Summoner Update

  • Words never work because you never feel able to address the one person you really want to. Summoner and I had good times on the server. That's the extent of our interaction, but I've missed it all the same. To know that the man behind those good times is gone simply feels terrible.

  • To say that I am devastated by this news is an understatement. Summ played an a huge role in helping me shape Jaelle into a living, breathing crazy mess. I can't imagine Narfell without him and it hurts beyond words to think that he will no longer be a part of what made this community special to me.

    My heart goes out to his family and I hope that we all can take solace in the fact that he is no longer in pain or doped on drugs.

    I will miss him greatly.

  • 😒

    I will miss sharing earthquakes with him…

  • We may not have always got along or agreed on everything, but he was one of the first people I ever RP'ed with on this server. I will never forget him and how welcome he made me feel when I first started on this server 6+ years ago. Today is a sad day indeed. To all his friends and family, I will be keeping him and those close to him in my thoughts.

  • Sorry to read this news. Its hard to equate what happens in a "fantasy" setting to what someone is dealing with in RL. For something so tragic to happen to someone so young is incredibly cruel and unfortunate.

    My best to his friends and family.

  • Summoner was literally the second friend I made on Narfell. He was always fun to talk to in and out of character wtih Ronan, even if both were sassy. He was as much a guide as a friend helping Dondiah learn the ropes along with my other friends on the server and was never impatient at any questions I had about the world.

    I think Ronan was a large chunk of who Summoner was, gregarious, brave, unabashed, things that many of us wish we could really be and do he did and was.

    My thoughts and love go out to his family and close friends who are grieving as I know much of the community is now.

  • I'm at a complete loss for words.

    Rest in peace, buddy. You'll be sorely missed. 😒

  • So very sad. He has been, and will continue to be very missed on Narfell. My thoughts go out to his friends and family. 😞

  • I had no doubt that he would recover. I'm shocked and saddened by this. 😞

  • Words always feel inadequate at times like this, but on the other hand, it's precisely through words that I've known Summoner - at first filtered through the fiction and creativity of our respective characters, and later, also out of character, both joking around and being quite serious in IRC. Having witnessed, if only through this game world we shared, some of his struggles, I can't help but think the outcome so very unfair and cruel. He had so much more living left to do. 😞

    He'll be much missed, and remembered.

  • I have no idea what to say to this kind of thing either… a sad moment for us all though.


  • My heart and kind wishes goes out to his family, though we are all feeling the loss.

  • 😒

    Gonna miss him.

  • Its always difficult to respond to these kinds of messages, but I liked him and I'd feel bad if I didn't at least say that the loss is shared even this far away from him. Its a relief to know he was with his family, I'm very sorry for their loss. 😞

  • Oh damn. He'll be sorely missed.


  • I am glad that he had four years remission. I am happy that he had a wonderful family. Anything else I could say is filled with sadness.

    Here are photos of Summoner having birthday celebrations with his family. When I've been blue in past months I've liked to go and see him enjoying himself during the remission.

  • I think we'll all be feeling his loss.

  • 😒

  • I have no words for this.

    Rest in peace, Summoner.

  • I sent a text message to Summoner earlier today. I received a response from his Father tonight.

    Summoner passed away last Friday. His Father said he passed away comfortably and in the presence of his family.

    Right now I'm in shock and feeling a huge loss of a great RP'er, a great guy and a great friend. I don't have anymore details on his passing, but his Father gave me the information on the funeral service. If anyone's interested, please send me a PM.

    Summoner was a long time part of Narfell and I know he touched many lives. He'll be greatly missed and the community in general has suffered the loss of a great guy.