A Moonlit Dance - An Eilistraeean Celebration
Rumors spread that a moonlit dance to honor "The Dark Maiden" will take place on the next full moon in the woodland pass near Norwick. For those with questions or that are interested in assisting with the celebration, they are directed to contact Ama'bael.
((Tuesday, June 28th at around 9:30 p.m. EST))
Ama'bael is seen about Peltarch speaking with a variety of merchants, her arranging food, wine and entertainment for the soon to be here celebration.
((Bumpity! This is still on for Tuesday
Dondiah is said to mention she may be giving a talk on the practices and faith of Eilistraee at the celebration, as well as dance lessons for those who might be less coordinated. She mentions that any who might want to throw themselves into the spirit of things wear something silver or silvery white, and for the less shy the less clothing the better.
Tindra appears to be excited and looking forward to the gathering.