Notice Posted: Travellers and Tradesmen BEWARE

  • Signs are posted throughout the Realm, moreso near the northern gates and eastern docks.



    Reliable sources have confirmed that there is a deadly plague spreading throughout The Jewel. The Lord Chancellor and his Advisers wisely recommend that all trade and travel to the city of Peltarch be cancelled or delayed until such time as the city is once again Healthy.

    Know that all river traffic and foot-traffic coming from points north will be subject to scrutiny and possibly refusal until such time as the Chancellor and his Advisers have lifted this warning.

    In addition to the signs, Dwarves from the Hold are now seen primarily at the Northern border checking incoming travellers. Residents speculate that the dwarves have now been assigned this duty due to the longstanding tales that Dwarves are less likely to catch human-borne disease due to their dwarven fortitude.