• Experienced Druid Needed

    I need to consult an experienced druid on a specific and urgent matter. Please let your availability known by seeking me out at the south gates in Norwick

    Mystic River

    //20gp trashed

  • Cecil finds Victoria, and directs her to Sir Roderick, with instructions to tell him that Cecil sent her. (DM bastage's NPC)

  • Legion

    Victoria is selling copper for anyone that needs it.

    \ 20gp trashed

  • María will be giving classes again in the spellweaver. This classes will be about magic and everyone is welcome, even non-keep members.
    Classes will be right after lunch time

    //trashing 50gp.

  • As Mystic passes the notice board she finds the list of ingredients taken away.

    “Excellent someone is ambitious and has taken the whole list” she calls out mostly to herself.

    She quickly pulls out another piece of parchment and scribbles down the list again and adds to the bottom of the page.

    “Feel free to take the list if you need it! It will be replaced with another one”

    Then she make three copies of it and fasten them all on the board

    She walks off with an excited grin on her face and eyes bright of anticipation.

    ((trashes 80 gp))

  • A halfling in a blue robe angrily yanks down the latest posting.

    "What kind of evil sicko wants to chop up Ginger and half her family as ingredients?"


    Ingredients needed:
    Bees wax
    Pepper corn
    Tobacco leaves
    Juniper berries

    Payment 30 gp per ingredient, please contact

    Mystic River

    ((20 gp transhed))

  • The poster is removed

    ((20 gold trashed))

  • Henchmen For Hire

    I, Beourn BattleMail, am offerin my talent as a seasoned swordsmen for any legal activity. A fee of 150 gold is required for service. All other expenses will be paid for by me. (Travel, Healing, ect.) Ye can find me at Norwick's south gate, always available.

    Your enemies are my enemies!


  • A message is posted up on the board

    Elyl Wefneren seeks to buy a Longsword with enchantments. Please leave a message here on this advertisement or contact me directly.

    ((OOC: PM me if you have a sword you want to sell, or catch me in game, which is a bit tough these days. I will burn 20 gold for the posting on my next login with Elyl)

  • @6d2b198d50=LowerDenizen:

    Trial is to be held in one weeks time ((Monday, May 12 at 9:30pm Eastern)).

    ((You mean Thursday May 12?))
    edit -LD ((I meant Monday, 16. Updated original post))

  • A simple notice is posted, and a guard stationed to prevent removal.

    Hear ye, hear ye!

    This is the formal notice of a trial of the accused drow Ty'eth. Said trial will occur within the Great Hall under guard. Judge is to be decided, public is welcome, but will be removed if cause warrants.

    Trial is to be held in one weeks time ((Monday, May 16 at 9:30pm Eastern)). Drow faces the charge of murder and has been held without release since capture at the scene of the horrible deaths by his hand.

    … Character witnesses welcome to be added to the list of those who support drow. Refreshments will not be served.

  • **_WANTED!

    • Scrolls of True Strike!
    • Scrolls of Magic Weapon!
    • Scrolls of Silence!
    • Assorted other scrolls!

    Willing to pay many times what the merchants will pay for scrolls…but not willing to pay merchant prices for buying one!

    For Sale!

    • Enchanted bow! see me in person for bow and price


    //20 gold trashed**

  • A gruff-looking dwarf spattered with goblin blood saunters up to the Union door and nails a note to it.


    ((Trashed 20 gold))

  • A simple parchment is posted:

    Dwarven Waraxe wanted. If you have one for sale, look for Vanderkaus usually found in the Hold or the Crafter's Union Hall.

    // 50 coins burned//



    Little Warrior Talyna Felf


    Legionnaire Captain Benji

    Come to the Silver Valley to celebrate this joyous occasion!
    ((November 7th at 7:00pm Central USA Time))
    ((Payment taken by LD for both posts. Extra payment taken for the color and the picture.))

  • Somehow… the wedding advert gets moved right back out into plain view, and no one saw nothin'

    ~~~~ YOU THERE! ~~~~

    Yes, YOU!

    YOU are invited to the SOCIAL EVENT OF THE CENTURY!!!

  • For Hire
    As Mercenary, Guard or Caravan Escort


    Experience fighting common Narfell threats.
    Warpriest of Tempus: can provide prayers and blessings as required.
    Knowledgeable in local areas and roads.

    Please contact in person or leave a message at the inn.

    ((will pay to a DM or Militia who comes to claim))

  • Legion



    Little Warrior Talyna Felf


    Legionnaire Captain Benji

    Come to the Silver Valley to celebrate this joyous occasion!
    ((November 7th at 7:00pm Central USA Time))
    ((Payment taken by LD for both posts. Extra payment taken for the color and the picture.))