Housing Status
so, I paid over 30K for my home and I need to keep paying?
Yep. Just like RL.
Towns charge taxes. Landlords charge rent. For PC homes where there are neither, upkeep still costs, lest critters decide they should be living there instead of you.
The only reason this hasn't been done up to this point is that it was too much for the DMs to keep track of and collect. Once it is possible to automate, that will no longer be an issue.
so people will stll need to make a large payment up front. i see
so, I paid over 30K for my home and I need to keep paying?
Yep. Just like RL.
Towns charge taxes. Landlords charge rent. For PC homes where there are neither, upkeep still costs, lest critters decide they should be living there instead of you.
The only reason this hasn't been done up to this point is that it was too much for the DMs to keep track of and collect. Once it is possible to automate, that will no longer be an issue.
so, I paid over 30K for my home and I need to keep paying?
I don't think there are any plans to do refunds for those who paid to have housing put IG. There are other advantages to buying housing, which include being able to get specific designs and placeables.
The ongoing costs aren't planned to be large - aside from the IC tax / rent / upkeep considerations, there is an OOC component there as well, the primary goal of which is to ensure that vacant housing gets repossessed so it can be either removed from the module or made available for other PCs.
Store income for player owned stores or consignment sales is partly dependent on the event system, and partly on the new store scripts. The new store scripts I have laid out a design for, but programming on them has not yet started.
Seeing as it looks like we're sticking around, is there a possibility of getting El/Meril's house back in the module?
Yep. I'll hunt it down and get it back in.
If we're now getting into the cost of living with rent/etc, then I think we might have to also consider looking into the other side–potential profits-- from businesses.
This is indeed something we've also been considering.
Very cool. I think it wounds worth the wait. Thanks for all the information Rhisto!
Just curious.. for those of us that paid a {hefty} lump sum ahead of time for housing.. will we be refunded and then we'll use this system?
Would this system also be used for a store that is owned (say, for example, an exterminators store) by PC's?
If we're now getting into the cost of living with rent/etc, then I think we might have to also consider looking into the other side–potential profits-- from businesses.
(Or just consider it a wash and not charge for a store aside from what we originally paid to have it put in the mod)
That. Sounds. Awesome.
Any ETA on this, or is it still a long ways off? Will this open up opportunities for more players to own IG property (even if it is small houses/apartments) or will it still be rather prestigious, requiring application and whatnot?
As it stands, the event system is still under way.
It has several modes of postponing scripts to be run:
daily, weekly, monthly.Daily event scheduling: Has now been programmed.
Weekly event scheduling: Still working on the ig time calculations.
Monthly event scheduling: Not yet started.
Persistency: Hasn't yet been programmed.
(this is MySQL Database programming, doable, but takes time too.)Just to point out:
Daily scheduling involves In Game:
day-scheduling, workday scheduling, all weekdays scheduling and
weekend scheduling. Each with starting time, and possibility to have
a repeat in-between starting time and a separate ending time.So only 1 event is necessary for Zipper the Mailman, doing his rounds morning, midday and evening during working days.
Weekly programming will allow differentiation to:
odd/even weeks, summer/autumn/winter/spring weeks, also with the
above mentioned day and time scheduling.So only 1 event is necessary for Saraph, the travelling merchant to open shop in the summer weeks on the weekend market in Norwick.
Monthly programming will allow differentiation to:
odd/even months, moon-cycle (Selune) dependency.So only 1 event is necessary to deteriorate everyone's eyesight when there's a new moon.
I started this programming about 3-4 weeks ago. As I was programming
the daily and weekly stuff, and merely brainstorming on the month
routines, I saw the necessity to write the astrology include routines, to
give me the tools to convert special celestial occurrences into IG time
(selectable in the scheduling menu). But all in all, I think I'm about 30%
done. So it'll be some time before it'll be finished. Maybe some extra time
to get the rent collecting scripts programmed too.Sorry for not getting it sooner than perhaps the end of September or even
early October, but there's RL stuff to do too.
Thankyou for the prompt response Will, it's appreciated.
That. Sounds. Awesome.
Any ETA on this, or is it still a long ways off? Will this open up opportunities for more players to own IG property (even if it is small houses/apartments) or will it still be rather prestigious, requiring application and whatnot?
Seeing as it looks like we're sticking around, is there a possibility of getting El/Meril's house back in the module?
That's so cool.
The Event System for Narfell is currently being re-written by Rhisto. This is the system that allows us to schedule scripts to run at a future date / time.
What this has to do with housing is the housing re-vamp will include taxes/rent/upkeep costs (for owned/rented property in towns, and property outside towns, respectively). Those costs will be paid (RL Monthly) to an NPC, and will be completely scripted such that DMs don't have to hunt people down asking for money. PCs will be able to pay a little in advance, but if they fail to pay, after a certain period of time, they will be locked out of the property, and some time later, the property will be re-sold and its contents auctioned off.
The advantage here is that PC properties for people who haven't played in 3 years aren't taking up module space, abandoned properties already IG can be used by other PCs, and DMs don't have to keep track of when people owe money and whether or not they paid.