Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Diadne has been heard asking adventurers and merchants if anyone has armor or shield that won't hinder spell casting. A rather odd request coming the likes of her, though she has been seen undergoing martial training in the company of Mariston and his squires

  • Guards are stationed outside each entrance/exit into the sewers, equipped with potions of True Seeing they stop and search each individual who attempts to enter or exit. What they seek it is unknown but they appear to be under order of Magistrate Shannon D'Arneau.

    //Anyone going into sewers ensure they post about doing so, or PM me.

  • Word has it that Cerulean Knight Lycka was attacked at a crowded commons by a man in dark clothing, shouting about the Shadovar. Behind the Dancing Mermaid, darkness covered the ground, and from it, a sinister shadow rose to continue the fight. Both man and shadow creature were eventually defeated by the joint efforts of city employees and brave adventurers.

  • Word spreads that through some efforts by the Defenders and various merchants the river has finally been cleared. Though many civilians are still too frightened to use the boats as they're concerned of further attacks.

  • It would appear that the often chuckling merchant Alexi was randomly handing out gifts to unsuspecting people in the commons after a pair of dice judged their goodness. It is also said that random comments of points deducted over behavior that followed were issued to some of those that received gifts.

  • @26b0c3de80=DrDreadLock:

    Any near the commons would have heard a commotion recently. Some people, including Aelthas were speaking out against the barbaric and inappropriate "justice" handed out by Magistrate Borodin and supported by Magistrate Greywing. In the end Aelthas was taken away to jail for disturbing the peace for speaking his mind, saying that this city is turning into Oscura under the thumb of tyrants if such things are allowed and people are not allowed to speak their minds anymore.

    _He claims otherwise, but the murmer murmer murmer of the rumor mill seems to indicate the Sunite Knight Rico Swift actually sided with the magistrates's brutal decision.

    "Oh I heard it clear as day. That pretty man in the red cape repeatedly said 'She's guilty and deserves to be punished.' And he tried to shout down everyone who was disagreeing, even mister Aelthas. A real knight might had stood up for the poor girl."_

  • Legion

    Marty begins asking around concerning the temposan massacre.

    //Please PM me if you have anything to say about that.

  • Duncan Hulond, a seemingly pleasant Full plated man walks around the commons, making a route from the city hall to the Temple of the Triad and back again. His head is held high, as he asks passers by a seemingly innocent question"

    "Excuse me, could you possibly tell me a bit of the Order of the Divine shield?"

    His questions usually pertain mainly to people dressed in armor, or folks looking of the knowing type.

  • Bartho can be seen heading to the Peltarch's halls and reporting that he saw a pair of men, one armed with a curved greatsword and wearing the cloak of an oscuran peacekeeper was seen leaving the scene of many slain temposan warriors outside the shrine, covered in blood.

  • Legion

    when rumours of Marty's bias reach her ears she simply shrugs

    That's just stupid.

  • Elidor spreads the word (or rumor) that as long as you are a halfling there's nothing to fear in peltarch, for Senator marty doesn't care what you do, if you are a halfling you'll be forgiven.
    Then, some stories about banite halflins and thief halflings start to spread as well, though the credibility on this ones is fairly reduced

  • Any near the commons would have heard a commotion recently. Some people, including Aelthas were speaking out against the barbaric and inappropriate "justice" handed out by Magistrate Borodin and supported by Magistrate Greywing. In the end Aelthas was taken away to jail for disturbing the peace for speaking his mind, saying that this city is turning into Oscura under the thumb of tyrants if such things are allowed and people are not allowed to speak their minds anymore.

  • Council of Moradin

    In Peltarch, a young man can be seem asking here and there for someone to help him with a very special research.

    He wants to find out if thee are any histories about magical bows, made to destroy undead.

    At the end, Mike always says:

    • It has to be a heroe bow.

    Saying that, he finishes the conversation with a childish smile, just to move on to the next person that looks smart enough to help him. Folks leaving the College are his most current "target".

  • An odd rumor of one of two Elidurs showing Lisa an old battle-scar and ultimately being shot just barely eclipses that of a Peltarch Defender challenging the bard to a 'joust' of sorts - the Defender with what appeared to be a zombie on his shoulders.

  • A large explosion followed by the crashing of rubble sound throughout the streets of Peltarch. Guards rush to the scene and find that a portion of the Sewers was indeed partially collapsed and a similar explosion also covered the entrance to the barrows with debris and flames. Luckily no civilians were hurt, Guards are currently investigating into the cause of the explosions.

  • A veritable horde of zombies are said to have poured out of Ashald Park recently, causing quite a fright in the commerce district before pushed back by the joined efforts of adventurers and city employees. Dark rumours of human sacrifices might stir afterwards, as two bodies could be seen carried out of the park once the ruckus died down.

    //a bit late, but a huge batch of zombies in the middle of the city sure deserves a rumour!


    A boatload of children and refugees heading north on a river boat to escape the "shadowy doom" met a explosive end. The resulting explosion of the ship caused a cliff side avalanche downward into the river. The ship wreck and avalanche have made using the river impossible. Not only that but a second ship heading southward down the river with Defender cargo was set on fire and the crew murdered. Captain Sticks had a few things to say about this.

    "Them river pirates! I told ya, I told ya all and ya laughed! I'm tellin' ya it's the river pirates!"

    Meanwhile defenders at the docks of Norwick scramble everywhere, some trying to fish crates of equipment out of the river as they float past, as well as the bodies of refugees and Defenders. Though here in Peltarch the Defenders are preparing to clear the way in the river, they say it may take some time.

  • ::Mariston if hearing these rumours would inform the elf that High Hold is rather surrounded by giants and also rather filled with traitors to Peltarch::

  • Troff Legion looking rather haggard and tired has been seen about town asking about one "Jennifer the White". She is supposed to be a powerful Diviner. He asks in the bardic college, the priests in the templeLighthouse, temple of the Triad, Hemrods, the bardic music store, and even a few politicians seeking to know if anyone has heard of her, or her powers. To narrow the search she is said to live in High Hold.

  • A group of Selunites has shown up recently at the Lighthouse Temple, though only a dozen in number, they are armed as if ready for war. What their exact purpose is, is unknown, but Aelthas was seen at the Temple talking with them and sharing smiles and laughs throughout the day.