Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • The tribunal Ashire seems to be more amiable around the famous dirge Aune of late. Several sightings of business discussions have been seen around the city that haven't broken into viscious verbal sparring.

  • The Dirge Aune has been seen walking Oscura's halls more often once again, Her demeanor having changed somewhat. She now seems to take more pride in her appearance though the same almost blissful expression is plastered across her face as she plays mournful laments on her fiddle.

    Though she has been seen seen more often in the communal faith's hall of the temple often.

  • Light laughter and fast talking comes from a young looking elf with dark hair as she argues, discusses, bargains and finally purchases a rothe. Happily leading it out of the city by rope, anyone who heard her haggling can assure she paid FAR too much for it. Not that she seemed to care from her almost devious smile on her way out.

  • A group of Oscura's finest, together with a wide variety of Norwick yokals, recently gathered at the Coppers. Joined by Black Sails Captain Sabre Seesaw and an unknown hin referred to alternately as 'Armless' and 'Armful', the group set off into the dark, speaking of treasure, 'lizard chickens, 'magic dogs' and 'glowshits'. Slightly the worse for wear, all ten adventurers returned to the Coppers a day or so later, heavy pouches of gold awarded to each by Cap'n Seesaw.

  • @1f4cf68b4c=Fadia:

    While many of the Lockes have indeed been shut in, Sigismund Locke has been seen with his "personal assistant" in tow having a grand old time in Oscura's inns, and even venturing as far north as Peltarch for a drink or two every now and again!

    He seems…curiously unconcerned about whatever strangeness is going on.

    Amunet locke is also seen about Oscura lately, her own short bodyguard occasionally around her, protecting her every move. It seems that earlier she was seen disembarking a boat from the docks district, her trunks being carried by several men. Still scantily clad as usual and still just as alluring in her speech, manner and movmenent. It seems that something is on her mind and whatever it is it pleases her greatly.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    While many of the Lockes have indeed been shut in, Sigismund Locke has been seen with his "personal assistant" in tow having a grand old time in Oscura's inns, and even venturing as far north as Peltarch for a drink or two every now and again!

    He seems…curiously unconcerned about whatever strangeness is going on.

  • Word spreads that there were two "scuffles" of sorts. One was an assassination attempt in the docks area, which was quickly put down by the guards, and another, longer battle that ended in the deaths of three guards. The belongings of the thugs were sold to pay for the ressurection of the guards. It is obvious now that the guards have been doubled in certain areas.

  • Ekmen Kyzanos seems to be in very good mood after news of arresting Maximilliom Locke spread, ordering round of Purge's Specials for all in Shiny Coppers

  • ICC

    Hereditary Bodyguard to Ferdinand Locke is still to be seen in the caverns of Oscura. Displaying his usual stoney countenance and lack of interest in much that goes on; despite the happenings within the Locke estate

  • Rumor has it a company of guards led by Pytor marched to the Locke estate and arrested Maximillion Locke. He came willingly. Some gossipmongers claim it was something to do with the mist that has been plaguing the surface.

  • Strange news indeed! A group of adventurers including the High Priest of Bane and a Cerulean of Peltarch left and returned with large pieces of what looks like some sort of metal Golem in tow. What could they be doing with it?!

  • The guards of Oscura went onto high alert for half a day, manning all the walls and guard posts in heavy force.

    The reason seems to be a threat of some army, yet whatever or whoever it was never made it to Oscura…

  • A group were seen heading into the duerger mines, into a deep route, later on they were seen returning to the coppers via a teleportaiton spell.

    They came back carrying a sword! Shock horror!

  • It seems that mist has arrived the Oscura as well.

    A word spreads that the mist attacked some travelers near the old mine. Names such as Kyzanos, Quelcoth and Sogar were mentioned of being targeted by it and fighting against it together with guards. Apparently the situation lasted until Maximillian Locke appeared and easily got rid of the mist.

    Few cold words were exchanged, mostly between Ekmen Kyzanos and Maximillian Locke, before Locke headed on his own way and Ekmen followed Quelcoth to the backroom of Shiny Coppers.

  • The Lockes seem to have almost disappeared from the public view, yet those in the undercity would notice a number of Raven Wing employees around the Locke estate, watching it carefully.

  • Marshal has been seen coming and going from the ancient library in Oscura quite frequently lately.

  • _The Black Sails vessel Las Tinieblas was recently seen limping back into port, low and heavy in the water. A battered, sogging wet and exhausted crew disembarked with audible sighs of relief, trudging off to the warehouse. While it's unclear what happened, scattered rumours may mention the words 'Kraken', 'dragon' and 'scheming narwhal'…

    The ship sits pretty for several weeks, undergoing repairs._

  • Eléndel has also been seen running through old writings in the library as of late. Mostly curious has he been of the lore that contains knowledge of now ancient wars and conflicts in the surrounding surface areas.

  • The large man known as Marshal has been seen spending many days at the library lately, sometimes not leaving for days. Whatever he is researching has been taking a while, on the few occasions he is seen leaving he looks even more pale then usual, and extremely tired. He returns to the Keep for a short period of time before returning to the Library.

  • ICC

    _Despite the rumours floating about Oscura concerning the House he serves; the bodyguard of Ferdinand Locke and his heirs has been active and visible among the shadowed streets of the city.

    Perhaps he is furthering some nefarious plot…or perhaps he is just going about his business. Whatever the deed, the silent warrior shares it with no one._