Reopening of Rats and Bats
_a crew of dwarves have been seen hacking away with pick axes, shovels , and the odd keg, into the side of the rift at the crossroads in the Pass. A sign goes up stating that:
"Opening soon, a Rats and Bats!
Rats and Bats, where the food fights back!"Dispite RnB not being totally finished, travellers are welcome to stop by and enjoy the food._
Horbag marches over to the sign post and changes the Menue of the week:
This weeks daily specials at the Rats and Bats are:
Rock Snake Suprise (A freshly caught Rock snake, filled with our special stuffing, is steam boiled. Beware when you cut into it, those spiders eggs hatch easily!)
Huge Suspicous Looking Sausage (Whatever it may look like, we assure you it is Not as horses willy)
Boar with Kricks Spiced Snouts (Do Not eat near naked flame, only served near the latrines.)
Hard of Hearing (Rats ears that have been dried in our oven, served on a bed of the finest sea weed)
Weekend Special:
Amusing Turnips (Only turnpis that have grown into an amusing shape are served with a meat of Your choice)This weeks special dessert:
Fruit filled Tamed Cuu-Too-Loo Jelly(Eat fast before they eat You! use Kricks spice to keep them in check)
Of all things, a kobold strolls into the Rats and Bats, giving a toothy grin all around to the patrons. Wearing a fine silken cape, a jingling chain shirt of excellent quality, and an oversized rapier dragging the ground.
Making his way to a free corner, the kobold produces a flute case from his backpack, lovingly assembling it without a care in the world. Clearing his throat to gather attention, the kobold begins to play a few cheerful and sweet melodies, surprisingly skilled for what most would consider for kobolds.
He gives a wink towards Horbag and orders 'something that still has a wiggle, and something to wash it downs', between songs. Performing long into the night.
_Once outside, Foilir removes the unfamiliar gold cloak he wore escorting his cousin into the inn.
He seems more amused at the entire charade of it all, just keeping a poker like face, betraying little emotion about his stance on the whole thing.
He waits patiently as his cousin and the halfer joust verbally, cringing a bit, as he views any verbal or intellectual argument with a halfer the same as berating those that are not born with full mental capacity.
Once outside he removes the cloak and folds it neatly, handing it back to Dwin.
As they pass the guards, he sees the stew that they have been handed by the halfer._
If yeh two get dysentery from that swill that halfer is servin and miss yeh shifts…consider yer pay docked..
Me has an iron stomach anna me would ne'er go near as dirty a kitchen as that. And that include poison..
Turning to Dwin he motions and continues walking.
{D} You make too much of this cousin.. An inn.. Unprotected, no weapons in the inn. Its only a matter of time before someone locks the doors from the outside and burns the inn and its contents to the ground. Remember, gold coins don't burn, and they are easy to find amongst the ashes.
Leaning on his ever present staff, he motions towards the hold.
{D} Let's go to the hold, and I will buy you an ale… Then we go speak to the samman from the Peltarch stonemasons to understand how this all got built without the knowledge of the council.. Their being part of the council was supposed to unite us more, not divide us over a stone arsehold in the asscrack of the Nars pass..
He stops a moment and looks at Dwin.
{D} And you can tell its an arsehole from what is pouring out of it… Pink armor? Hinfolk on ponies? What kind of crazy shite is that?
As the two dwarves walk alone and speak quietly out of earshot of anyone dwarven, the make their way towards the hold.
Elyl hears of the new Rats 'n Bats being opened and upon hearing the mention of the word "stew" starts to turn a slight shade of green and walks off mumbling, " I can eat… won't ... by Torm... I hope I don't smell it... it's back..."
Horbag ruffles her hair after Dwin leaves, dislodging some rat bones, sits down with her friends
Deres, dats dats settleds. Wills nos bes any mores troubles from Norwcks. Das sillys pol-y-tics stuffs overs, Rats and Bats is ands always wills bes frees froms others. nods Lets dats bes uns lessons to anys dats trys take dis places overs. Ins ends is alls verys simples. Mes says is ons Realms lands, and dems leaves mes ands Rats and Bats bes. Alsos made deals gets ales from das Hold, should makes da dwarf cust-omers happys snarls
Radnacks! Nos just stands deres! Wes has lots worksis dos fors da singsis contests! Gets das new ale orders ins from das Holds, makes sures das stew is nos overcooked like lasts time ands….trails on going about regular RnB business
_The Norwick Chancellor arrives un-announced at the "establishment" with a gold-cloaked guard at his side. A look of disgust flashes over his face as he enters and he looks for the "cook" who runs the palce.
Once he finds her, he stomps towards her, leaving his guard posted at the door.
the two engage in a heated conversation in the back of the restaurant. FIngers are jabbed at each other, and hushed curses can be heard. Eventually, Dwin pulls out a large map, rolled like a scroll, from his bag and lays it out on the table. He jabs his stubby fingers at it, and Horbag does as well.
Eventually, they both seem to quiet down a bit, and Horbag grabs two bottles of ale. They open them, toast something to each other, and seem to end the conversation amicably. Dwin rolls up his map, nods to his guard at the door, and leaves.
Once above ground, he lifts the scare-crows from the ground, tosses them in the ravine, and asks his guards to report back tot he gates after they complete a routine patrol to the crossroads._
Horbag spread the word via friends, customers at the RnB and via passing caravans that:
A Grand singing contest is to held at the Rats and Bats to celebrate the reopening! Grand prizes awaits the best song! So brush up on your old ale songs, your merry tales, and your down right raunchy tunes! Keep it fun and up beat for the crowds merriment!
((aiming at holding this on Sat 12 dec, at 9 pm GMT. The contest is not about who can sing the best, it is who has the best funny song, so get writting on those lyrics and dance moves!))
Horbag watches the dwarf start to sing and giggles nostalgically
Justs likes da good old days when was rights nexts Jirkas temples dem dwarvens Gods. Nearlys rans out ales afters dems finish dems sermons.
The surly, unruly, and smelly dwarf known as "Stubs" comes clanking on into the cavern-tavern, mumbling something in dwarven about "ale" and "lasses". The unsightly dwarf stays for quite some time, constantly gazing around the establishment, drinking more than his fair share of ale. He eventually gets to the point where he is standing on a table, singing old dwarven drinking songs, horribly out of key. What happens next…..(will take place IG!)
Out for his weekly constitutional canter around the Nars atop his robust, tub-stomached pony Ember, the gastrognomic Perriwig P. Doubleday approaches the building with innocent curiosity, little expecting the culinary horrors in store for him. Squinting through his monocle at the sign, his steamy warm breath fugs up the glass in the Nars' chill. Removing the lens, giving it a quick rub with a polka-dot kerchief and trying again - the blood drains out of his phizog, he turns a nauseated, green hue and sags in his saddle. 'Garl's glimmery nose, NO!' he is heard to exclaim, beating a hasty, bud-preserving retreat as the restaurant of the damned exhumes itself from the critically reviewed grave to which food-lovers everywhere had hoped for it forever to be consigned.
As the dwarf crew start to gather there stuff to leave, since all the main construction work is done, Horbag comes down with a bunch of curtains and other items.
Horbag nods to the customers and speaks to them in turn, making sure Radnack is keeping them serviced
listens to him talk of the idea ohs mes giggles Dat ideas greats!((Foilir and everyone else for that matter, just to make it clear, the no weapon thing is for soldiers and guards and such of other places, not all customers, and everyone is allowed a dagger for eating and for protection from some of the more…dangerous food
giggles a bit Uh huh.Horbag-Herald
walks over to Herald Yous wanteds talksis?
After hearing all the fuss with Norwick and the new establishment's owner, Ronan goes up to Horbag and speaks, anyone nearby could probably hear.
I have a suggestion, my rather muscular friend…
He ahems at Horbag's massive appearance..
…you know that Norwick does not own the crossroads, mm? Unless... oh gods... is Norwick an unstoppable growth that continuously spans out without anyone knowing?! Oh no!
Clearly he is being overdramtic, seeming to amuse himself… grinning at Horbag dashingly
The Herald enters the cafe and asks to speak with the owner at her leisure. He orders a glass of water and sits in a corner table, sipping away quietly while watching the other patrons and waiting.
The dark armored dwarf eyes the dwarven crew and is a bit confused. Aloud he asks for the foreman and asks where the dwarves are from. If they are from the hold, the samman's of the hold have no idea of this work.
If they are not from the hold, there is going to be some trouble brewing from this outsourced group of dwarves.
Foilir turns quickly towards the hold to speak with the council and specifically the samman who represents the Peltarch stonemasons.
Nothing angers a dwarf more than watching gold coins end up in the wrong coin purse.
After listening to Horbag he chuckles a bit and mutters:
[D] Leave your weapons at the door? That is going to be the easiest robbery in the history of these lands… A pub full of unarmed patrons...
Shaking his head, the dwarf continues on his way.
C'tan listens to Horbag's tale, dipping a crispy bat wing in sour cream, frowning as he takes a crunchy bite. Inspired by the taste, perhaps, his face brightens: "I think I have an idea."
Horbag follows the dwarf to a meeting with Dwin in Norwick, she later returns and speaks to her friends at the RnB
Ohs mes, dats Dwin gots alls sort ideas in heads, trys gets dis place bes uns places Norwicks shakes head. Mes saids nos and leaves after bits. Buts it shows dats its not goings bes easys bes outs eres. Sos peoples, mes is asks dats dems yous dats cans, helpsis keeps an eye outs dis places. Mes wills also starts looksis hires somes guards and peoples helpsis hunts rats and bats to cooksis. Spreads das word.
Anys guards ors soldiers from Anys town or peoples dats comes eres must leaves weapons at doors. Dems welcomes in eats and drinksis on free times. Also spreads das words dats alls welcomes eres, as long leaves trouble dems has with others peoples at doors. Alsos goings lets mes guards tells passings cara-vans wes eres nows.
Since the dwarf is wearing a helm, its hard to know exactly what his reaction is to the half-breed's rambling. After looking around for another moment, he steps forward and speaks in a low voice to Horbag, occasionally pointing towards the ground
(((PM sent))))
Horbags come down to check on progress
Ohs ullos deres masters dwarfs. snarls to the gold cloak, looks over to the staff and bellows:
Radnack! Ales ands un special da days fors da cust-o-mers!Whats dats? Permits? giggles Old Dwin up old tricks ehs. If anythings is on dems Hoars peoples lands. Ands afters alls, is nots On anys lands, is ins ravins.
Lets yous lads da guards knows da Rats and Bats back runnings ehs. Plenty ales and foods for nights off. nods
*A Norwick Gold Cloaked Dwarf is seen looking around the site and asking the other dwarves about the construction.
He asks whether or not they know if proper Norwick permits were attained before setting out on this construction, "bein' that the cave is south of the Crossroads and on realm property and all…"*