Magic Diary: Maria

  • _Powerful Dragon. Black one. That certainly can't be good, but something in me feels happy about it. Perhaps it's the idea of a true challenge. Of true adventure and risk, like I've had in long time… I can't change what I am, I love adventure, I love challenge and to overcome situations against the odds. I usualy push myself to the limit.

    Val and Shallyah are doing research on that dragon, meanwhile, I'm secretly practicing my most powerful spells, based on the knowledge I have from fighting that other black dragon years back.

    We'll take it down. We have to._

  • Today I found myself trapped in the depths of the cold caves. I was with Vic and she was really nervous about what was going on. Traps, ogres casting dispels everywhere… and the exits blocked too.

    Perhaps it's that I've become powerful enough to be confident and calm even in the most difficult of situations... or perhaps it was just that I could not just stay there. Not until I free Silea from those bastards. Perhaps that's what pushed me to stay clear on my mind and do exactly what I had to do to overcome all the obstacles.

    See that, Sister? even when you are not there.... you are helping me.
    I miss you.

    I summoned Gleam once more when I had dire need. He was wiling to help, though he was somewhat different. After the battle I unsummoned him so he could get some rest and think, or whatever they do.
    I summoned him back once in town, he apologized for not being of more help. Nonsense. He's my friend, and his presence is help enough. He said,again, that perhaps some day I'll find another celestial more capable in battle wiling to make a deal with me, like a hound archon.

    Perhaps I will. It would be very interesting, like an adventure in itself. But I will not stop summoning Gleam, never. He's a friend.

  • _After the party I thought it'd be a good idea to speak with Gleam for a bit. He seemed quite happy that so many other celestials showed up in the tower. He certainly didn't expect it.
    I'd say we was shinning even brighter than usual, but I know for certain that it would be a false assumption.

    I spoke with Gleam about the possibility of learning the Planar Binding spell. He wasn't able to teach me that spell , obiously so I scribbed it from the Spellweaver keep.
    I've yet to try to cast it, I think I still need a bit more of time to request a hound archon to be allies with me. From what I've learnt in all this time with gleam and reading books, it's usualy a deal that has to be made between the celstial and myself. It's not unheard of that the celestial agrees to be summoned if the summoner can be summoned to at will. I would definitely accept to this, would feel honoured to be requested by a celestial to aid them. If that would not suffice in this case, there's other things I could offer I figure, though what could a celestial need, scapes me at this moment._

  • That was a wonderful party. Many people came to visit, some of my best and most closest friends too. And I had Gleam and other celestials with me as well. Even that Celestial Avoral visited. There was food and dancing, and everyone looked so happy… even Val delighted us with a very beautiful song. It was a perfect night. You'll be soon part of these new stories, Silea. I'll get you back, promised.

  • _They got her. He has her. They say if I don't do as they say, they'll kill her… I can't allow that. I'll do whatever they ask me to do... I have to see her, bring her back home safely.

    Be strong Silea, I'll save you... I promise_

  • _Things south by Norwick have calmed down a bit. There's nothing but the usual and rare goblin assaults and little else. So there's little to write about that now.

    However I recently was in the lost city, looking for some treasure. Shallyah invited me along to that treasure hunting trip, and a good thing she did. It was a great adventure. But I can't but feel conflicted with myself with the last moments happenings.

    We had that red dragon there, evil by nature, he should've been put down, but most of the group was scared to fight it and they'd rather make a deal with it. As Shallyah put it, that's not honorable… and I also don't think it was the right thing to do.
    However, when talking to Gleam, he seemed to understand that we could not act on our own belonging to a group and having promised to not act against the group to begin with. Next time though, there'll be chance for him...

    I really need to rest now, it was very tiring trip._

  • _The origin of the strange cold that affects Norwick it's in another plane, which was visited by some adventures not long ago. They woke up some statues that should've been left to rest.
    These are their voices and what I heard from them at the inn:

    They tortured us.

    Why would they be so careless with the well being of others?


    They thought themselves heroes, smirking.

    Despite our please - beacuse of our please they escalated their torment of us.

    What good being could do such horrible things with a smile on their faces?

    Wretched fools.


    We merely wished to sleep.

    We did nothing but they imposed themselves on us.

    They invaded our reality trampled our minds broke our souls.

    All whilst thinking themselves right.

    Such self-righteousness.

    It was getting really painful, but then I managed to disconnect my mind from them. We'll eventualy have to go to that plane and put those statues back to rest. If we can at all.

    The attacks on Norwick have intensificated. That little hin doppleganger is getting everyone on their nerves. And the constant attack of bugbears isn't helping a little bit. Then there's still that Lich, and Fendon, and the Illithids, and the Rat-God... this is going to be tiring._

  • _Things seem to be getting bad enough for people to be really scared. Norwick seems to be in serious danger. Even N'jast soldiers, from what I've heard, tried to kill Biswan to retrieve the artifact. We need to act quickly and strong.

    I've adopted Elva. She was really in need of a parental figure to guide her through her life. Perhaps I'm not the best mother, but it's the only one she'll have. I will make a respected Wizard. I have no doubt she'll make me proud…in time._

  • _I don't know what was I thinking. As I explained already in class, undead is something that should not be played with. There's a soul trapped in that body, and every second of their existence is a punishment full of pain and suffering.
    It was good that I talked with Gleam about this and he said this to me, which is quite true.

    So I looked for Ama'bael and in front of her and Therean I ripped the page from my spellbook, much as it hurts me to do so, since the spellbook is very dear to me…but it was the good thing to do.

    Now there's a lich that wants me dead, just because I burnt his/her spellbook to ashes in front of his/her face. Maybe it wasn't the most wise move I've done, but then again I don't claim myself to be specialy wise... hopefuly we'll be able to take him/her down since we know where it lives, and with a bit of luck we can track the philactery and get it done for real.

    As if we had not enough undead trouble, this Fendon fella is sending more undead, including vampires, to attack Norwick. He's annoying, but powerful enough for me to be on alert everytime he or his minions show up. I can fight spells, I can't fight big swords...I bet he'd slice through me in a few seconds._

  • _I can understand their position on that spell. But they should respect other's opinion and they do not. That's not a good thing and I wish they knew better…specialy Ama'bael, who is one of my best friends. There's no doubt that the spell is NOT inherently evil, it's a neutral spell, and it's no different from charm person or dominate person, yet the insist that I remove the spell from my spellbook...that I cut off a page from my spellbook..

    They certainly have no idea what is a spellbook to a wizard. I will not do this, and if doing nothing but good actions is not enough for them to trust me, then that's too bad._

  • _I've started again with my classes at the keep. I thought it would be good to get those back since there's new magicians that are pretty much starters. That and the recent threads include a lot of magical power, and it will hurt no one to understand more about spells and magic in order to confront these better.

    I hope many people will attend and that they'll be interactive and not just dummies sitting on chairs. That makes for boring classes.


    Vaxin escaped. Our plan failed, or better said, we failed to follow our own was so confusing at times. But we can't just let this end here, we need to find him no matter what and stop him...and more importantly, I wish to make him pay for what he did to Ronan. I will not forgive him for that. Never.
    The war with the hoarans looks at any rate impossible to avoid, so things will be getting a bit more rough in the next months.

    Nothing about Silea. To be honest I've not tried too hard lately to find her, because I've been busy with other things. But I hope that soon I'll have some more spare time and will be able to work on this.
    I'll have her back, whatever it takes._

  • _I've been away visiting mother in Candlekeep. It had been a lot of time since I was there, and I had no wish to go back home without Silea…but I received that letter from my mother, and she was really wanting to see her only daughter.
    Everything was as I remembered, the streets , the people... though most of them didn't recognize me. It was a showrt visit, but definitely a long twrip, I'm so fawr away fwrom home hewre...
    Mom was quite happy to see me, and she listened to me with a bright smile while I was telling her about Narfell, my position at the keep and the fantastic friends I've made here. I didn't worry her with the deaths and risks I've taken, but I showed her a bit of my improvements with magic.
    Perhaps It shouldn't take that long next time for me to visit my mother again. All in all, it felt really good...

    Ronan is still ill, but apparently stable. The healers are not sure what was what Vaxin did to him, but it's keeping him unconscious for a long time. Perhaps we need to defeat vaxin first, that I do not know.
    Anyways, this attack to Vaxin's lair that is to happen soon will be something really decisive. I expect to have a hard time, but we need to do this, yes or yes.
    I'll do my best.

    Since I was gone, there was little I could do about finding Silea. I will take on it as soon as possible though. I will perhaps try to investigate further through oscura, it's been a while of that.

    Well...that Celestial Avoral really enjoys punching. Everytime I summon him in combat, he puts away his bow and punch punch punch... at least he's still a good conversationalist. Summoned him several times on my trip to candlekeep to make me some company. I keep discovering new things about the celestial plane everyday, and he's so full of joy that It makes me smile through all of the talking.
    He says that perhaps one day I'm able to link better between both planes so I can summon a houndarchon for longer. Not many have managed that from what he says, but it's not unheard of._

  • _Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! now I have to share the keep with a gnome! or it was a hin? Must've been a hin…it was a tealeaf. Peppy.. a four feet square and acces to the my my....what kind of mess will that be in no time!!

    However, It still needs to be completed. I've already made it so that some people patrol the lake's area frequently, that will make the work easier and save me some problems with those goblin runts. Once it's done, I'll hold a big fest!

    On another topic...I've talked with Aramuil about certain possible apprentice. We'll reject him for now, he has shown evidence that he deals pacts with devils, something that we dont allow. If he can prove that he has broke such pacts forever, we might reconsider again._

  • _I couldn't wait anymore. I broke the gem open to release our friend Ronan…he was in a very weak state, his fingers were broke and he had bruises all over his body...he clearly had been tortured and is now resting in the keep with his wife. He's unconscious still, and the priests are constantly checking on him.
    I'll make Vaxin pay for this, I swear I will.

    I've talked to Z again, and he's already doing preparations and talking to see what can he do for my tower. He's not sure they'll be able to build it, but perhaps they can help gather the materials needed or something. We'll see about it soon.

    Halaila, the Celestial Avoral Gleam introduced me to has been talking to me a bit more. Certainly he doesn't stay in our plane too much, so our conversations are usualy hurried. He seems a lot more capable than Gleam in battle, though he's so powerful that he's time on this place decreases considerably... Anyhow, I enjoy the presence of the celestial beings.

    No new word about Silea. Im still hoping the construction of the Tower will draw the attention required to find more about this. I really want to see her with me again...she's the only person I'd give my live for...I love her._

  • _That was a very close call today. I'm perhaps not focused enough? Or maybe I just think I'm more powerfull than I truly am. Either way I need to be more careful, and I need to pick a different kind of daily spells. I'm not sure if I should include a cold spell in my daily list, the cone of cold is powerful but not very practical to use.
    I'll have to meditate more on this.

    The neardeath experience at hands of Iron golems was not though the only experience today. We had a hard time with some goblins that were commanded by Ugog the 3rd. Apparently this goblin "king" is ver powerfull, and so are his "friends". It took a lot of teamwork and magic to take all the creatures down, specially the dragon-looking one. Scary.

    A curious dagger was found in a chest, a dagger I'm holding and which holds a powerful enchantment. We rolled for it, I was lucky and cautious, so I spent 10'000 coins to ensure I got it. It's a weapon, so I really have not much use for it except with certain combination of spells….however I'd rather have it than see it used by people I dont know nor trust. In the wrong hands could be a dangerous weapon. Anyways, most of the time will sit in my pocket.

    The celestial Avoral Halalia (finaly got his name..) has been a bit more talktive, but he keeps boxing enemies...despite im telling him not to. At the end, I just can't but laugh.

    I'm tired, I'll drop this here....will continue tomorrow._

  • _I've learnt a new spell today, summoning of the seventh circle. From all the things I believe I could summon I choosed the Celestial Avoral. I like the company of Celestial beings and I'm getting used to it by now, thanks to Gleam. Not sure of his name, have just met him today and he looks like..a bit hyperactive?… He has a magic bow...but everytime I bring him to this plane he puts it away and starts runing and fighting things bare handed...
    Gleam has told me that perhaps he just is excited to be in this plane and all that... I suppose with time, as we get more close to each other, he'll act differently. We'll see!

    Elva has lost her memory...partially, which is partly a blessing partly a curse. I hope when I'm done with her training I can say she's become a good mage. It's quite a challenge, I must say. I need Corwin to finish his studies too, so I can't take on new apprentices. Like that Elf...Sirion. But I'll have to have a stern word with him, I can't allow him to be making pacts or deals with devils, moreso after what happened with Kyan. He'll have to drop that.

    Everytime I go past the goblin lake, I feel more like having my tower there. It's such a nice beautiful place...wouldn't have to carry my potions all over...could open a shop there, and have my students to come to me...rather than having to - stop rambling._

  • _My own tower.
    I've been so focused on the rest of the things that I've barely give to this the extra thought it deserves. I've planned most of the things already, even talked with a few crafters about it. Some are not sure if they'd be able to perform such a big task, moreso after I told them the location. But we'll see, there's a lot of things to plan and do before taking that step… and of course there's more pressing and important matters.
    We've still not freed Senator Ronan, and strange as it might sound, I partialy excited to see him back with us. Perhaps not only because of him, but because I have the hope he'll be able to tell us more about our enemy.
    Who do I try to fool? It's clearly because of him. We've never been the best of friends, but all this time together in the Keep and adventuring I kinda end liking him...or sort of.

    Back to the tower...that might be a good strategy to advance in my search of Silea. Perhaps she'll notice and send me a sign. Or perhaps those men in black will notice and attempt something. I don't know...this is just rambling. I really need to find some clue about Silea soon...I'm losing hope....

    Good to have Gleam with me._

  • _I've finally managed to make Elva explode into a uncontrolable rage. She really needed to stop being that softy cowardly mage and start to believe she could actualy do things on her own. I hope this doesn't get out of the way, it was a bit risky to just make her burst like that, but there was no other option.
    I've given her a few days without my presence, so she can calm down and she doesn't try to turn me to ashes on sight. I can't blame her, I really upseted her…She'll become a great wizard. Im sure.

    Gleam has been spending some time with me these days that I had to stay away from Elva. I tried to explain to him the situation, but I don't think he understood entirely why was there a need to upset her. All in all he knows I did it for a good cause, and he didn't look bothered by it.
    I've promised him to stay away from anything that involves doing evil, way away, because he can feel our link weakening when those things happen. So no more of that. No more, again.
    I'm sure Silea would be proud of this decission...she always wanted me to become someone that people would appreciate. I won't give up looking for her, and Gleam has said he'll stay by my side on this search._

  • _Nen'entul. I've been teaching him common. He asked me about it, and I considered very important for him to speak common. Since I'm a professor, and he looked nice enough, I accepted the task. He's learnt already the basics, so I think he'll be ready soon to speak it propertly.

    Aramuil still wants to examine the gem that holds Ronan with his fancy spell.I believe that there's no need for such and the sooner we get Ronan back the better. But meh.

    Nothing new about Silea. Starting to lose faith in finding her here, or any clue at all._

  • _Today was a painful day. They keep saying nothing could be done, but I can't but feel guilty in some way about Aranwe's and Sy'wyn's deaths. The Quagoths are dangerous and vicious creatures and they do not stop until all of the intruders of their territory are killed.
    I couldn't help them when they were on the ground crying for help, It was very crowded and I was unable to cast propertly…it took a lot of effort to get out of there alive...and to be able to rescue them. I think I feel as if I should compensate them with something. We'll see..

    Ronan is still trapped there...and we've found no way to free him safely. But at least he's with us and not with Vaxin...speaking about which...we should find him already and destroy him. What he seeks is not meant for us, mortals. And it will bring a lot of pain and destruction in it's path. He's a very skilled mage though, and I fear that many people might die trying to stop him...if we go unprepared.

    Still no word on Silea either. This looks like a dead end to me. I keep looking and looking but I haven't found any new clues about it. I can't give up, I know she wouldn't give up for me. But I need to get away from Oscura for a's too creepy and to dark....and it is something that tries to get into your heart. I need some time before I keep searching there._