Actor Needed!

  • A notice stuck in the middle of the notice board, covering over a few notices says…

    _Actor Needed!

    A play by the William De Montez Esquire needs one more actor. The role is for a male character, but you need not be a man to apply! You must be prompt to rehearsals, and not someone that I do not like.

    This is your chance…to be a star!_

    Several people walking by note that "The "d" in "De" is capitalized, preposterous!"

    To which a strange woman in a red dress with short red hair replies
    "Shut up!" and quickly scampers away.

    //PM me or reply here if you're interested.

  • Aelhaearn stops briefly to peruse the board with the idea of discovering Aghila's location and discovers this old flyer. With a sly grin, the sturdy elf pockets the advertisement and tucks it into one of many pouches along his hefty utility belt.

    He can already picture the sputtering reaction on the halfling warrior's face, and his grin broadens.

  • Written at the bottom of Wynn's note

    "Come by the theatre."

  • Another note is left beside the advertisement, written in neat Common.

    I may be able to fill this role, though I am a woman. My forte is writing and singing, but I did learn to act alongside the other arts in my time traveling the west. Others would likely be a better choice, but if you have need of me, mark my note.

    Wynn Coltrane