheat Ale, Labur Strin. "Razor-Cheeks" Elidor took second, and "Drop-Kick" Ama'bael third place, each awarded a fetching Jack-O'-Lantern helmet.

    The evening's final event took place in the Lucky Ferret's fighting arena, where a score of black robed contestants fought it out with red glowing scythes and sickles in "Fear The Reaper". Through either persistant slashing with the blunted down instruments of reaping, or the cunning sweep of a leg, the finalists emerged one by one: Labur, Joanna and Shallyah. The latter proved the most fearsome, and reaped her just reward in the championship scythe, while littler reapers were handed out to the runners-up. Off-stage shenanigans are said to have included tail-chasing, rothe herding and the also traditional infighting between Sails as Admiral Ashire beat up his fellow Sail Korlis Sterr - and was in turn brow-beaten by Cap'n Sabre.

    As the evening wound to a halt, a happy Labur dozed off near a pile of empty ale bottles, and an exhausted Sabre kicked off her high heels with a grunt of satisfaction. Yet another Ferret Fight night completed, but already, there are whispers of the next… wrestling and theatrics seem to be the key words._

  • This event will kick off on Sunday 27th, 8 PM GMT+1, with a yarr, a harr and a barrel of Labur Strin ale!