Near the Crossroads
*Ah'ria takes the sanding stone with a slight smile, her shoulders relaxing from her nervous stance as she sits cross legged with Eluriel. Mindlessly taking a dowel from the pile, she listens as she works, blinking back tears on occasion as her mind travels to Ronan. She nods to the things stated of the High Forest, adding only… *
<e>Yet even amidst such beauty, there are those who would destroy it.
Her head lowers as she hears his name and she quickly brushes away an escaped tear. Without raising her head, she addresses the question of her skills
<e>I'm not a complete foreigner to these lands though I spend little time here other than the time I spend with Ronan. Our duties often separate us. I have been trained to mingle with the land, becoming one with shadow in movement, taught to travel silently as the breeze and to watch and listen to all I come across.
Taking another dowel, Ah'ria settles in to listen to the story, her posture indicating her thanks for the distraction from her own thoughts. Only when Eluriel has finished does she look up, vibrant blue eyes seeming to search the heavens for a whispered question
<e>Do you believe he'll be alright?
She falls silent, watching the interaction of the others who may approach</e></e></e>
_Though none openly or blatantly listen in, almost all of the Hoarrans listen to the story. Some even to the point of putting off their packing and preparing, or keep doing the same task over and over. When it finishes, many have the looks of having heard all of this for the first time, and many seem more resolved then ever that leaving is for the best.
The children of course have made a game of it within minutes. One child proclaiming himself Vaxin, and the others beating on him with sticks. The parents are often quick to chide them for such, which makes the game all the more fun it seems._
In one of her many teleports María notices Eluriel still being there, like waiting. She asks her what's what she needs, and when told, she brings her with the next group of men
Having waited for Ah’ria to say something, Eluriel looks at her red-rimmed eyes, considers her reserve, and decides to continue. Mindful of the Hoaran audience, she drops to the trade tongue to tell Vaxin’s tale.
Those who were in and around the old Romani camp would have seen the statues and pillars there. These date from the time of the Demonbinders.
In times long past the canyons and caves around what is now the Hoaran camp were mined for crystals by Demonbinder slaves. Humans, elves, halfings, orcs, ogres, spiders, pixies, and likely more. Each race had a separate camp, their locations marked by statues. Each slave race was put to their optimal use, for example spiders hauling the crystals above ground, elves woodwork, dwarves stonework, and pixies to die to gas before any of the other slaves. The task of their guards arrayed along the cliff tops was aided by the cliffs themselves which ringed the camp-filled basin much like walls. As they remain.
Along with the camp markers, there were runed pillars. They told a tale that the slaves were in essence forgotten for a time by their Demonbinder owners who were focused on other matters. Amongst the quarries were five friends. Felik, Jalixson, Senti'la, Branic, and Vaxin Roe.
Vaxin was a slave, a miner, mediocre mage and hard worker. Human as were his four best friends, and ever outspoken against those guardians who watched over the quarries from above. Competent if not brilliant, he convinced his friends to join him in gaining power to overthrow their masters.
The five made pacts, ostensibly that the slaves might know freedom. Whatever these deals there were, and whoever they were with, the cost to each something they believed a reasonable trade for the freedom of the others.
In one night, the five destroyed all the jailors that watched from the cliffs and declared that all were free. Vaxin proclaimed himself saviour and gave thanks to ‘He’ who had enabled the victory. Under his direction the former slaves began to construct a city. For a time, there was peace.
But before its completion their Demonbinder masters returned and the five went forth to fight. Magic was thrown, flames fell from the sky, lightning cracked, and horrors were summoned forth to fight. The earth was shaken and cracked. The great magics used and desolation left behind were legendary.
In the end, however, Vaxin and the others were not killed. The Demonbinders said that they were unable to destroy them, claiming this for ‘the greater good.’ They bound the five inside of gems. Four crystals of the brightest hue, one of the darkest. These they sealed away in pocket planes and collapsed the caves which hid their anchors. The remainder of the slaves scattered, having been warned that to return would mean their death.
Centuries passed. For many years the five waited encased in their crystal prisons.
After some shakings of earth, caves were discovered within the old Gypsy Camp and these were put to use as homes and storage. But one of the slaves had left a pillar inscribed with the story of old. Of his ‘heroes’ who had risen against their oppressors then been again captured. This stone pointed the way to where these heroes were being held. Four were recovered by folk of the camp. But not Vaxin, who had been kept elsewhere.
While campers sought the other four, a necromancer who had heard of the tale sought to free one of his own. Avoiding the stationed Guardians of Brigandia, he managed to slip into the pocket plane and free Vaxin's stone. With it he fled to the gnoll woods. After careful experimentation he freed Vaxin, his thanks for this his own immediate slaughter by the dark wizard.
Vaxin Roe now set about a task of his own. He began to torment the Elders of the Gypsy Camp who attempted to keep the other four gems from entering his posession. Eventually they felt there was no other route for them then to seal them away into a place that Vaxin would never have access to, that of Cera's plane heavily warded. The four gems were set into a box and this Jonni carried to safety. Vaxin then disappeared from public view.
The Elders never knew why it was that Vaxin’s lust for the gems was so great. Now, we do.
Eluriel stops to take a drink, looking around yet again for any sign of Maria or Sy that she might make her request to one of them.
Eluriel looks up to greet Ah’ria with a smile. She slips finger and thumb into one of the pockets on the outside of her hip quiver to retrieve a sanding stone which she lifts up to offer to the half-elf with a nod of her head at the heap of dowels in a leather pouch on the ground in front of herself. She speaks of banalities hoping to put the scout at ease, this in the elvish language and a clear departure from her habitual treatment of most half elves.
<e>I visited your High Forest and stayed for some time. A lovely exploration for the most part, wandering its shaded ways from place to place creating memories which it is my hope to oft relive.
The Grandfather Tree and those who consider it sacred. The rare wonders of the Lost Peaks. The crystal wrought webworks of reflected moonlight in the Star Mountains. The Unicorn Run falls which are believed to be fonts of life.
Less pleasant the wizard weather from the Dire Wood. And signs of the orcs, gnolls, and white Betrayers of clan Dlardrageth. I saw the crater which was first Ascolhorn then Hellgate Keep, and the destruction wrought by magi who acted in desperation unmindful of consequences. A reminder to us all of the caution required as one works against those of dark heart.
This she muses on for a time.
Last I saw Ronan he was of serious mood, focused on our task. Which relates to the dark mage Vaxin Roe. As to how you might aid, I know not all your skills that I might make a fitting suggestion. Perhaps best that I tell you what is known of this mage that you might yourself find ways which best suit your strengths.</e>
Ah'ria approaches the only one she remembers, that being Eluriel, and asks of Ronan. A tentative stance indicative of her nervousness is offset by the grace in her movements. She inquires of Ronan's well being first, then of how she might aid in any manner possible
A day or so later Eluriel comes back east with a single pleat of wet hair dark down her back and face freshly scrubbed. She sees herself apprised of happenings in her absence and settles down to whittle dowels while she waits. To the first of the teleporters to return she makes the request that she be taken to spend a day at the other end of the journey.
Ah'ria, Ronan's wife, having returned from a trip to Silverymoon, hears the news of his abduction by rumor. Moving quietly through the shadows, she seeks out Aelthas though stops and watches in the background for awhile, uncertain of all the others. Red rimmed, vibrant blue eyes pierce the distance from her to the adventurers as she watches in silence.
There is nothing more for me to do out here. Maria, you know where to contact me if you need our assistance with Ronan.
The hooded gnome packs up his belongings and returns to Spellweaver Keep.
After she's done with the spell memorizing María teleports back with the others. She smiles at Sywyn's initiative of diving the groups already and starts taking groups of 4 with her, all day long as Sy'wyn is doing, taking a her time to rest when she feels she can't keep going without endagering herself and those she's teleporting. Once she feels renewed she starts the cicle again.
_Aelthas splits his time between the group of adventurers, trying to plan out a rescue plan for Ronan and also spends time amongst the Hoarrans, speaking to each group before Sy'wyn and anyone else teleports them off, offering a few kind words and smiles to them as they leave, promising to meet them on the other side soon.
As Joseph approaches and speaks to him, Aelthas listens before pulling him off to the side a bit, lowering his voice._
_Sy'wyn leaves Maria figuring the area out and instead returns and begins separating Hoarrans into groups of five and taking as many of them as he can at a time, multiple times during the day… each trip showing him more worn then the last.
Cerena wanders the makeshift camp making small talk and easing the concerns of those willing to listen. More often then not the young Riselle is with her, playing light heartfelt on her harp as she laughs and shows a general lightheartedness.
Danielle's men are seen solemenly gathering to the side, and after many a long talk, and long looks back towards the camp, they eventually are seen to be playing their normal game of drawing straws. Finally a young man ends up with the short one, and seemingly chased off by laughter, he heads over and speaks with Cerena a moment, before finally taking the time to find Aelthas._
I am Joseph, Danielle's replacement. He tucks the short straw away in to a pouch ruefully a moment. We are done here for now, I think, I offer my apologies things did not go as well as we had all wished. You have a missing companion though, focus on finding him while we continue here. Cerena has asked me to remind you of the future help you have promised, but I will temper that with it being future. Now is for the known. Tips his head a moment thinking, then nods as if that is all he wanted to say and returns to where the rest of his men await him.
//nvm about the archon then, another teleport instead, my fault.
((Please note celestials' teleport abilities are self-only with up to 50 lbs of objects.))
Once they arrived to the place María takes a few moments until her vision and senses find their way in the new place. She takes a few minutes to examine the surroundings and take a good picture of the place. ((spot +17)) She asks Sywyn and the Hoarans if they can secure the place while she memorizes the teleportation spells, and unless something is said or happens right there, she sits down to read from her spellbook and memorizing the spells she'll use.
//5teleport spells and 1extended lesser planar binding (The lantern archon can teleport too) ((not sure if teleports can be empowered or extended, so I'll not mention that.))
Sy'wyn spends a little longer over the bowl, before speaking softly to Aelthas, and almost immediately emptying the bowl out and rising to his feet.
Likely… a trap though... remember that.
He goes back to his horse and packs the bowl away, before motioning to Maria, and three of the Hoarrans.
I.. can take you there… when you are.. ready.
Once all are ready he has them join hands, and after a short prayer, they are gone.
Lorelai returns to her half-elven form and waits for details of whatever the plan is now.
Cerena rides back to her people and they begin setting up a temporary camp to take stock of what all survived the fight, and begin setting things for a much longer trip then originally planned.
_María takes a deep breath and raises her right hand, with her index draws a rune in the air and says some words. The earth shakes and after a beam of light the Lantern Archon known as Gleam appears.
Celestial> I need youwr help, fwriend. It's impowrtant mattewrs.
She then turns to Aelthas. " Gleam and myself can telepowrt people, but as said, we'll need to see the place fiwrst."
The waits patiently for things to move on._
Aelthas frowns lightly as he looks around at all the Hoarrans, then finally looks to Cerena.
Get them moving, we'll be along shortly, hopefully with some who can start teleporting you all along bit by bit.
His eyes slowly move to Sy'wyn, slowly making his way up to him but saying nothing to interrupt him.