Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Recently Dondiah was seen going in to Vanity Plates and some time later coming out with a silvery white bundle tucked under her arm. It was overheard that she recommended to Violetta to order different shades and bolts of silver and white fabric for an upcoming event.

  • Recondite rumours resultant from return of senator saving squad reference a Ronan Redralen Rod or curious crystalline celestial cinders.

  • Labur, though not seen by many in some time, can be seen occasionally in the dock distract waiting for a boat. His recent behavior has proven odd including shying away when asked what he has been up to.

  • Dev

    Five intrepid adventurers braved the Kuo Toa caves… Mogadishu, Rolly, Trevor, Romulus and Lence, and only four came out alive. Having cleared the upper level, the five adventurers found a mine shaft, and feeling courageous, ventured down it.

    What they found was a legion of Kuo Toa... each stronger than the last, each more determined than their brethen to impede the progress of the five stalwart souls. Battling through each cave, they came closer and closer to... something. It was almost within reach when one of their number was felled by a most base attack from the Kuo Toa.

    Rolly, brave Rolly! He lay dead on the cold stone, whilst his four companions despaired. How the remaining four anguished on what to do... push forward or go back? Marshalling their courage, they pushed forward, fighting their way to the last cave, wherein they came across a fierce contingent of Kuo Toa. And leading the vile creatures? A montrously large priestess, aided by a tiny albino Kuo Toa caster.

    The heroes fought valiantly, knowing that if they did not survive, then they would join Rolly's corpse in that dank warren. They bested the priestess, the caster, and the legion of Kuo Toa... and the cost was worth it... amongst the rubble of the Kuo Toa's lair... the means by which to bring Rolly back! A fine diamond that was traded at the Pelt temple...

  • Wild rumours spread of a raging minotaur stampeding through the city, from the commons to the docks. The beast, it is said, was eventually tamed by a pale-nosed gnome in a robe, and dragged into the Lucky Ferret Inn. Yet neither gnome nor minotaur ever left..

  • Ael'Que is asking around for any merchants that are selling blasting kegs, He is heard to be asking for the finest quality kegs. What could he possibly need them for?

  • _Mayhem at the Pissing Goat!

    A party was interrupted when patrons began projectile vomitting stew and Pip's Red Ribbon ale all over the place. Next the entire tavern turned dark, filled with smoke and the floors were greased up with oil. Soon after an explosion was heard which set off a small fire when it ignited the oil.

    Many who tried to flee found themselves with caltrops in their feet. Luckily most made it out unharmed and the fire was put out by the city guard that came to the scene. A few patrons died from various causes during the panic and mayhem at the scene._

    "I heard it was some -DWARVES- dat dunnit! They's just jealous. Pfeh, Dwarven Ale, fark that shite. Pip's Red Ribbon!"

    "No ye idjit, t'was a ghosts curse!"

  • Ael'Que is seen looking for the manager of said apartment to complain about all the dam noise coming from one particular room.

  • Peace Keeper Charles Sigeweard is seen walking from the trade hall into the bottleneck alley apartments with some planks of wood and a hammer.

  • _::Casual rumours are heard that the well mannered knight Thierulf Arguyle has left the land for an extended time with his wife, Elena. At the moment of parting, they seemed in very high spirits as they bid farewell to their friends with the promise of returning one day.

    The exact reason for their parting is anyone's guess. Perhaps a well deserved, but delayed honeymoon, maybe a new campaign drawing the Quest Knight away from these lands, or possibly Elena found a new source of curative herbs that she would like to take a personal look at.

    Or perhaps something else? Only the destination is known - Thethyr::_

  • A huge, bald and blubber-bellied half-orc in purple tights could recently be observed in spasms outside the gates to Peltarch, twitching grotesquely, flopping wildly to the ground and occasionally falling to his knees in pleading, massive arms upstretched to the small crowd of onlookers. The bizarre display ended with the half-orc eating a handful of coins, then lumbering off to the south.

  • Council of Moradin

    _strange talks can be heard around town, poiting that the gates were atacked by a small war band of humanoids spellcasters. With a an orc beastcaller, an ogre mage and a bugbear mystic among them, tale is spreading that the the city was protected by Amabel, the blonde long haired elven warrioress and the wanabee hero Mike Bin.

    Even stranger news report that a red big deamon aperead shortly after the creatures were defeated. That huge winged figure was put down by no one less than Shannon.

    If these rumors are true or not, no one can be sure. What is a fact is that Mike Bin was seem later at the Temple of the triad speaking with Daisy, trying to get a discount on healing potions. Seems that was an unsuccesfull atempt by the young man._

  • @25cd5c4c9c=Teringer:

    Shortly thereafter, a large explosion was heard towards the direction of the swamps. Any who investigate will find the kobold cave has been sealed by a cave in, likely caused by the explosion.

    _Rico Swift responds:


  • Rumor has it that a crazed and overly large kobold came flying into Peltarch, chasing several adventurers screaming something along the lines of "How do you like it?!" He then proceeded to mercilessly slaughter two of Peltarch's guards and chase off half of the merchants before being chased out. Shortly thereafter, a large explosion was heard towards the direction of the swamps. Any who investigate will find the kobold cave has been sealed by a cave in, likely caused by the explosion.

  • Rumor has it that Dondiah and Risternil were seen outside of the temple speaking with Tindra. The conversation was breif and it looked as if they were in a hurry to head south towards Norwick. The well known advocate of Eilistraee might have something to do with the drow that is imprisoned in Norwick.

    ((I will be IG either Sunday night or Monday night to follow up on this!))

  • _Word spreads that Senators Thel and Ashald are currently in tense negotiations with the leader of the Children of Hoar. A few minor protests occur outside City Hall in advent of the discussions, mainly comprised of Eastlander War veterans or their families, protesting any negotiations with the old foe.

    Rumour suggests Senator Ashald spent nearly a full tenday inside the confines of City Hall, pouring over maps and documents of all sorts with a host of advisors, not setting foot in a single tavern or other area of revelry prior to the meeting, though most dismiss this rumour as too outrageous to believe._

  • Legion

    Senator Martoushca has been busier than usual. Marty and a few helpers can often be seen pushing oversized wheelbarrows of manure, dragging piles of lumber or lugging large stones about the place. A new landscaping project?

  • *Rumor has it and has been confirmed that a halfling named Mara Perigo, also known as Mooncandy is now the current spiritual head of the Selunite temple in Peltarch after Aelthas had passed on the torch due to being preoccupied by other important matters.

    The young woman can often be seen taking walks with the children around the docks and the commons, holding small ceremonies every few nights by the altar, and going around offering spiritual blessings in the Moonmaiden's name to those in need.

    While she receives no spells and is confirmed to not be a priestess, she none-the-less carries herself in a respectful manner to all those around her, doing the very best she can to fill large shoes left for her. (pun intended)*

  • *Rumor has it that a certain pale-skinned halfling got locked in the bard college and panicked so she smashed the door off its hinges in the lobby and ran off. *

  • *A projection of a women appeared in the commons, a purple glow around her and the fact she was sending an image of herself showed her to be a powerful mage.

    She appeared and threatened a young priestess named Reo. Why? Who knows!*