Arranged Meeting - Hoarran Group and Jonathan
Raúl tries to sneak south, after seing Thomas being told to leave. And tries to stalk him to see what's going on, at no point but if his life is threatened directly will he attack, or if Thomas is being attacked by someone, even if it's a Defender, Raúl will stabb the attacker anyways.
The two scouts assigned to Mariston give him a direct order to withdraw with them, and if fails to comply again, they are forced to stay with him instead, but make no attempt to get the Senator to forcibly comply.
Adrian leaves with the Scouts.
::Mariston clearly states he will wait and see what is afoot::
The Hoarrans hold their lines, just three of the heavier armed moving up to Jonathan's side as he just starts laughing, Vaxin still nowhere to be seen, and Thomas now half crouched and low having pulled knives from somewhere. Thomas touches Jonathan's shoulder and says a few soft words, which get his laughter to stop, and Thomas' hand knocked away by a quick spin of his spear before he stands looking north a dark look upon his face.
Go. He looks at Thomas, before repeating himself. Go! Thomas flees south, and Jonathan raises his voice to shout to those Senators now being hustled off.
Run then! Peltarch can't even be trusted to a simple peaceful meeting!
The Far Scouts insist in any instances where Senators are reluctant to leave, having orders to evacuate all Senators at any sign of trouble.
::Mariston watches Rath leave and turns his attention back towards the sounds of battle, politely refusing to be hustled anywhere::
The Senator reaches for a blade at his side that isn't there, it seems he has come unarmed, and mutters a curse under his breath, though he is immediately surrounded by his Seafarer escort.
"What is the meaning of this!? Why don't you tell us! This whole meeting was your idea! Nevermind, everybody withdraw, we are betrayed!"
Far Scouts rush up, hustling Senators back northwards to the City amidst the sounds of battle.
Wha' th' fark is tha' sound. Raúl, who as previously said was sneaking around to make sure there were no other sneaks trying to disrupt the meeting starts heading towards the direction of the sound of battle
How's it possible tha' they didn' put scouts ther' to watch fer trouble!? mutters
Jonathan lets Ronan take the scroll, blinking at Marty's comments before looking over towards the sounds of battle. A slight frown, as he flips his spear up to his shoulder and a quick motion has his mages winking back out of sight, though the rest of his guard doesn't move from their positions.
What is the meaning of this Senators?
Sir Galin lets the spell go, and turns north looking towards the sounds, and laying his hand on a mace at his side.
With little warning and no apparent motions or speaking, Vaxin disappears from sight.
Ronan, with his premonition still active and forseeing no immediate danger heading his way, turns to the sound of battle slowly… his brow creased to squint and catch a glimpse of the culprits behind the battle noise.
…he then glances at Marty as he processes what she said earlier and what she has -just- said.. finding her words more troublesome then the battle in the distance, a blank look on his features..
::Mariston turns his mighty steed to face the sounds of battle and draws his blade from its scabbard, the sound of the leather on steel creating a long drawn out sound of imminent threat::
Hikes up her skirt and draws a dagger from a thigh holster
I'm really startled by that sudden sound of battle! I'm ready to stab someone in the face! I'm hoping that the drawing of my dagger from my thigh scabbard drew some male attention. What the hells is going on!?
Marty's panther companion circles her defensively
(is in zone of truth)
Without warning, the sound of battle erupts from the north near the Shrine. The clash of steel against steel and the screams of men. The soldiers who can be seen to the north on the road suddenly scramble up it and out of sight around the trees to the north. Hardins bodyguards draw their weapons at the sounds, moving up to his side as they eye the Hoarrans as if ready to attack, they put themselves between the Hoarrans and the Senator as Hardin glances back at the sounds.
Wha' the fark is goin' on now?
I think an investigation is definitely warranted.
Please understand though Jonathan, if this was indeed a servant of Peltarch they have gone rogue and were by no means under command from Peltarch to carry out any of these actions. I've always found Ronan attractive, but the fact that he is married makes the whole thing awkward.
Ronan approaches Jonathon for the scroll..
If I may..
Making sure it's fine with everyone on the Hoarran side at his approach. If none stop him or protest, he walks over to get the scroll… which he assumes has the description and such of the person in question on it, if he takes it, he walks back over to the Peltarch side to look it over..
Sir Galin Reynolds
A simple nod indicating that everything so far appears to be truth.Jonathan
Quite simply, she didn't willingly show that badge. Her plan was going far from what she wished. There are other reasons that I will not speak of in such an open place that I believe her one of yours.He takes one hand off his spear long enough to pull a scroll from a pouch, an amused smile touching his lips, as he holds it up.
Description. Name. Other information. Are you willing to at least investigate my claim made under your truth spell?
If the Jewel wanted ya dead, would we send an assassin with a badge? I'd think not. This person ain' no one loyal to the Jewel or operatin' under our orders. They be tryin' to start a war, simple as tha'. Puttin' us against each other.
I would think that, given what you saw of her trying to implicate yourselves in the murdering of the Legion individual, that she would try to implicate Peltarch as well if it was her want to get folks "riled up." She had arrows of your fletchings on them, so I imagine she is capable of taking a Peltarch Defender badge as well, or if she was hired by us… this woman you speak has certainly made herself out to be something she's not to us.
Tell me, what did this woman look like? Elven? Human? A mix of both? Did she give a name? Was she wearing defender colors? If not, then what was she wearing? Give as detailed description as you can, if you would..
Ronan, for the most part, seems unsurprised by Thomas's and Jonathon's stories.. which may or may not indicate Ronan finds them plausible, but it's difficult to read his reaction at this point.
After looking to Galin to ensure no lies have been spoken.
"You have heard wrong. Our Far Scouts are just that. Scouts. Whoever killed this Silverblade no doubt acquired a badge from the Peltarch Defenders in much the same way they acquired fletchings from your arrows. Through deception, and with deception in mind as to the use of them."