Burning Scrolls - The Writings of Diadne

  • Ibli stretched out lazily on a pillow and yawned. He looked across the room to his mistress Diadne, who sat by the fire in study. A book rested on her lap.

    Diadne sat by the hearth, alternately creating patches of magical flame and making them go away. She had been doing this for hours, and Ibli was getting bored.

    “Mistress, the law says you are free”

    Diadne closed the book and snorted, “No one is free Mister Sizzles. Not you, not I, not anyone. Not even the gods. They too must live by rules. We all serve masters, even those who claim to be free”

    “I’m not going to argue the point with you mistress, but the law in this little … town says that you are free. What will you do when the temple arrives?”

    “I will serve them as I always have”, Diadne responded, brushing the hair from her eyes. “I am a blessed object of the Lord of Flames. No laws can change that.”


    _Nightal 29th

    The chancellor of Norwick’s edict of manumission is all well and good. It is their right to govern the lands as they choose. If a slave flees from another land, their law states they can live free in this little town, and the militia will protect them. However, this changes little.

    Most slaves I know would starve living on their own, or resort to thievery. The chancellor has assumed that all slaves understand how to live as freemen, and that’s simply not the case. Some people are better off in servitude letting others determine their fate.

    In my case, what this edict has done has opened up an opportunity for the Red Wizards to kill me. Though my heart and mind say otherwise, legally in this town I am no longer owned by the Temple of Kossuth in Surthay. The temple would protest my demise, but the Red Wizards would simply claim that they have eliminated a threat to the natural order of the arcane, as they did not technically destroy temple property.

    Perhaps it’s time I moved to Oscura._

  • Diadne stood in the Spellweaver courtyard, feet slightly apart, and arms outstretched to her sides. Her palms faced outward, as if pushing some great weight.

    “Push mistress! Push harder!”, Ibli coaxed.

    Diadne’s face was redder than her hair. Her eyes were closed, her face was scrunched, and sweat beaded on her forehead as she directed the weave around her. Slowly, a transparent sphere twinkled into existence, the edges pressed against her palms.

    “You did it!”

    Diadne opened one eye, then the other. As realization sunk in, her eyes grew even wider, and her face lit with pride.

    Diadne’s gifts of the arcane were a blessing of Kossuth. The fire came naturally. But she could study it, and learn the workings of the weave. Abjuration was the result, and this was her first step. She knew that the focus of her power would be very limited, but for the few things she could do, she would be very, very accomplished.


    _Uktar 27th

    I have wandered though Oscura searching for rumors of the temple’s arrival, but have heard nothing. I’ve spoken with a few Thayans regarding my plight, but many of them are distrusting, and won’t often confide in me.

    It appears that I will simply have to wait, or accept my abandonment by the temple. It’s a sad feeling to feel misplaced.

    Rhyndar has not shown his face in some time, and this worries me. I still ride the horse he purchased for me to use, but if he’s been slain I’m sure it will be sold along with his estate. I spend too much time in this land I feeling like an outsider, and he was one of the few that desired me. Perhaps Devlin will see to my well being. He seems to like the body spice I put in my bath, and does not mind that I am Thayan.

    I continue to avoid entanglements with the zealot Rith Phoenixfeather, thank Kossuth._

  • Diadne woke in a sweat. Something was wrong. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.

    She felt its presence. It was an entity of fire so powerful, that its presence made the world tremble. It was here. It was close. So very, very close.

    Diadne walked over to the window and peered into the darkness. She saw nothing of course, but the torchlight fires and light from the windows in Norwick. She clenched her hands in her nightgown in fear, for somehow she knew this entity was not nice. No. Not nice at all.

    She turned from the window, poked the fire in the hearth and added another log. The fire sprang to life, and its presence comforted her. She knelt before it and prayed.

    “I pray thee Kossuth, protect thy servant from your entity most terrible. I feel its presence, and it frightens me. I beseech thee…Please honor my service as I have honored you, and spare my life.”

    Diadne closed her eyes tight for a moment, then turned her head. The presence had faded, but it was still there. Hidden. Waiting.


    _Uktar 16th

    Something is coming_

  • It was long after sunset, and Diadne lay on the rug by the hearth. The fire burned fiercely within, warming her. Others might have been uncomfortable being so close to the fire, but Kossuth’s blessing protected her.

    She lay on her back, turning a spell crystal over in her hand lazily. The fire light reflected myriad images from its many facets, scattering pools of light over her body.

    She had her first success at the Norwick games, and hadn’t panicked at the first sight of someone with a weapon. She had skirted the melee with reasonable skill, directing Kossuth’s power against her adversaries in the games. Her team had one first place, and she had contributed to its success. This crystal was her reward.

    I growing smile graced her face, an hidden light leapt within her eyes from the newly found fires of ambition.


    _Marpenoth 29th

    The people of this land treat me very well. Many seem to want my friendship. It’s an odd and perhaps blasphemous feeling to feel this free. To choose who I can be with, and disdain those I do not.

    I have tried to distance myself from a woman named Saria, who prays to Auril. She seeks my friendship most ardently, but there may be more involved. She’s one of those odd sorts of local women that seem to prefer the company of others of like gender, for both friendship and sex, and I do not desire it. I also fear that the Fire Lord would frown upon any friendship with this woman, and take away the blessings he has most graciously given. I have no animosity towards her, but I fear any relationship is doomed from the start.

    Lady Phoenixfeather, the zealot of Lathander made an overture to me today, in the offer of two very powerful scrolls. As much as I wanted them, I forced myself to decline.

    I simply don’t want to associate myself with this woman, or her ideals. I am studied in political affairs and human nature enough to know that gifts, though freely given, always have weight of recompense attached to them. It is a truly rare person who gives of him or herself without expecting any sort of reward. People tell themselves that they are giving freely, but deep inside are expectations of improved friendship or favor attached.

    Lady Phoenixfeather’s zealotry scares me, and so do the kinds of enemies she makes. It will be best if we simply travel in separate circles.

    However, there is an older man, a weaponsmith of Tempus named Devlin, that I fancy. Like Rhyndar, he is tall and well muscled, and could easily carry me over his shoulder. We chatted amiably for some time, and was a good natured adversary in the games. He is a mighty warrior, and I watched a friendly sparring match between him and an enormous half-breed named Grog. Although Grog won, the battle was very close, Devlin’s age and experience almost besting Grog’s size and strength.

    Hopefully, the temple of Kossuth will arrive soon, and give permission to bed one of these local barbarians before I go crazy._

  • Diadne skipped and flitted about the room joyously. She straightened up things here and there, humming to herself. The fire burned brightly in the hearth. The fire was often a reflection of Diadne’s mood.

    Ibli sat lazily on the bed examining the Spellweaver charter. It was his responsibility as much as hers to learn it. As her companion and mentor, it was often imperative the he learn it better, so he could teach and instruct.
    Spellweaver had reorganized itself recently. All current students had been automatically enrolled as initiates under the reorganization, and that put her mistress, so recently a student, in very good graces. He knew in his heart that his mistress was blessed by Kossuth, but her recent miraculous escape from the Orcs, coupled with this new life of freedom and privilege, gave him pause for thought. Perhaps Kossuth didn’t just bless her. Perhaps he watched over her, guiding her destiny. As a tiny embodiment of his power, it was possible that the Fire Lord had interest in her survival.

    Ibli looked up over the scrolls and watched his mistress as she flitted about the room. She was truly beautiful. The fire inside her blazed forth and lit her countenance. She was so full of life and energy, that it was breathtaking at times to watch her. In this regard, he felt truly blessed as well.


    _Marpenoth 20th

    I have witnessed “echoes” from the war that happened between N’Jast and the peoples of this land. They appear as ghostly visions of people, acting out scenes, or trying to tell us things. I know little of spirits and necromancy, but was fascinated by their appearances. Are these simply signs of the past, or clues of what remains to be?

    Glory of glories! I have been made a full member of Spellweaver! This servant has risen far, and I hope that I have will make the Eternal Flame proud when he arrives. He had been training me for the Courtesan’s Guild. They held much power in Surthay, and my presence would have indirectly added power to the temple. This will accomplish the same. The presence of a servant of the Fire Lord in the mages guild will prove beneficial. I am sure that someday, I will be able to use this position for support in the creation of a temple in this land. If I serve Spellweaver well, and respect their proper authority, my service will be rewarded in kind with increased privileges and responsibility.

    I offer praise to Kossuth for keeping me safe, and guiding me to this land. I still have a great deal to learn, and my blessings pale in comparison to many of those of accomplishment. I have no doubt that with care, diligence and purpose, that someday I will be one of them._

    Diadne put the pen down, and sat back in her chair. A concept bubbled from the depths of her memory, from times prior to her joining with the temple. They were times of play, games, and sneaking out to the woods with her friends. Back then, she was free.

    She closed the ink bottle, cleaned the pen, and put the thought away for another time.

  • “Madam, you must think of abjuration as unraveling a woolen sock. If cut at one point, the yarn will unwind. If cut at several points, we can unwind it much faster. The key to doing this is figuring out where to cut the sock to unravel it the fastest. All spells use increasingly complex patterns. What I am going to teach you is a method of unraveling all patterns of … “

    Ibli continued his explanation, but Diadne was having difficulty focusing. Her failures in recent duels and games were unlocking a temper she never knew she had. The headmaster had warned her about this. He had said that all those with innate power would have to deal with it eventually.

    She blamed her increasing independence. For the first time since being purchased by the temple, she was forced to make decisions on her own. She struggled with feelings of abandonment and directing her own life. Her mistakes and her failures were all on her own shoulders now.

    Ibli flicked her ear. “Madam? Are you paying attention”

    Diadne cast her eyes down, feeling ashamed. If she was going to succeed, she really needed to learn.


    _Marpenoth 14th

    I hate zealots on either end of the spectrum. The other day, I watched Lady Phoenixfeather as she slew a host of bugbears while under a truce of parlay. She stated that she would not tolerate their evil, and that the only good bugbear was a dead one.

    The problem I have with this is that they were discussing things with a good friend of mine named Garviel. Now the bugbears will assume he set up an ambush, and had them slain through guile and trickery. Worse, we later found out that the bugbears are at war with themselves. For all we know, these bugbears were worshippers of the Patchwork God, not evil, and bent on redemption.

    I find most zealots to be ultimately selfish because they casually discard the lives and wellbeing of others around them for their “cause”. They are champions of a way of life, but often fight outside its boundaries as hypocrites. As a servant, I have often stood aside and watched while these things happen. It is not my right or place to interfere. At the time, I was terrified of responding in any manner, lest I offend her or the town of Norwick. Others appeared to be offended too, so I was not alone in this regard.

    A curiosity of this land is the same sex relationships that occur with common regularity. There are some societies that encourage this, for they feel that having a limited number of children is for the better. In Thay, a same sex relationship was rather uncommon, enough so that when it happened people were surprised and it became the topic of conversation. Personally, I find the tanned and muscled men of this region to be most appealing, and am enjoying their attentions. One in particular has taken a fancy to me, and won a duel for the right to be at my side. Why a woman would forsake this to go after another woman is totally beyond me.

    I still wait for my brethren to arrive from Surthay. I have been spending time in Oscura hoping for word, but haven’t received any. I still bear hope, and carry it with me._

  • Diadne had been sought after before. Both a merchant and minor lord had asked for her repeatedly at one time, and the temple of Kossuth had been happy to allow it provided coin was properly donated, or favors granted. It was simply the way business had been done.

    She was a slave though, and a servant of Kossuth. The merchant had bought her a nice slip of silk, but only because it was something he wanted to see her in. The minor lord had inquired about purchasing her, but balked at the asking price. Instead he had been content for numerous visits. They stopped however, for reasons unknown.

    Diadne stared out the window at the horse tied to the hitching post below. Even though it belonged to Rhyndar, she was allowed to ride it. She was even given the honor of naming it, a privilege unheard of in Thay. She had named it “Flicker”, a good Kossuthian name for an animal.

    Rhyndar was not only interested, but had offered to purchase her. Though he had lost a fortune in the city up north, he still possessed much wealth, enough to buy an extra horse without even blinking. He had even purchased a dress that he wanted her to wear.

    To be owned by one of the wealthy barbarians here … what would it be like? She was growing used to life here in this harsh land, and thoughts of returning to her life in the temple were beginning to bore her.

    Diadne puzzled at this thought. If Norwick found out, given the recent decree they would certainly banish him. Best to keep thoughts of this quiet.


    _Eleint 9th

    I can feel my blessings grow with each passing day. It’s as if new doors are revealed to me in ways difficult to explain. I haven’t figured out how to open them yet, but I know they key is on my person somewhere.

    One of the locals has expressed a keen interest in me. When I explained to him that I belonged to the Eternal Flame, he was anxious to meet him to tender a purchase, and that he would accept my blessings in full.

    I’m not sure how I feel about this._

  • Diadne lay on the feather bed. Ibli had just finished washing her hair, and then dismissed himself for parts unknown. Still slightly damp, her red hair hung loose out of her usual ponytail, and splayed across her shoulders and pillow. She looked up at the ceiling and daydreamed.

    There were often times like this at the temple, when there was very little to do. Often, she would practice her posture in front of a mirror, coupled with a winsome glance, to better prepare for the one she would be attending next.

    She had little choice in these matters. Her attentions as a courtesan and holy vessel would be dictated by the Eternal Flame. A priest would be rewarded for good service. A soldier for bravery perhaps. Frequently, it would be a visiting dignitary whose favor and coin were needed.

    But if she could choose, who would she pick?

    Most of the people here were so barbaric. Some had little education, and barely mastered the local tongue. They were all dressed in leathers and steel, and smelled of blood and sweat. Part of it repulsed her, but some of it appealed to her basic nature.

    The little hin Benji would be good for a long relationship she mused, because of his obvious education and intelligence. He would be delightfully entertaining over months or even years. The pillow talk would make her laugh no doubt. People often forgot that the physical intimacy is such a small part of the relationship.

    Thorn had a kind heart. Kind hearts were valued, and worth more than gold, jewels and silver. Diadne lay there thinking of gifts, small but thoughtfully chosen, given with each visit. Thorn would be tender and sweet, unlike the ministrations of many of the soldiers who had entered her bed chamber.

    She thought of Rico, Einrihch, and the yummy looking Rhyndar, all tall strapping soldiers of the blade and axe. The thought of one of them picking her up over their strong shoulders brought both fear and excitement, making her quiver inside.

    She giggled out loud at the thought of it.

    But she was not free. As a slave, she would never get to choose. For the first time, in a very long time, it truly bothered her.


    _Eleint 2nd

    Oh joy of joys! The druids have ousted the worshipper of Auril, and he has fled these lands! Surely this a blessing, and a sign that Kossuth does indeed watch over me. I am assured that his opinions and threats did not represent those of the Druid’s Circle, and I am not to be hunted and slain.

    Now, I await the day that my brethren from Surthay arrive, and establish a holy place here. Once again I will be where I belong, serving my keepers.

    In the mean time I do my best to fit in. Often this involves the raiding and pillaging of the lesser races that live here. What horrified me weeks ago has become accepted and common place. It allows me to hone Kossuth’s gifts, and acquire some coin.

    When the priests and soldiers arrive, they will find a stronger and more capable vessel of Kossuth. I hope they see fit to reward me in some manner, as I have endured much here._

  • Diadne cried. She sat on the bed facing the hearth, trying to find comfort in the flickering flames, a soft and gentle reminder of Kossuth’s presence. She stared into it, hoping to find solace there.

    Ibli gently placed a hand on her shoulder, as quiet sobs filled the room. He said nothing. Sometimes, the mere presence of a friend is more powerful than words could ever hope to be. Ibli had served her faithfully for almost 10 years now, and the bond between them had grown stronger with each passing year. As Diadne’s blessing had grown, so had Ibli’s presence in the material.

    The sobs suddenly quieted. Diadne’s breathing quickened as she stared into the flames. With lower lip still trembling, a fierce determination replaced the sadness. The words of binding came unbidden, and heat filled the room.

    “Yes”, Ibli whispered into her ear. “Feel its presence, and call it forth”

    A creature of flame suddenly stepped from the hearth, looking around bewildered and uncertain. Suddenly however, it collapsed in on itself, the flames splashing on the cold stone floor before extinguishing.

    Ibli smiled, and patted her on the back, “Soon mistress, soon”


    _Elias 26th

    I was called to a meeting with one of the Druids of this land yesterday. He had heard of the three Kossuthian artifacts lost during the Orc raid. He knew one of them had not been captured, and that I probably knew of its whereabouts. He appeared concerned and upset that this would affect the balance, and demanded that I turn over this artifact so that balance could be maintained.

    The problem is that third artifact is me.

    He told me I had one year to leave this land, or the Druids would come to kill me. If not him, then others. This would be done to maintain the balance he said.

    I can’t simply leave. The Burning Braziers I traveled with are gone, killed at the hands of foul creatures. Our destination was here, in this land called Narfell, to spread the word of Kossuth to the peoples here. As a servant, I must complete the task I was commanded to do, unless told otherwise by the Eternal Flame. I must serve as a living example of Kossuth’s beauty and power.

    The headmaster of Spellweaver vowed to me that he would defend me, and ensure my safety. That he would do this for a servant, not even one of his faith shows the great capacity of his heart. Despite his words and great power, I know he cannot be everywhere at once. Sooner or later I will be forced to defend myself, and I must be ready.

    If the Druids wish to kill me I am sure they will succeed. The only question that remains is how many of them will feel Kossuth’s fire before I am struck down._

  • A dagger turned lazily in Diadne’s dainty hand, the flame shaped blade glistening in the candlelight. The runes glowed a brilliant red, and Kossuth’s symbol of the flame sparkled in the handle with ruby brilliance. Truly this was a holy artifact.

    Ibli looked on with concern. “Madam, what will you do with it? Servants are not allowed to own such things”

    Diadne furrowed her brow, clutching it tighter. “I cleansed a staff of Auril, and helped save a troubled boy. I earned it. Kossuth teaches us to have ambition, and to seek power. I seek power”

    Ibli’s frown deepened, “Madam, if the Eternal Flame sees you with it, he will be angry. He will take it, and you will be … punished.”

    “Well what am I to do with it Mister Sizzles? The Eternal Flame is not here. In the mean time, it belongs to me.”


    _Elasias 17th

    I have been on several “adventures” with peoples of various sorts. It seems to be a way of life around here. I spoke with a mercenary named Thomas who lamented the fact that people preferred to gamble for the prize at the end, than pay a mercenary up front. Everyone wants “a piece of the action”, a share in the loot, and the prize at the end. I must admit that it’s all rather infectious, and certainly more exciting than creating small talk with a deserving priest, and catering to his predilections in the bed chamber.

    Kossuth continues to reward me well for my ambitions and efforts.

    I had a rather disturbing discussion with one of the locals by the fire. He was somewhat surprised that I was a servant, a slave owned by the Temple in Surthay. He asked what would happen, if someone locally purchased me.

    I cannot fathom being owned by anyone other than the Eternal Flame, but he did raise an interesting point, in that my sacred vows and religious views certainly wouldn’t change. I suppose my new owner could forbid it. If he was smart however, he would make use of it instead. But the thought was troubling, and an eventuality I hadn’t considered._

  • Diadne focused, and spoke the incantation. Two eyes peered within the flames of the hearth, their form wavering unsteadily.

    “Come on! Just step out…a little more….that’s it. Come on!”, Diadne cooed, making kissy noises.

    “Brabble xnik spla!”, came a voice from the fire, and a fiery hand reach out suddenly from the flames. Diadne shrieked and giggled, jumping back. With the incantation broken, the eyes disappeared, and the flames returned to normal.

    Perhaps summoning an elemental, was not quite so easy.


    _Elasias 11th

    I am so happy! The headmaster of Spellweaver has given me my first task and allowed me access to the library! Although my membership is not entirely finalized, I am certain it will be done. The Eternal Flame would be so proud of me. For a servant to get this far in a new land without help or direction is truly an accomplishment. I hope that I will see him soon, so that I might see the pride in his eyes for what this servant has accomplished.

    A knight of Sune named Rico defended my honor the other day. Why he defended the honor of a servant escapes me, but I was most grateful. Perhaps they do not see me as a servant, since slavery is against the laws of two cities in this land. Many seemed to hold resentment towards the city that still traffics in slaves, an underground city by the name of Oscura. I have been there, and while it’s a dreary place I saw nothing wrong with it. The pit in the center gives me the creeps though.

    I participated in the Norwick games a few days ago. Needless to say, I did terrible, but I had a grand time. My crossbow bolts found mostly trees and grass, and I was quickly brought down in their little melee. I still have a few bruises from it, but I have always been of good health, and I am certain they will heal quickly._

  • Diadne sat on the stones near the fire. It comforted her. It wasn’t raining, and hadn’t for almost two hours, so the stones were dry and warm to the touch. She leaned back and kicked her shoes off, watching the world pass by.

    Two farm boys walked on the road. One going north, the other south to the Temple of Chauntea. Their eyes were fixed upon her, and she smiled prettily, waving at the two. One of them grinned sheepishly, right before he collided into the other. Diadne giggled as the boys fell into a heap.

    Diadne knew she was pretty, and sometimes had that effect on men. It was empowering for a servant to control people like that. In her life back home, it was her only real method of exerting any control at all. Her life was full of ritual, going to class, and providing conversation and companionship to those judged worthy by the Ethernal Flame. All of her time was dictated by the priests of the temple. The wistful glance, the playful pout, and accidentally exposed skin were all she had.

    Now however, a new kind of power was growing within her. Diadne wondered absently what she would do with it.


    _Elasias 5th

    I’m not sure how to act around these people. It’s infuriating to be ignored. I sit quietly and listen as a proper servant should, but then no one pays any attention to me. I introduce myself, and people continue on with their conversations.

    This land is full of brash and outgoing people. Some of them are just plain rude, while others act that way, but hide civility and grace behind a façade of outgoing boorishness. How completely ridiculous!

    I have met a man named Admiral Drelan Ashire. He claims to lead a merchant group known as the Black Sails. He is an older, experienced man, with a worn and tired expression. I keep thinking when I look at him that he is in the wrong place, as if his current existence were thrust upon him. He’s been marked by Kossuth in some manner which he won’t disclose, and I am certainly in no position to ask.

    He seemed annoyed that I acted properly subservient. Kossuth teaches us to respect those with successful ambition with a higher station in life. He is my better. I walked two paces behind him, and to the left, and behaved as I should. What else should I have done?

    It appears these lands are full of people who behave like snarling wolves, with the biggest and strongest standing on the top. Little respect is shown for those that don’t snarl and gnash their teeth. Ergo, little respect is shown to me.

    Perhaps I need to be more aggressive with my manner and words, or perhaps even start an argument!

    Oh Kossuth forgive me!_

  • “…weakens the bonds between this plane and the next. To summon one of Kossuth’s servants, one need to only…”, Ibli said, and then paused irritatedly. “Madam, are you paying attention?”

    Diadne stared out the window upon the scene below. People scurried about with various mundane tasks. Children played with hoops. Two people were bringing logs into the crafting hall. Three folks spoke animatedly around the fire. A wagon full of hay went east.

    Diadne sighed and turned to Ibli, “Mister Sizzles, what is to become of me? The temple probably thinks I’m dead! Will I be forgotten? Will I be another misplaced artifact, a lost treasure of Kossuth?”

    Ibli’s voice softened, and he ambled over and put his hand on her shoulder, “Madam, I am sure you are not forgotten, but it is a very long way. I’m sure whoever they sent out looking for you will eventually get here.”

    Diadne sighed again, and continued looking out the window. What if this truly was to be her new home?


    _Flamerule 30th

    I have gone on several other “missions” with the people around here. I swear if one of them were any less intelligent, someone would have to water him twice a week. Some folks just don’t pay attention, and shouldn’t be staring at the foliage or searching through pockets with danger around every corner.

    I had a chance to speak with the hin Benji that sells crossbows. He’s a captain in the Legion! A captain! I was beside myself that someone like him would share wine with me, and carry on conversation. He is unmarried with no children, but has someone very special in his life. He appeared to be very nervous though, and my efforts to reassure him that our conversation would be entirely confidential did nothing to ease his manner. I thought perhaps this special someone might be the jealous sort, and to be seen with a servant of Kossuth, particularly one trained as a courtesan might bring hard feelings. After I finished my wine I excused myself, even if it was not my place to do so.

    Still, he is very cute, and full of intelligence. If he so chose and the Eternal Flame permitted, I would be honored to be his mistress._

  • “Yes! Yes!”, Ibli clapped as the sphere of flame whooshed into the hearth, exploding up through the chimney. Diade grinned in delight as a low rumble shook the stones.

    “Wow, Mister Sizzles! I did it!”

    “Yes madam, you did! And now we must teach to you contract with … “, Ibli was interrupted by a knocking at the door. An angry voice shouted in Orcish outside it.

    “Oh dear…”, Ibli sighed and folded in on himself, plane shifting, and leaving Diadne alone to answer the door.


    _Flamerule 25th

    I have become much bolder, and gone on several “missions” to various places, and for various people. It still terrifies me, but at least my terror is under control. Many of these missions involve me staying at the rear of a group, and throwing Kossuth’s power at our enemies. It’s hardly glorious, certainly less so than many of the knights that dash into combat with steel flying everywhere, but it helps me practice.

    One such mission had us retrieve a book that were stolen by “Fishmen” from an underground city in Oscura. It was horribly dangerous, and when one of the fishmen snuck up on me to drive his sword home, I nearly wet myself, and thought for certain I would be seeing the Fire Lord very soon. Despite some dissention in our group, we recovered the book, along with a chest of trinkets and items of power.

    One of these items was a staff, blessed almost certainly by Auril.

    I took possession of it, but could not bring myself to use it. I tried selling it a couple of times, but no one wanted it. I found this odd, as the staff was very powerful, and drew its connection to the weave from the land itself. I took this as a sign that Kossuth wished me to cleanse it, so in ritual I did, and now its ashes lie ignominiously in a trash barrel in Norwick…as they should!

    I attended two festivals, one at the little Hin town southwest of Norwick, and had the most marvelous time. Though I still feel like an outsider, the headmaster of Spellweaver was kind enough to show attention to me and carry on conversation. Kossuth bless him for this, to show attention to a servant and attend to my happiness and well being._

  • “No madam no. You must “throw” the fire! Throw it thusly!”, the mephit gestured in exaggerated motions at the hearth. Diadne tried again, but the flames stuck to her hand, spraying in all directions. The mephit groaned and smacked his hand to his head as Diadne rushed forward to put the fire out on the curtain.

    “Madam, you must let go of the fire!”

    Diadne turned and put her hands on hips. “Mister Sizzles! I am trying! Truly I am!”

    The mephit gave Diadne an exasperated expression. “Madam, my name is “Ibli”. You called me “Mister Sizzles when you were what….ten?”

    “Mister Sizzles, I think we are done for the evening. I’m tired and I still have my scrolls for the temple to finish.”

    The mephit just sighed and bowed. “Yes Madam, oh glorious blessed of Kossuth, righteous wielder of …”

    Diadne made a motion, and the mephit’s speech was cut short as it was forcibly plane shifted.

    “Irritating little snot”, Diadne retorted at the empty space in the air.


    _Flamerule 18th

    I accompanied a great many of these people south into the forest. They had spoke of meeting a burning man, a Druid of Kossuth. I had hoped to meet with him, but instead met with creatures all manner most foul. Bugbear Shamans and their summoned spirits.

    The group fought valiantly but were forced to retreat, carrying one of their fallen. Never have I felt so terrified and useless. I vainly threw my power at them, and only managed to set one of them on fire briefly. How am I to help these people and show them Kossuth’s might? I have had my servant help me, but my practice bears little fruit.

    I have pinned my hopes on the headmaster of this wizards’ enclave known as “Spellweaver”. The headmaster was a cheery sort, and wielded great power when fighting these spirits. Only, if only I could wield such power someday! Surely Kossuth would be pleased. The headmaster said he would take my application to Spellweaver for review, but that it might take some time.

    I must become accustomed to the attitudes of these people. While some people bring manners with them, others shove them under the bed, or leave them to be trampled underfoot. People of great strength threaten others playfully, without thought or compassion. Because they are strong they are right, and to hells with everyone else. “If you don’t like what you see, turn away, get out of my face, and shut up”, appears to be the attitude of some. In particular this applied to a shifter who goes by Aelthas. He frightened me half to death, and seemed to care little about the feelings of others. The adage “Tis wondrous to have the strength of the giant, but tyrannous to use it like one”, fits him most appropriately. Honestly, it would not surprise me if he prayed to Bane.

    I only pray that someday, Kossuth sees fit that I have the confidence in myself, and the power to not be afraid. Every time I leave the walls of this little town, I am gripped with fear._

  • As the sun dropped below the hills, the light faded in the little room at the Grapevine Inn. A slender hand gestured, creating a small flicker of flame that was cupped by delicate skin. With a practiced movement she rolled it onto the wick of a lantern, and covered it with thick glass. Light sprang into the room creating shadows along the walls.

    Diadne of Kossuth looked around the room and sighed. She was used to far better. Blessed property of the Ethernal Flame wanted for little. Even while traveling, the opulence of the temple was felt. Though technically a slave, she had stayed in the finest of rooms, and ate the finest of foods. At this point however, she was simply glad to be alive.

    She sat in a chair by the lamp, and pulled out rolls of parchment, recently purchased in Norwick. Pen and quill the same. She thought for a moment, then touched quill to parchment. The penmanship was exquisite from years of practice, and flowery in its design.


    _Flamerule 15th

    I have decided to mark my journey in pen, should the unfortunate happen, and I am slain in these strange and dark lands. Perhaps a record of this journey will prove useful to the Ethernal Flame, Kossuth protect him.

    I am Diadne of Kossuth. I was traveling with seven others, members of the Burning Braziers of Surthay. We had nearly completed a two year expedition, which would have put us in these lands. We were set upon by orcs three days outside the river. All seven were slain, except for me. I alone survived through his blessing and made to this land in one piece.

    I sold my jewelry to a vendor in town, so that I might have some coin to live. Sooner or later I will have to take up employment if I wish to eat, and by the looks of things, I will learn to kill. This worries me. While the fire of Kossuth burns in my breast, I do not like to release it to harm others. This town of Norwick is under siege at all times it appears, by the lesser races, and to be a valued member of this community, I must help defend it.

    I’ve run into a few individuals most kind and understanding. The first was Jerrick the Druid, who showed me great politeness and grace. He invited me along a short journey out into the forest to recover a man’s belongings that were stolen by goblins. He and his group were most comfortable out in the forest, and most skilled with sword and bow. He told me a great tale, about how his circle has a Shaman who is dedicated to the Fire Lord. I must meet him soon!

    The second was Benji. He was a little crossbow merchant, whose quirky mannerisms made me smile with amusement and delight. He appears to be a member of some “Legion”. I saw several saluting each other near the south gate. Intelligence lit his eyes behind gnomish spectacles. I’m sure he would be good for great conversation.

    The third was the leader of Norwick, and Dwarf named Dwin Dolvak. Despite warnings by some other members of this town, he was not the gruff and boorish fellow I was told to expect. He was polite and deferent, and took it upon himself to show me his Dwarvish home, and the temple there. He has great respect for Kossuth, and I have no doubt he will be an important ally were I permitted the honor of creating a temple here.

    It is late now, and I must sleep. I may have to help defend this town soon, and the thought terrifies me._

    Diadne blew out the lantern, the shadows disappearing into the darkness. With ceremonious care she undressed and got into bed. Unconsciously, she began to clutch the pillow tightly, her legs curling up against her into a fetal position. There were no guards outside her room, and no other slaves to attend her. No one shared her bed. For the first night in all her life, she was alone.