Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _It's a cold morning in Oscura, quiet except for the dampened hammering from the nearby smithy's building. Between the cave walls and buildings the sounds of metal hitting the cold stone floor echoes throughout the sleeping city. The footsteps stops and those early risers peaking out from their window notices a dark armored warrior dragging an unconscious Duergar in its long black hair. He stops by the Oscuran well.

    His breath is causing a condensation which zips out from the tiny hole of his helmet creating small icy looking clouds. The duergar now laying on the ground with its head resting on the bench appears to be regaining consciousness slowly, the elf figured warrior leans down slightly facing the black skinned dwarf. A pleading cry for help is uttered but the warrior cuts him off_

    • Silence, dog. Your only purpose is to die by my hand and to tell me what I want! I've never been one for games nor one with patience. There is a miner I'm looking for by the name of Xarim Deepforge. Where can I find him?

    his voice is quite calm, yes, but twisted in a manner that suggests his patience is running thin. While the duergar is caughing blood he opens his mouth to speak using all this strength

    • [UC] Please! I do not know him I do not know! I… no, NO, NOOOoo!

    The warrior runs a dagger into each of the duergar's shoulder, leans down and speaks straight into the duergar's ear

    • [uc] The sun also shines on the wicked, but not on the dead.

    _No further words are given from the duergar at this point to the consequence that the figure in the dark plated armor lifts the duergar up with one hand in a firm grip around the duergar's throat. They eye eachother for a long moment, the black skinned dwarf barely having the energy to move his legs where they hang in the air.

    The elf launches him into the pit of darkness_

    • Then I shall ask your friends.

  • from quite a distance a crouching dark figure with his back resting on a cave wall follows their every move carefully. Thick darkness surrounds him making him almost impossible to spot. If he's been following the elves for a long time is unclear, but he doesn't seem to mind their departure judging by a quiet smirk from his part

  • The two dark armored elves, pack and leave late in there night. Their only visitors of note a well recognized Peacekeeper and a well known Banite. They leave no notice of where they are going.

  • Some of the more savvy merchants have a good laugh at any speak of more debate in the Peltarch Senate. Thazal, ever present with his sense of humour, has his own two coppers about it all.

    "Torm would be damn pleased, there's nothing more efficient than banging your head against the proverbial wall!"

  • @dcf97787cd=Caoimh:

    News spreads abruptly from City Hall ((Peltarch)) that the Senate is once again heatedly debating a new proposal to ban all trade with the city of Oscura.

  • @bc25ef7d06=M_O_B:

    Some new books have arrived at the library, apparently being dug out of some old archive. According to the librarian Lauren, who has already read most of them, they aren't of any real interest, more about simple curiosity.

    Creg, a man who claims to have read every book in the Oscuran library at least twice, devours these new offerings with his usual zeal. Twice.

  • Peacekeeper Commander, Ferdinand Locke is seen departing Oscura on one of his many trips to Mulhorand. Likely heading to Skuld to rendevous and drop his children off with their mother for a few monthes.

  • Two dark armored elves, with a symbol of a broken arrow on their armor are seen entering Oscura. After a short time wandering the town, they are seen to enter the Coppers and take rooms for an extended stay. Neither elf seems happy about it, but both are seen in the common room later passing coin to any willing to talk about known entrances to the Underdark.

  • Legion

    A beaten and battered Benji is seen sprinting out of the underdark with a gang of Kuo Toa in tow. After he makes it through the gate covered by Oscuran arrows he thanks the guards.

    Later, on his way to the boat, he's heard sputtering curses about Kuo Toa, the cheap ale, and Raryldor.

  • A party of surfacers skulked into the city last night, and were later found passed out in the vicinity of the Well of Souls and arrested for their obvious vagrancy. The story goes that they were lead by a pompous jerk who called himself a Knight, but never stopped whining and moaning about the injustices of the city. "I think he's confusing the term knight with jackwagon, HAR HAR," one man jokes over and ale, and the patrons of the Coppers laugh in an uproar.

  • Being ever so studious, Ferdinand makes time to look through each book and spends his evenings reading what he can.

  • Some new books have arrived at the library, apparently being dug out of some old archive. According to the librarian Lauren, who has already read most of them, they aren't of any real interest, more about simple curiosity.

  • @881ab5f130=M_O_B:

    There was some kind of altercation between Anna Kursk and Neferhetep Sakhmet in the Shiny Coppers… onlookers tried to reason between them before they left in an unusual hurry.

    Since hearing rumours swirl from the coppers, Vladimir has been notiocably less plesent towards any Sakhmet or their affiliations, slaves, traders or mamuluks

  • There was some kind of altercation between Anna Kursk and Neferhetep Sakhmet in the Shiny Coppers… onlookers tried to reason between them before they left in an unusual hurry.

  • Sarantha lately is seen wandering out of oscura, clumsily wearing some scale armor, wielding a buckler and a light mace. She heads out to hunt the rock snakes, most often coming back with a lot of snake bites bleeding all over the place. She doesn't seem the adventuring type so it's anyones guess why she is doing this, perhaps she is learning to defend herself.

  • Brynden, the crimson haired Oscuran has not been seen in Oscura too much of late. When he is, however, he is wearing a black hooded cloak (Hood down, not covering his head) with no emblem of any kind, and spends a good amount of time in the cemetary.


  • A young woman has been seen lately going about Oscura running errands. One day however she was not seen doing her usual routine, but when she is seen again she appeared beaten, bruised, and bloody. She appears to be furious, disappearing into the temple.

  • Rumors float throughout Oscura that a New Inquisitor has been selected by the Tribunal, the identity is not yet known. But the people of Oscura are ever eager to find out.

  • Ekmen Kyzanos was seen to have a long meeting with Thayan wizard Alesander Donamin in the backroom of the Coppers. The topic gives a little room for guesses as Alesander was one of those who had rented some time ago exploded mansion from the Kyzanos family.

  • Very loud noises deep back in the living quarters of the shiny coppers disturbs the calm abruptly. The commotion ends by the sound of one last crash that leaves the door trembling. A low whisper of a monologue follows. After another short while the door opens and one dark figure leaves the area. The living quarters however, is empty as if the man had been fighting himself.