Emerwyn's little corner

  • So while I've been finishing the setting/scene, I've also done some touches on the girls' faces. This girl looked a bit too cheery, so I toned that down:

    And this one should look more feral, and have pointier ears!

    My preliminary/sketch is 100% done by now I'd say. Now the fun (and slooooow) part begins. See you in a few weeks! ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Alright, progress is slow because the weather is great already over here and also I might have been spending a bit too much time playing Pillars of Eternity. :oops:

    Buuut with the holidays, the weekend and all, I finally got around putting some good hours into this and got some stuff done. For now it's just a rough sketch, and I don't even have the full scene. Some things are subject to change.

    I'll try to get more done this weekend and with luck I'll have the lineart finished and polished by next weekend. Then I need some help getting colours done, so it might still take anything between two weeks and two months. ๐Ÿ˜›

    But for now, here's a little teaser with the three characters that will appear in this one:

    PS: Yeah might have put more time into Elaine at this pointโ€ฆ but eventually all of them will get the same treatment. Promise!

  • Maybe her sister? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I'm working on the lineart for a new picture starring Elaine and possibly one or various of her closer friends. It's a slow process, and I will still need some "professional" aid to do the colour blending as I am just not good enough at it, but it's coming at some point this year hopefully. Keep an eye on this space! ๐Ÿ˜„

  • But can you draw Quelcoth, the unmitigated lord of darkness and tyranny?

  • wants a pic of Micah and Locrian, nose to nose


  • Amazing!

  • Cooooool ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  • Wowโ€ฆ once again, you blow me away! ^_^

  • love the detail ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Phenomenal piece, good job.

  • Guardian Angel

    Description as follows.


    This is a painting created by Rith Phoenixfeather to symbolize the partnership and love between Micah and herself. The setting seems to be an underground cave possibly in the Underdark lit by themselves alone as they stand defiant against any dangers that would dare attempt to take them down. The bottom of the painting has a small plaque with its name, a word play resembling the fond way in which the lovers adress each other.

  • Astral Twins

    Here's an inspirational piece Rith made ICly for Lorie (the picture item exists ingame), with motive of the strong bonds that unite them despite their diferent backgrounds. That's so in such a way that they like calling themselves twins. I can't claim all of the artistic merit, however, as I had to request a friend I met through the internet to do the colouring and blending (which I'm trying to learn by myself for a second picture I'm working on, but I just can't get it right, so I'm kind of stuckโ€ฆ)

    To the picture!