María's class

  • //After talking to several people IG I realized this will be too complicated to actualy do IG, because of that, I will make this Forum-wise. I'll "give the class" slowly, and anyone that would be there can participate. I will just start in this post, to save the forums some space

  • The next class María changes topic all of the sudden, she arrives walking on the staff and quietly puts it next to the table

    Today… we'll speak about spell combinations. Fowr showrt.. spells combo.
    Depending on the situation some spells awre cleawrly bettewr than othewrs, but also knowing how to combine spells is a vewry good idea.

    I would like you to name a few youwrselves, what you'd think would be some good spell combos.

    ::looks at the people gathered:: even if you awre no spell castewr you pwrobably can come up with some ideas too fwrom what you've seen :smiles:

  • With the wave of her hand, the image blurrs one more time, and the next thing you can see is a strong and well built Bugbear with a graetaxe, a battlerager.

    This awre, so to say, theiwr elite wawwriowrs. They can chop you in half with a single lucky swing and they awre hawrd to outwrun, they awre vewry fast on theiwr feet and will catch up on you if you awre not hasted.
    Spells that will attempt to bwreak thwrough theiwr fowrtitude is pwracticaly a waste of a spell, and the best tactic is to use mind spells, using confusion is specialy adviseable since that will pwrobably tuwrn him against the othewr bugbeawrs.

    If you see one, the best is to cwrossfiwre it, if you see two, you should plan cawrefuly, if you see thwree owr mowre, is best that take a step back and think if you wreally can take them.

    This can easily kill anyone in a couple swings, be vewry mindful with them, and wremembewr outwrunning them is vewry difficult.

  • A green-haired elven lass has slipped into the classes sitting quietly and taking notes. Some of the older members of Spellweaver Keep might even think they've seen her before… and they'd be right...

  • Waves her hand and the bugbear image gets blurry and hardly visible at all. She waves her hand in the other direction, and the image gets clearer and clearer until you can indentify a bugbear archer

    So… this would be theiwr wranged units. They awre fine shots, and will piewrce thwrough youwr defenses without much effowrt... the only diffewrence hewre is that you can't stay wranged on them, because they can do a lot of damage fwrom theiwr spot. Best is to fight them covewring behind a twree.
    Mind spells will wowrk just fine on these, and wreflex spell will wowrk still good even if not as good as against the pwrevious ones, but still.
    Avoid getting in cwrossfiwre...sewriously... ::rubs her arm::

    So... next one then...

  • A pale, raven-haired moon elf with deep blue eyes slips quietly into the back of the room, looking uncertain. Her gaze falls over the various occupants without much recognition, before she makes her way, silk skirts rustling, to a back seat on the side.

  • Legion

    ::cela walks into the classroom and takes a seat seeming quite happy to be here, she would get out her notebook and write on the lectures and discussions given.

  • Well then, since no one had any question about magic eatewrs owr anything to comment about them, I'll move on to the next cwreatuwre. Due to wrecent attacks in Nowrwcik, I considewr impowrtant to speak about bugbeawrs.

    As you may well know, thewre's diffewrent twrained bugbeawrs, and thewre's spells fowr each type of them. That's what we will see today in class.

    ::she waves her hands in the air and conjures an ilusion, a bugbear warrior appears next to her, full sized and equiped::

    This is theiwr infantwry "men", you will easily distinguish them because they awre the only ones that use a shield. This ones use a swowrd the bugbear waves his sword as María moves a finger subtly:: and awre, in genewral tewrms, the weakest of theiwr kind. They can still cut thwrough youwr awrmowr if you awre not cawreful, mind you.
    Spells to use against this, pwrefewrably mind spells and evocation spells, since they awre not too smawrt, and also not too dextwrous inside those awrmowrs.

    Twry to stay cleawr of them, best if you keep youwr distance, that will allow you to give the fiwrst punch.

  • She winces at the mental image of the mentioned situation.

    I'm afwraid the only way to deal with those is to kill them. Since you've mention some intewresting cwreatuwres… I suppose we can talk about those next.

    Magic eatewrs:

    This cwreatuwres usualy live in the undewrdawrk, it's unknown who owr how they wewre cwreated but is one of the most feawred cwreatuwres.
    They awre inmune to all kind of spells, fuwrthewr mowre, they will cast it back at you if you hit them with one. So be cawreful.

    Added to this, they feed on magic, and they'll eat all and evewry magic spell casted on youwr pewrson, making them biggewr and mowre powewrful. And once they die, they'll explode in a magic buwrst that will inflict sewrious hawrm pwropowrtional to the numbewr of spells they've eaten.

    The best way, as a castewr, to deal with the magic eatewrs is with summoning spells. The summons will give you the time to scape owr they'll hold them while youwr gwroup can shoot awrrows at them. Powewrful summons such as six ciwrcle summons and highewr might be able to take a couple of these down on theiwr own.

    The pwropewr stwrategy when you know you will be facing these cwreatuwres is to have at least a couple of people without any spells on them, so they can hold them off fowr awrchewrs to shoot owr fight them themselves in paiwrs. One holds, the othewr smacks.

    You can extwract fwrom eatewrs the known "spell cwrystal" , a special cwrystal that can stowre spells in them. Vewry valued amongst adventuwrewrs.

    Any question? comments?

  • Larathia raised hand politely and remarked.

    "There has been reports of hook horrors with their cranial matter removed and the skull sewn back up, a magic eater taking the place of this organ. Would these be considered possible illithid thralls and is there any fashion short of slaughter to stop such creatures?"

  • After a few days, she announces the classes are back, and she continues where they left it

    The thwralls. Let me explain to you, that the Illithids can have all kind of thwralls, so unless you can be mowre specific, then thewre's little I can do. They can tuwrn neawrly anything into a thwrall, I've seen hook howrrowrs fighting fowr them, humans, skeletal devouwrewrs, bugbeawrs, etcetewra…

    Nontheless, a spell of clawrity owr mindblink will cleawr the thwralls mind, which can be useful, owr it simply may not mattewr at all.

  • María interrupts the class and announces that the classes will be on hold for a few days…

  • _Sirion's words slip through the air like the thrust of a blade.

    "It's simple. You kill them."_

  • Looking inside, She scans the room a moment and as she steps inside the frown on her face aleviates and she takes a seat by Victoria. Setting down a large bundle of arcana and her own private stock of lore, Aswell as a heavy spellbook, that seems to have been rent with a sharb blade thrust through the middle.

    "I.. have one" A softly accented illuskan lilt chirps out when Maria has finished talking. "I've seen an Illithid once, What of the thralls that these denziens of the underdark posess? how would you suggest dealing with the mindless thralls that they often have close by?"

    Listens quietly for the answer, but her gaze seems buried in a book, But those beside her note that she is actually drawing with a fine charcoal upon a pad nestled behind the book.

  • Enters the class, as always, leaning on her staff…the difference being she's all spelled up... a shadowy shield covering her entire figure, a blurry figure at it. A globe of protection shinning around her the dagger at her belt burning in large flames

    Uhm..Good day evewryone...I just come fwrom...doing some testing pwriowr the class... she waves her spells off casualy before leaving her staff by the wall

    Well then... today we'll speak about cewrtain cwreatuwres and ways to deal with them.

    As you suwrely know, thewre's a lot of diffewrent cwreatuwres out thewre and each has it's own stwrenghs and weaknesses... so that's what we'll be dealing hewre this next classes.
    If you have any special intewrest in a cwreatuwre just let me know, and we'll discuss such cwreatuwre.
    Howevewr , we'll begin with some cwreatuwre that pose a wrecent and actual thwreat.

    Mindflyewrs owr Illithids:

    This cwreatuwres awre vewry dangewrous, and fighting them with magic is complicated at best.
    Spells wrecommended when facing this cwreatuwres:

    Pwrotection fwrom aligment.
    Lessewr mindblank owr clawrity.
    Summoning spells.
    Tensewr Twransfowrmation.


    Illithids have a stwrong wresistance to magic, and even my spells casted with all my powewr wrawrely bypass such wresistance, so the thing is to attack them with physical stwrengh, to which they awre quite vulnewrable. That's why using summoning spells and stwrong shapes of polymowrph is the best option to fight these. Fowr those with a stwrongewr ability to cast spells, Tensewr Twransfowrmation is a good spell too.

    Defensively the best spell possible is Lessewr Mindblank, then clawrity, and at least having pwrotection fwrom aligment is a must. Do not fight this cwreatuwres if you awre not at least pwrotected fwrom evil...that'd be likely a suicide.
    They have stwrong psionic abilities that will piewrce thwrough youwr mind and stun you, and they'll then twry to suck youwr bwrain out...which I assuwre you it's not pleasant. The pwrotection fwrom evil will not make you inmune to this, but will give you a bit mowre of a chance to wresist, while the othewr two spells will make you totaly inmune to this kind of attacks.


  • ::tilts head::

    Yep. I'm allowed.

    and the class goes on….

  • He simply states to María..

    "Darkness doesn't really work for me either… but I'll keep the retreat spell in mind. Uh... are you allowed to look at students like that?"

  • Oh, alwright. If you mean to chicken out a fight, you should leawrn the spell expeditus wretwreat, which will make you wrun apwroximatedly 150% of youwr nowrmal wrunning speed.

    I'd also use dawrkness, since is a spell that doesn't wrequiwre somatic component and can be cast in any type of awrmowr owr shield… ::looks vagely at his skirt::

    I hope that's a bit mowre helpful?

  • Walter shifts in his seat, a bit uncomfortable now that he's drawn attention directly to himself.

    "Uh… yeah... but thing is right, I don't have two hundred coin to spend every time I need to chicken out of a fight. And uh.. I'm sure your classes have been insightful but.. I only just got here. But its fine."

  • @dc8d190354=KingCreeper:

    Walter, skirted and Legionary-lookin' has - as he said he would - been attenting some of María's classes. Usually as a sit in, bored to tears of hearing about spells he doesn't, won't, or can't use - he decides finally to raise the issue.

    "…I don't use illusion spells..."

    Ahm…how is that wrelated to what I've mentioned so fawr?

    Oh, that you can't cast invisibility. Yet you can cast many othewr spells I fact thewre's little of illusions spells...I think I've only mentioned two at all since classes stawrted, those being fiwrst ciwrcle colowr spwry and second ciwrcle invisibility. The fiwrst is not impowrtant, and the second can be wreplaced by a potion wowrth 200 coins in peltawrch.

    Does that answewr to you, Waltewr? ::she says respectfuly::

  • Corwin just looks depressed and worried wherever he goes.. Hoewver its been good for his work. He spends much time in a lab and even left a big giant thesis on Maria's doorstep large enough to probably be the work of a much older mage.