Hoarrans at the tower
Targohr steps out of the Legion tower eating a wing of official General Grag's Chicken
. He doesn't quite seem to know whats going on and mainly stands around with a blank look while making "Om nom nom" noises.
Anor pays extreme attention to her, and everynow and then takes a sip from the tea
Please do. It doesn't surprise me to hear about faults, errors and missteps, and what you've told so far sounds like a lot of unnecessary bloodshed occured. What is the cause of all these fighting? Why is it so difficult to keep peace…
But...please, continue..And keeps listening
Looks to the sky a moment, with her eyes closed before focusing on the others again, and holding out the tea pot to fill the cups of any who wish to come up to her.
When the wagon arrives, two of the barrels are for yourselves. The other four for my own camp, you may check the barrels to verify it is water and have pick of the two you wish so you know we did not poisin one. I will try water from any of them if you wish to verify its safety. She motions Hammerhand to sit for awhile first, before she would be willing to meet with him. She sighs and mutters something about drawing short straws before speaking.
You are all new to these lands, and was not here during what many have called the Eastlander War. To be fair, I was not here during it either, having not been born. The story has been told to me though, of my people and the pass that they defended against all intruders. It is a bloody story, and one full of cruelty, not only from my side, but also from the other.
There were many faults, and many errors, and many missteps. Along the way, there were many attempts at peace, and many times that peace was broken. It was tried with the Romani, and they were given signs that my people knew not to attack, and those signs were often hidden when they wished to attack us, and brought back out when they wished safety. That peace was broken.
It was tried with one by the name of Amana, and that held true for a long time, but for every time we turned away, there were two times that our people were attacked yet again. The chances of it holding that time were slim already we knew, for much was the hatred of others against our people at the time. That peace was broken.
By then, much hatred brewed in the hearts of both sides and cruelty and blood was to be found in the hearts and on the hands of almost everyone who walked the pass. Those you would call friends, and those that were called bandits to ease the conscious.
Eventually, as all things do, it came to a head. The Eastlanders were pushed into the tunnels that led to their village, just a short ways south of here, where they were forced to lock their gates, and hold against those forces of the Legion, and of Peltarch that had gathered to destroy them. But taking the land was not enough for them.
They broke our gates. They painted the walls of the tunnels with the blood of my people. They brought their war machines, and their siege weapons to the walls of my people, they destroyed them, and they cut down all they found in the village. They beheaded our chief. They murdered our leaders. They built a monument to their greatness in the middle of what was once our lands.
None were spared that were still in the village.
And the story would have ended there. But seeing the rising tensions, and the direction of where things were going, a few of our people, some of the children, a few of their parents were moved out under the cover of darkness and with the aid of some others to the grounds outside the old Alliance Inn, and then forced into the Giantspires to hide from the patrols that sought any survivors.
They were but farmers, commoners. Townsfolk. They had nothing to do with the bloodshed, they knew little beyond their walls, but now, they had nothing to return to, and likely death if they were caught.
Takes a long drink of her tea, and a deep breath, before asking simply,
Shall I continue?
Anor accepts Danielle's invitation to drink some tea and she offers herself some pastries. She starts then talking, while Grag is getting ready for the meeting
I honestly don't see a need for all this hostility, truth be told, I'm just a newcommer if you see in the big scheme of history; but if I've been informed correctly it was your people the ones that lived in the pass to begin with? I would be wiling to hear from your history after that point where you were stablished in the nars, for I believe a wise person should know well the story told by ones…as much as the story told by the others.
Anor looks at her with her soft brown eyes, she does indeed look interested and wanting to know from her what occured, and would anyone interrupt the conversation for disagreement with it, she'll kindly remind how unpolite and poor forms is to interrupt to ladies having a chat, as well as foolish is to ignore Danielle's explanation of history
Yngdír had entered the tower with Grag, he has not come back out.
behind closed doors Yingy… let me see what thar up to fer the meantime.. muzzle it.. I am still wakin up i nae need ta shed any bluud afor I take me mornin SHITE! shakes his head I be settin a meetin wit this danielle see whats the wha.. We are the legion we are bettsa then any warmongerer an we shall give them de righ to present peace if tha is thar true intentions... moments later comes out of the hall
Dannielle? Where ye be? why dunt we meet in private in yer camp. ana ye can teel me why ye been forced to make camp ere... and what ye intentions may be.. how bout in bit i have some important ... holds his tummy then bums mattas squints to attend ta firs!
Mooncandy approaches them with a look of sadness and frustration One of moonie's friends was trying to take the side road to avoids your people, his name is Phurder, and you people murdered him! He not do nothing to you he was trying to avoid you!
Please, make peace soon since Moonie hate killing humans, she not want another enemy to fight yes.
The little hin sighs and holes up in the legion tower for awhile
Well, actually your -superior- officer did give us permission, and I believe your claims of my people constantly as the antagonists are very much skewed, but that is your choice I suppose. As you seem to fail to understand we did the same against gnolls, hobgoblins, spiders and more that have tried to wander the pass, and are far far worse on travellers then you would believe us ever to be.
Smiles to Anor
At least you seem to have more sense. The other is not so willing to listen to sense. Reminds me of a child once I came across years ago. Fell on a rock and bruised his shin. Blamed rocks for years, absolutely hated them. Works on catapaults now, seems to make him happy, but poor soul never to this day could figure out how to lace his boots, which really was the first problem.
Holds up the tea that Ael'Que had left behind, even though she turned down the meat
Care for some tea?
Who looks more inclined to war here? Do you have a list perhaps of those who have fallen to my people?
Hammer briefly touches the framed and magically preserved parchment on his breastplate, which continues to list a growing amount of names, then looks over to the tower with a slight smirk. During a lull in the proceedings, Hammer approaches Danielle for a quiet talk.
Anor doesn't look specialy surprised by Yngdírs superiority comment and seems more than happy regardless, as long as they stop arguing for non-sense.
Yngdír is utterly perplexed by Anor's approach to all of this, however, he simply nods.
"Thank you Private. When I need counsel on how I should react when these men begin to make preperations for a long stay on our land - I will ask for it, from my superiors."
Anor approaches quietly and stays relatively in the middle of both, or at least in a place where both have to see her.
Please, let us not make from this an opportunity to verbaly attack each others but to try to behave, for once, without violence in between. They have clearly come here with a purpose, sergeant Yngdír, and not a violent one as you can see, so I would urge that we treat them with the same respect and consideration as they are treating us right now.
As you well said, you are not in charge here, and you should let the talk to those in the proper position to do it. You may or may not like them, but at this moment, and here, you are not what you like, you are a legionaire, and you shall do your best to make your colors proud.
Let us have friendly and distended chats instead of accusations and useless hostility. If there's something to be said to them, that's not our task to do.
She talks respectfuly and sincerely, her blond hair shinning with the sun light and her beautiful voice transformed into soft words that would soften many hearts
//Base Charisma 16
Yngdír seems unimpressed by Danielle's words and actions.
"_I am not chief officer here. If I was, your men would have already been removed from these grounds. Any of your men who have died, have died as antagonists. And they have died in numbers that far outweigh our own casualties - because your men attack in groups. I have stated clearly that we will defend this land.
As to what claims we hold versus your own, the Legion lays claim to nothing outside of the immediate grounds of our Tower. The grounds your men are setting up camp upon without our permission. Our patrols are lead through places where no other military force will patrol. If we did not, there would be many cults of Cyric, Velsharoon, demonic entities and so on. There would be the wrath of the Furies to contend with. There would be massed Goblin armies battering down the gates of Norwick.
If you count these things as errors of the Legion then you are a traitor to the land that you claim and you are in league with our enemies.
If you are here to negotiate otherwise then speak your piece. But do not expect a warm welcome from this Legionnaire._"
Danielle visibly brightens as He comes down.
Well, not the welcome I was quite expecting. We are hear at your invitation actually, but if you insist on covering this again, shall I again draw comparisons between us?
Your people "patrol" for gain wherever you please. We actually have far more claim to the land we patrol then you do to say… the Rawlinswoods? the gnoll lands? Which causes a good fuss from them which of course bothers you not, but tends to have consequences for us.
Shall I continue?
Motions to the Legion members still gathered around. Who looks more inclined to war here? Do you have a list perhaps of those who have fallen to my people? Or perhaps kidnapped and held still?
Pulls out what appears to be a rather lengthy scroll Shall we compare lists? Should I count my people as less?
You say time and again we turn from offers of peace? I'm here now, and your offer so far is a dented bucket, a spelled group of infantry and a list of grievances you've admitted you'll never forgive… oh, and the hope that the water has been used by a horse. You should care for your animals better by the way.
During all of this Marty is nowhere to be seen.
((unless you can spot a 47 hide skill))
During all of this Marty is nowhere to be seen.
((unless you can spot a 47 hide))
Yngdír walks slowly out of tower, speaking as he descends the Tower stairs at the causeway.
"Your people kidnap and kill for banditry, on land that is not your own. On land that we, the Legion, will defend. Every day that you fail to approach in peace is another day that you arouse suspicion. Every Legionnaire that you have killed or harmed is an offense that will not be forgotten. For most of us, for me, they are offenses that will not be forgiven."
he sits on the small bench just outside the tower.
"_And now you ask our hospitality? You act to insult the Legion at our own Tower by coming here to say that you are all anything but murderers and bandits. The Legionnaires you have killed, most of the Legionnaires you have harmed - had nothing to do with any past war. They had done no grievance upon you.
Now I ask you this before I draw my own conclusion; why have you come here with so many men?_"
- Ael'Que is riding by on his way south with a load of supplies. Noticing the new camp he motions to his filled packs and asks Danielle if she would like some fresh meat for her troops*
"I have more here then we will use where I am going. If you would like some fresh meat you are welcome to it. "
Whether they take the offered supplies or not he does hand Danielle a packet of fine tea and waves to Elsbeth and the others as he rides on.
Is looking over the ding in the bucket, seemingly more concerned with it then the Legionairres who still seem more concerned with looking fierce then anything.
By Hoar, I'd hope not. You've all been drinking from that for how many years now?
She waves over one of the Hoarrans,
Mount up, head back to camp, have them fix this dent if you would. Bring back… hm.
She looks over her squad a moment, then skywards.
Probably get some rain soon enough. Four barrels of water if you would.. looks at the gathered Legion members, then back to the Hoarran, best make it six. No sense letting our hosts live off horse piss tainted water if we can avoid it.
The Hoarran looks about to say something, but holds his tongue, nods to her and mounts up as his horse trots up seemingly of it's own violation before galloping off south. Danielle turns to those still by the tents.
Water might be tainted. No idea how long these Legion soldiers have been drinking such, but until the fresh arrives we're on rationing.
The order is met with little comment or surprise from the Hoarrans. Danielle nods her thanks to Elsbeth and heads back to the others.
as she approaches she can certainly smell a foul odor coming from the obese figure Urr… Fresh wata? Thas a guud idea! looks back to the legion chef Hey WHy dont we have fresh water!? * An echoing in the halls is heard* Si.. Sir! the stream is fresh water as long as you dont bathe in it!!" politley smiles to danielle and takes her bucket Excuse me un moment while i tend to the loud mouth chef grins again BAM! BANG! POW! is heard with grumpy rumblings " Ohh ye think it funny! HAHA who laughin now!! returns to door and the bucket has a fresh new ding in it Tanks.. it seems de stream is all de fresh wata we use as weell Be safe an watch out fer those bandits tha travel this road.....