O For A Muse Of Fire...

  • …and out of nowhere, just out of a blur in the air, there's a burning haycart full of libel-style broadsheets, just rolling to a slow stop in the market. A dead body, riddled with arrows, is in the back holding a fistful of them.

    As guards slowly converge on it, the wind blows broadsheets through the market, allowing any who wish a copy to pick one up.



    _People of Peltarch! For weeks and months you have borne the abuses of the occupying forces of N'Jast and the vicious scourging of the Fury Inquisitors. No more! The time to rise has come!

    When King Golask of N'Jast was slain by murderers, who suspected what would come? When word arrived that Peltarch Far Scouts had done it, most thought it a rumor. But it was no rumor, and soon a vast army was at the eastern gates of Jiyyd, where the Legion and our brave Archangels prepared to resist them.

    And yet after a council with Shannon D'Arneau, General Lyte and General Grag stood down and allowed the N'Jast army through.

    They swept up the Nars Pass before any preparations could be made, and as they arrayed before a city, we were told that we had been betrayed… that Senators Mariston Thel and Roland Brymnor had murdered the rest of the Senate at the behest of a demon-possessed Lady Daisy; that the only surviving Senator not implicated in the plot was Senator Aspera Chillwind. This from Shannon D'Arneau and his fellow magistrate Barrim.

    Many of us believed them.... two of our magistrates, and with an army at our gates.

    The Order of the Divine Shield was arrested. And the Triumvirate of Aspera, Shannon, and Barrim negotiated peace with N'Jast... a peace that made the three of them lords of the city, with a N'Jast garrison to enforce their will.

    It was not so long afterwards that the Legion barracks in Jiyyd was attacked in the dead of night by 'raiders'. They ceased to exist as a fighting force and the mutilated body of General Lyte was found three days later in a field, clearly having died in torment. N'Jast so very kindly annexed Jiyyd to 'protect it from further raids'.

    Not long afterwards came the fall of Norwick to the bugbears, and Peltarch's truce with the bugbear king.

    You know all this. You may also believe that the heroes of the Divine Shield were executed. They were not. Senator Mariston Thel and Senator Brymnor live! They escaped from the dungeons, they rallied those heroes who D'Arneau's inquisition had not scooped up. They spoke to those Defenders loyal to the true ideals of our city. And now the hour has come.

    Remember! Remember how Kara DuMonte died trying to strike down the tyrant! Remember the massacre of the Legion at Jiyyd! Remember the sack of Norwick! Remember all the innocents who have died, all the liberties we have lost, all the suffering we have borne! D'Arneau is no priest of Torm! He serves the Hells, and if we do not stop him here and now, Peltarch shall be ruled and owned by devils.

    This is the hour of destiny and redemption! This is the hour to rise!_


  • Hammer, after reading trough one of the pamphlets simply exclaims "I knew it!, followed by a chuckle.

  • _General Theaon raises a brow as he reads the posters

    "What in the nine hells? Now propaganda posters from these alternate realities are being posted around?"

    He continues to read

    "Hmm, I guess you make a good point Marty. I thought the N'Jast war took a horrible toll on the region considering all that was lost, but it seems some of these alternate realities have it much worse."_

  • Legion

    marty puts on a pair of spectacles and sits in the commons to read one of the flyers.

    <hin>Ogre balls…

    Such a good thing we live in this "today" and not one of the other "today"s. Things are all messed up there!

    looks over at burning cart (assuming folks are busy putting it out)

    Sooner these todays stop crossing over the better.</hin>

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, the druid who has of late been ever present in Peltarch, tucks a sheet in with a folio in her pack, and stalks off towards the residential district

  • _Elva gives a sheet a read and sighs

    "So who is the traitor now? I've lost track"_