Dead Adventurers Found...

  • Close to the barrier near Jiyyd a ruined camp was recently found by the increased patrols near the barrier. The camp was sparse, and four bodies were found in its center, though cause of death was not immediately determined. Two Hoarrans, a young woman and child near a chest with busted chains and a shattered lock.

  • Vanderkaus, who was watching the berrier, mutters something to himself, as he watches the scene.

    After an atempt to check any vital signs from the party, he tries to determine what hapened to them. (heal 23, spellcraft 3).

    He carefully carries the bodies to the ferrie and from there, to the nars pass, calling out for a Hoaran patrol there. Altough all his wards are up, he do not hold any weapon nor a shiel, in a clear demonstration of his peacefull intent.